Meeting Purpose: Systems level design review of P09711- Automation/Improvement of Packaging on Cookie Line. The objectives of this are to receive feedback from others about our design and to become aware of other potential risks that we have not thought of.

Meeting Date: January 15, 2009

Meeting Location: Building 09 Room 4435

Meeting time: 12:00 – 2:00 PM


Meeting Timeline
Start time / Topic of Review / Required Attendees
12:00 / Project Background / Prof Kaemmerlen, Dr. Hoople, Mr. Bryan
12:15 / System Design / Prof Kaemmerlen, Dr. Hoople, Mr. Bryan
1:00 / Electrical System & Timing Diagram / Prof Kaemmerlen, Dr. Hoople, Mr. Bryan
1:15 / Failure Mode Analysis & Risk Assessment / Prof Kaemmerlen, Dr. Hoople, Mr. Bryan
1:45 / Wrap-Up Discussion / Prof Kaemmerlen, Dr. Hoople, Mr. Bryan

Project Background

Mission Statement:

The mission of this project is to create an automated prototype that will separate mini cookies by weight, while preventing cookies from moving on in the process until a specified weight is reached. It will create a clear separation between the sets of cookies that go into each package without substantially slowing down the packaging process.

Project Description:

Wegmans bakes and packages all of their mini cookies at their bakeshop located here in Rochester on Brookes Avenue. Currently the packaging is done by six or seven people who stand around a conveyor and pull the cookies into the clam-shell packages. This leads to the problem of packing more cookies than needed into a package. The mini-cookie package calls for 397 grams worth of cookies but employees sometimes package up to 450 grams. This is a loss for Wegmans because customers are receiving more cookies than they are paying for. This project will look into building an automated prototype that will separate the cookies into the correct amount by weight, which the employees can then package.

Customer Needs Hierarchy with Importance Ranking

Need 1: Separates Products by Weight

Need 1.1 Must separate Mini-Cookies by weight (9)

Need 1.2 Must separate Mini-Muffins by weight (5)

Need 1.3 Must separate Brownie Bites by weight (5)

Need 2: Waste Reduction

Need 2.1 Must Reduce the amount of excess mini-cookies in package (9)

Need 3: Separates Products by Count

Need 3.1 Must separate Cookie Chunks by count (3)

Need 3.2 Must separate other products by count that are packaged in that way on this line (3)

Need 4: Long Term Solution

Need 4.1 Must be adjustable for other products (5)

Need 4.2 Must not substantially slow down the process (9)

Need 5: Labor/Employee Use

Need 5.1 Must be simplistic for employees to use (9)

Need 5.2 Must not create a substantial amount of extra labor for employees (9)

Need 5.3 Must be repeatable for employees (9)

Need 6: Food Environment Restrictions(if final product is permanent)

Need 6.1 Must be stainless steel (9)

Need 6.2 Must not be painted (9)

Need 6.3 Must be water tight (9)

Need 6.4 Must meet the NEMA4 level (will take a light water hose spray) (9)

Need 7: Budget/Cost

Need 7.1 Must not be considered a capital investment (> $10,000) (9)

Importance Scale:

9 = These needs have the highest importance.

5 = These needs are somewhat important.

3 = These needs are not as important as the rest of the needs.

Target Specifications

Metric No. / Need Nos. / Metric / Importance / Units / Marginal value / Ideal Value
1 / Need 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1 / Percentage of packages with excess cookies (currently at 95%) / 9 / % / 60% / 0%
2 / Need 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 / Follows Wegmans' sanitation standard / 3 / Y/N / N / Y
3 / Need 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 / Requires training that takes X minutes / 5 / minutes / 60 / 15
4 / Need 4.1, 4.2, 5.2 / Changeover time / 5 / minutes / 20 / 5
5 / Need 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2 / Accurately separates product for packaging / 9 / Y/N / Y / Y
6 / Need 4.2 / Throughput / 5 / average packages per hour / 1500 / 1700
7 / Need 7.1 / Cost / 9 / $ / < $10,000 / < $5,000

Importance Scale:

9 = These metrics will be the main focus of this project.

5 = These metrics will be a secondary focus of the project if time allows.

3 = These metrics will not be focused on unless the main and secondary metrics have been addressed.

Economic & Data Analysis

Average Weekly Volume = 15,151 packages

Runs on average 10 hours per week

Average hourly volume approx 1500 packages per hour

Average piece weight = 12 grams

Approx cookies per package = 32 cookies

Statistics from data collection:

Using average piece weight and approx cookies per package

Approx # of Extra Cookies / Percentage of Packages
2 / 19.28%
4 / 43.14%
6 / 23.86%
8 / 7.19%
10 / 0.65%

2 Extra Cookies

19.28% of 1500 = 289 packages with approx 2 extra cookies

578 extra cookies = 18 packages

4 Extra Cookies

43.14% of 1500 = 647 packages with approx 4 extra cookies

2588 extra cookies = 81 packages

6 Extra Cookies

23.86% of 1500 = 358 packages with approx 6 extra cookies

2148 extra cookies = 67 packages

8 Extra Cookies

7.19% of 1500 = 108 packages with approx 8 extra cookies

864 extra cookies = 27 packages

10 Extra Cookies

0.65% of 1500 = 10 packages with approx 10 extra cookies

100 extra cookies = 3 packages

Economic & Data Analysis (Cont…)

Eliminating packages with 6 or more extra cookies:

Assuming average volume all year (10 hours per week)

Improved Hourly Throughput = 1500 + 67 + 27 + 3 = 1597 packages per hour

Using a cost per package provided by Wegmans:

  • The original throughput (1500 packages per hour) was multiplied by the cost per package giving us the amount Wegmans spends per hour to make Mini-Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • This cost per hour was divided by the new throughput (1597 packages per hour) to get a new cost per package
  • The two costs were subtracted to determine the savings

Cost per package savings = $0.08 per package

$0.08 * 1500 packages = $120 saved per hour

$120 * 10 hours = $1200 saved per week

$1200 * 52 weeks = $62,400 saved per year

Eliminating packages with 2 or more extra cookies:

Assuming average volume all year (10 hours per week)

Improved Hourly Throughput = 1500 + 18 + 81 + 67 + 27 + 3 = 1696 packages per hour

Using a cost per package provided by Wegmans:

  • The original throughput (1500 packages per hour) was multiplied by the cost per package giving us the amount Wegmans spends per hour to make Mini-Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • This cost per hour was divided by the new throughput (1696 packages per hour) to get a new cost per package
  • The two costs were subtracted to determine the savings

Cost per package savings = $0.16 per package

$0.16 * 1500 packages = $240 saved per hour

$240 * 10 hours = $2400 saved per week

$2400 * 52 weeks = $124,800 saved per year

Full System Design Model

Sectional System Design Models

Board Design and Functionality Overview

Timing Diagram

Failure Mode Analysis

Risk Assessment

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