Sociology 411

Fall 2006, Hogan

Social Stratification: First Quiz

True/False (Circle one): Five points each

1.TFNeither Hogan not Kerbo consider race or gender in their stories or in the questions that follow.

2.TFKerbo defines "social differentiation" as "unequal access to valued resources, services, and positions in society."

3.TFKerbo defines "social stratification" as a "system of social relationships that determines who gets what, and why."

4.TFKerbo defines "ascription" as when "people are placed in positions because of qualities beyond their control."

5.TFKerbo determines class by three criteria: control of the means of production, class consciousness, and political organization.

6. TFKerbo defines the "upper class" as "the landed aristocracy."

7. TFKerbo defines "middle class" as "those with relatively little property, but high to medium positions in occupation (nonmanual labor) and authority."

8.TFKerbo defines "lower class" as people "with no property, who are often unemployed and have no authority (that is, the poor)."

Multiple Choice (circle one): ten points each

1. Kerbo claims that his "primary task" is

a. to dispel the myth of the American Dream

b. to provide a comprehensive examination of social stratification in human societies

c. to celebrate America as the land of opportunity

d. to develop a critical theory of inequality in the U.S.

2. Kerbo reports that

a. 1.3 billion people in the world are living on less than $1 per day

b. nearly 1.3 million people in the world are living on less than $1 per day

c. global inequality is becoming a less serious problem

d. U. S. foreign and economic policy appear to be reducing global inequality

3. Kerbo defines "social inequality" as

a. unequal access to basic resources

b. a system of social relationships that determine who gets what and why

c. people with different qualities and social roles

d. people placed in positions because of merit

4. Kerbo defines "achievement as

a. people placed in positions because of qualities beyond their control

b. a system of social relationships that determine who gets what and why

c. people with different qualities and social roles

d. people placed in positions because of merit

5. Imagine a primitive community where some tribe members are farmers and others are warriors, but every member receives the same share of food and booty. According to Kerbo's definitions, in this society there is

a. no differentiation.

b. social differentiation without inequality.

c. social inequality without social differentiation.

d. neither differentiation nor inequality.

6. John quit his job as a taxi driver and opened a grocery shop where he employed others. According to Kerbo's definitions, this is an example of

a. horizontal mobility

b. vertical mobility

c. both horizontal and vertical mobility

d. neither horizontal nor vertical mobility