The Scarlet Letter (Chapters 7-12): Active Reading Packet


I. Journal

Directions: Create a Metacognition Journal for this set of chapters.

1.  Include 6-9 entries.

2.  Ensure that each reading strategy is used at least once.


I. Vocabulary


1.  Define each word, including the part of speech

2.  Craft a contextual sentence for each term which focuses on characters and plot elements of the narrative

1. Cabalistic / 2. Erudition / 3. Pestilence
4. Demerits / 5. Portent / 6. Scurrilous
7. Contagion / 8. Inimical / 9. Despondent
10. Inextricable / 11. Zenith / 12. Ethereal
13. Deportment / 14. Ominous / 15. Chirurgical

II. Comprehension Questions

Directions: Answer each of the following questions. Respond on a separate sheet of paper; your responses will serve as your notes on the reading.

Chapter 7

1.  Why does Hester go to the Governor’s house?

2.  What does the author say is remarkable about Pearl and her clothes?

3.  Who do Hester and Pearl encounter on their way to the Governor’s house? What interaction takes place?

4.  Briefly describe the Governor’s hall.

5.  What does Pearl want from the Governor’s garden? What does she do when she doesn’t get it? What stops her behavior?

Chapter 8

6.  Who is with the Governor when he meets with Hester?

7.  What does Mr. Wilson ask Pearl and how does she respond?

8.  Who speaks on behalf of Hester at the Governor’s house? What does he say?

9.  What does the Governor decide about letting Hester raise Pearl? Explain.

10.  Who approaches Hester when she leaves the Governor’s house and what does she say?

Chapter 9

11.  What is Chillingworth’s position in the community?

12.  How has Dimmesdale’s physical appearance changed?

13.  To what does Chillingworth devote all his efforts?

14.  Over what does the window at home that Chillingworth and Dimmesdale share look out?

15.  What physical changes is Chillingsworth going through?

16.  What do the townspeople think is happening to Dimmesdale?

Chapter 10

17.  What is the topic of the conversation between Dimmesdale and Chillingworth that starts a fight between them?

18.  What is Dimmesdale’s position on the topic?

19.  What does Pearl insinuate about Chillingworth when she playfully tells Hester that they should run away from the graveyard?

20.  At the end of the chapter, what does Chillingworth do to Dimmesdale and was it his reaction to what he sees?

21.  What do you think he sees?

Chapter 11

22.  What is Chillingworth’s new obsession and devotion?

23.  What do the townspeople think of Dimmesdale?

24.  What does Dimmesdale resolve to do, but never acts upon?

25.  Aside from Chillingworth’s deliberate torment, what causes Dimmesdale to be in constant agony?

26.  What does Dimmesdale do at night when he is alone?

Chapter 12

27.  Where does Dimmesdale go at the beginning of the chapter? What does he do there?

28.  Why are the Rev. Wilson, Hester and Pearl, and Chillingworth out in the middle of the night?

29.  Why won’t Pearl tell Dimmesdale who Chillingworth is?

30.  What do the townspeople think the letter A in the previous night’s sky meant?