How To Use The Union

This guide will give you all the information you need to know about using the Students’ Union. Warwick Students’ Union has some of the best facilities around in order to make your running of Clubs and Societies as effective as possible, and it is important to have a good idea of what is on offer and how to go about using the facilities.

In this guide:

-  The Resources Room

-  The Computer Design and Training Suite

-  How to use Union Departments

-  How to Communicate in the Union

-  How to get photocopying done

-  How to book vehicles

-  How to book rooms

-  How to contact people in the Union

The Resources Room

The Resources Room is situated on Level 2 of Union North and is a fantastic resource for clubs, societies and anyone involved in student activities.

Opening Times: From 9am to close of building.

The Societies Administrator (Pam Walker) is available from 9am until 4pm Mon to Thurs, and 9am until 3pm on Friday in the Resources room, and should be your first point of contact for most enquiries.

The Facilities:

Telephones: Only calls legitimately related to your Society are permitted on Resources Centre telephones and you will need a Warwick Calling Card (available from Warwick Shop with a Finance Card) to use them. Your Society account will pay for this.

Photocopying: The photocopier handles A4 and A3 paper and photocopy cards enabling you to use the machines are available from Reception on production of your finance card.

Computers: There are ten computers in this room all with MS Office, MS Publisher, Microsoft Outlook. Your login details for your Club or Society will have been automatically allocated and will be issued to executive members by the Societies Administrator.

Printing: All the computers are hooked up to a printer. Printing is charged directly to your Society account. Only legitimate society work should be done on the Resources Centre machines.

Workspace: There are a number of small tables, which can be used for Society work, or group discussions.

Manuals/Handbooks: A number of these are available from Pam for general use. They include telephone books, an NUS directory (with details of all Students' Unions across the country), club and society handbooks and manuals for the computer packages available.

Stationery: Basic stationary equipment (e.g. scissors, glue, sellotape and pens etc) is available from the Student Activities Assistant for legitimate Club/Society activities. Please do not abuse this by taking the equipment for your own individual use.

Noticeboards: The large board behind the computers will hold up to date information for Clubs, Societies and Committees so please check it regularly.

Information Sheets: The leaflet racks on the wall contain lots of useful information sheets about how to get things done in the Union. There are also a series of yellow ‘How To’ sheets on the leaflet rack, pointing out ways of getting things done. In the absence of the Societies & Resource Centre Administrator these should be your first port of call for finding how to do something.

Pigeon Holes: For all Clubs, Societies and Committees and Council.

The Computer Design and Training Suite

This is situated on Level 2 of Union North and is equipped with a number of computers set up with DTP packages as well as a scanner. All computers in this room have:

Quark Xpress


MS Office

MS Publisher

Opening times: 9am - 9pm Monday - Friday (although at times it will be closed for training to take place).

How To Use The Union’s Departments


The main Students' Union Reception is in Union North on level one. It is open for Club, Society and Committee business at the following times:

Day / Open / Close
Monday - Thursday: / 9.30am / 4.00pm
Friday: / 9.30am / 3.00pm

Reception does stay open until 8pm Monday to Friday, however after the times shown above not all relevant services can be guaranteed. Services of use for Clubs, Societies and Committees are:

·  Room Bookings (meeting rooms)

·  Receiving and sending faxes (you’ll need a finance card)

·  Handing in Word listings

·  Sell Club and Socs Fed memberships

·  Photocopying (small amounts on an overnight service)

·  Getting photocopying cards and having them recharged (you’ll need a finance card)

·  Getting hold of basic stationery items for your Society (you’ll need a finance card)

Marketing Department

Based on level two of Union North the Marketing Department offers a range of services to clubs, societies and committees.

·  Designing and producing posters/leaflets/tickets for events (book an appointment with Paul Leadbetter, Graphic Designer);

·  Help you to arrange sponsorship for your event (arrange a meeting with the Dan Connolly)

·  Adding events to the term planner

·  Arrange for the Street Team to distribute publicity

Opening hours are:

Day / Open / Close
Monday - Thursday: / 9.30am / 4.00pm
Friday: / 9.30am / 3.00pm

Finance Office

The Finance Office is also on Level 2 of Union North and can help with:

·  Paying out cash and cheque claims

·  Paying money into your accounts

·  Answering queries about invoice and orders

The office is open:

Day / Open / Close
Monday - Wednesday / 9.30am / 4.00pm
Thursday / 9.45am / 4.00pm
Friday / 9.30am / 3.00pm

How to communicate in the Union

·  Pigeon Holes: All Clubs, Societies and Committee and Council Members have pigeonholes in the Resources Centre. Sabbs and Union staff have pigeonholes in Reception on Level 1 of Union North.

·  Mail: This is dealt with by Reception. Incoming mail is put into your pigeonhole; outgoing mail should be taken to Reception where it will be posted for you. When handing in mail you will need to complete a blue form with details of your account number.

·  Notice Boards: All Clubs, Societies, Committees and Council have notice boards in Union North. Societies and Committees are located downstairs, and Sports Clubs can be found upstairs (Level 2)

·  E-mail: All Union staff are accessible by e-mail and every Club and Societies Executive and all Committee Members will also have an email address, it is strongly advised that this is checked on a regular basis. Login details are available from the Societies & Resource Centre Administrator.

·  Telephones: Phones for use are available in the Resource Centre where there are also telephone directories, Yellow Pages and University internal

phone directories. You will need a Warwick Calling Card to use the phones and you can buy these with a finance card from Warwick Student shop.

·  Internal mail: A University internal mail system operates across campus. Hand post into Reception.

·  The Boar and The Word: These are the weekly newspaper and bi-weekly magazine produced by the Union. They are circulated around campus and beyond. To place an ad in either of these contact the Marketing Department. To have an article included in the Boar contact the Editor via their office on level one of Union North or via e-mail. For an article in The Word contact the Commercial Development and Communications Officer, on level two of Union North.

·  RaW: This is the student run campus radio station, which can run advertising campaigns for you. Contact the Advertising Manager through their Society pigeonhole or at their office station in Union South or by e-mail. For bigger campaigns a programme is broadcast daily

·  Marketplace/Cholo: You can book a stall for selling tickets or promoting a campaign by contacting Andy Bastable, Level 1 of Union North. These are free and an effective way of raising your profile.

·  Banners: To create a banner contact the Marketing Department.

·  T-Shirts/Sweatshirts: When you have an idea of the design you require and quantity talk to the Societies Administrator in the Resources room. She has a range of contacts at various suppliers and will be able to work with you to get the best deal. Telephone orders for shirts must not be made. You will need to collect all funds from the members ordering a shirt and pay it into your account before the order can be authorised.

·  Warwick Student Cinema:

This is the student run cinema, and can screen adverts for society events before film showings.

·  Web Page: If you wish to design you own Club/ Society web page and link into the Students’ Union Portal, contact the I.T Department on Level 1 Union North, or e-mail

How To Get Photocopying Done

The Main Method

·  All Clubs, Societies and Committees should have a budget for copying and printing.

·  Take your master artwork – as A4 sheets to the Copy Shop (next to the Pharmacy) with your finance card – no card, no copies.

·  They will ask you to fill in a sheet with the details of quantity, size and colour of paper and any other details necessary, plus your finance card information

·  Make sure you are clear about the order you need them printed in if there are multiple pages and any other special instructions.

·  You need to tell them when you need the copies back. If you give them 2 – 3 days’ notice it will be cheaper.

·  Some small jobs can be done while you wait, but, as a rule the shortest notice period will be 24 hours.

·  Collect your work from Copy Shop.

·  If the job is particularly large (likely to cost more than £20), or you want non-standard copying – like colour copying – you need to complete a Union order form available from the Resources Centre.

·  The charges for standard copying are 3p per A4 side.

The Second Method

·  There are still photocopiers dotted around the Union. These accept EMOS cards, which can be bought or re-charged only from Union Reception with your Finance card to a limit if £5.

·  This may be the best method if you are short of time and the job is straightforward. If these machines are out of paper, please alert the staff-member responsible:

Level One Union North Corridor – Reception

Level Two Union North, Sabbaticals’ Corridor – Sabbs & General Manager Secretary

Level Two Union North, Resources Centre – Societies Administrator. The charge is 3p per A4 side

And A Third . . .

·  Union Reception can carry out a limited amount of copying overnight. This is not a ‘while you wait‘ service but is only available on at least 24 hours notice. Again you will need your finance card

·  The charge is 3p per A4 side.

Other Print-Related Services

·  Giant (A1) posters – these are available from the Resources Centre at a cost of £2.00 each.

·  Lamination – cards, posters and sheets can be laminated at Warwick Study or by the Societies & Resource Centre Administrator

·  Full colour printing – check with the Sports or Societies’ Administrators about who are the best people to ask details of where to get a quotation on colour printing.

How to book Vehicles

1. Complete a Vehicle Hire Form available from the Resource Centre and hand it into the relevant person for authorisation:

·  Sports Clubs: Lisa Infantino

·  Societies: Pam Walker

2. If you need to complete a Trip Registration Form (overnight trips) for the trip you are planning a copy will be put in your pigeonhole. This must be completed and returned to the Resources Centre at least 48 hours before you leave. Without a completed form it may be that your trip cannot go ahead.

3. Costs of hiring the vehicle will be deducted directly from your account.

Please bear in mind that the more notice that is given to book a vehicle the more chances you have of getting the cheapest option available to you. Also remember that Social Events have to be self-funded.

How to book rooms

The Union has a number of meeting rooms and venues, which are book able for events and activities. Please try and book a room that meets your needs most efficiently.

The Cooler - needs to be booked through Lesley Shortland, the Entertainments Administrator (Office on Level 2 of Union North)

The Graduate Club - to be booked through Lesley Shortland in the Entertainments Office

Meeting rooms - there are also five meeting rooms in Union North. Each of these has a capacity of 30 with the option to open dividing doors between two pairs of rooms to make a larger venue with a capacity of 60. Please discuss your requirements with Reception when making your booking.

University rooms - You can also book rooms in the University through Senate House. This must be done seven days in advance. University rooms are usually free but check when booking. Also remember to check if the room contains the equipment you need. E-mail

Hotels - If you decide that you want a hotel you need to see Lesley Shortland who has a range of information about all local hotels.

How To Contact People Within The Union


Stephanie Wongsam

Societies and Student Development Officer

Responsible for all societies

Level 2, Union North

Anna Darowska

Sports Officer

Responsible for all sports clubs

Level 2, Union North

Pam Walker