Indication of securities account for collateralisation purposes and setting its link to DCA

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Environment: / Production / Test
Related reference:
Payment bank and Settlement system participant
Party name:
Company registration number:
BIC 11 of payment bank:
BIC 11 of settlement system participant:
Authority to act on behalf:

Requests Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR, a. s. (hereinafter „CDCP“) to:

A) / Indicate the securities account (SA) intended to be used for provision of securities as collateral in auto-collateralisation process.
B) / Set up the links between SA and dedicated cash account (DCA).
C) / Set up the links between CDCP´s SA and DCA.
D) / Use the cash account number in cash position generated by CDCP´s system, which is held in payment bank.
Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s.
ul.29.augusta 1/A, 814 80 Bratislava 1
Registered in the Companies Register of the District Court in Bratislava I, Section: Sa, file No. 493/B
Telephone: 00421/2/5939 5110 / Company ID number: 313389 76
Tax identification No.:2020312833 VAT identification No.: SK2020312833

Fax: 00421/2/5296 8755 / Bank account at
TATRA BANKA, a.s., č. ú. 2622003416/1100
IBAN: SK87 1100 0000 0026 2200 3416

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[A-B] SA of Payment bank and settlement system participant
SA of respective settlement system participant are to be entered and/or accounts to which the participant is entitled to submit settlement instructions as authorized participant.
SA number / DCA number / Valid from / Valid to / Default link / Collatera-lisation link / Cash settlement link
SA number / DCA number / Valid from / Valid to / Default link / Collaterali-sation link / Cash settlement link
CSDSCSDSSKBAXXXCD000000U00000000001 / No / No / Yes
No / No / Yes
CSDSCSDSSKBAXXXSA000000E00000000001 / No / No / Yes
No / No / Yes
[D] Cash account number stated in cash position
Cash account type / IBAN / Valid from / Valid to
Participant´s account
Client´s account
Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s.
ul.29.augusta 1/A, 814 80 Bratislava 1
Registered in the Companies Register of the District Court in Bratislava I, Section: Sa, file No. 493/B
Telephone: 00421/2/5939 5110 / Company ID number: 313389 76
Tax identification No.:2020312833 VAT identification No.: SK2020312833

Fax: 00421/2/5296 8755 / Bank account at
TATRA BANKA, a.s., č. ú. 2622003416/1100
IBAN: SK87 1100 0000 0026 2200 3416

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The persons signing this agreement on behalf of the entity mentioned below hereby declare that they are fully eligible and authorized to sign this agreement on its behalf.

Settlement system participant:

In, on

First name, surname, official position of statutory representatives, stamp and signature.
Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s.
ul.29.augusta 1/A, 814 80 Bratislava 1
Registered in the Companies Register of the District Court in Bratislava I, Section: Sa, file No. 493/B
Telephone: 00421/2/5939 5110 / Company ID number: 313389 76
Tax identification No.:2020312833 VAT identification No.: SK2020312833

Fax: 00421/2/5296 8755 / Bank account at
TATRA BANKA, a.s., č. ú. 2622003416/1100
IBAN: SK87 1100 0000 0026 2200 3416

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