Pupil Premium Tips and Advice

They (the boys) currently have 1:1 reading/literacy in school with an external tutor for 1 hour a week.

We use the pupil premium to fund a Barnardo’s play therapist to work with our child.

The school has bought our daughter a laptop for her homework use, they are paying for the yearly trip and the rest of the money will go on 1-2-1 tuition and small group tuition to try and improve her maths and English. The school has been very helpful and we've organised it through her head of year.

I'm not sure what happens to this money I've never been told where or how it's spent. I know there are other children who get this. It would be nice if we could be told. I read it as it should be to help the child or the class but I think it's throughout the school.

My year 2 son has been attending a Start Active club one morning a week since last April, when the PP+ was introduced. You have to be invited by the school to attend and use this resource, and it helps on a variety of levels for lots of different children.

Our school refuse to discuss the information with us and will not share how they are spending the money. So I would really like to hear how people have managed to negotiate or to work in partnership with their school to know how and what interventions have been used.

My Daughter was given 10 one to one sessions after school to help develop her maths skills as this was an area that was highlighted as stuck on the measuring systems they use.

Using it for an extra Mid Day Assistant (it almost exactly covers the wage of a general Mid Day for a year). Using the MDA to be on the playground to specifically set up small group games and activities – the aim being to involve the ‘target’ child for at least ten minutes of lunchtime play

  • I have just had agreement from my child's primary school on how they will spend the Pupil Premium. My son (7 years old) has a statement for 12 and a half hours per week and has major needs in english, maths and personal and social. The school recognizes this isn't enough time and has agreed to spend the Premium on 3 hours per week of extra LSA support in the classroom. The school has been supportive and were willing to buy relevant books for the library. They also use the money to pay for trips the children need to take part in. I thought I'd share this with you following your request. It took quite a long time, but it is worth keep meeting with school

And one further response from one adoptive mum:

An IPAD – this was loaded with phoenics/numeracy apps so that my daughter can practice at home. The apps are all games so she is learning whilst playing.

A tutor – My daughter has a tutor (during school hours) for an hour each week. She is having 20 weeks of numeracy and 20 weeks of literacy work. This is to help her to plug the gaps in her education, things she should have picked up in infant school and Years 1-3. My daughter is currently in Year 4.

A trampoline – the school paid £50 towards a trampoline. This helps my daughter when she is angry and stressed, when she bounces it helps her relieve the tension in her head.

Swimming lessons – the school pay for her to have a swimming lesson, once a week. This is helping build her confidence as well as teaching her how to swim.

Family & Friends Railcard – this is £30 I believe. This gives us family discounted travel so that we can visit the museums in London. The museums themselves are free but often the train fare makes the trip too expensive so this helps us.

Disney on Ice – the school have paid for a ticket to see Disney on Ice in London at Christmas. This is something she has never had the opportunity to do before and she is very excited about going!

Social Speaking Group – the school run a group at school to help children make ‘positive choices’. This is about giving the children different scenarios such as ‘if a friend stole from a shop what would you do?’ and talking through all the options and what would be the right choice to make.

Cooking Club – just as it says.

The school also paid for a family day out in the summer holidays. We went to a zoo and had a great day out. I believe these kind of activities come under the heading of enrichment.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any further queries – or you may find the answers that you need on this link:
