DPD App wins German Design Award

The DPD App is the winner in the "Apps" category

Intuitive designand functionality impress the international jury of experts

Frankfurt, 23October 2017 – The DPD App is one of the winners of the "German Design Award 2018" competition. In recognition of the intuitive design of DPD Germany's app the jury of the German Design Council (Rat fürFormgebung)pronounced it the winner in the "Appscategory .The award, which was initiated in 2012, is one of the world's most prestigious design competitions.

The German Design Award is the premium international prize presented by theGerman Design Council. Its objective is to discover, present and honour unique design trends. Every year awards are presented to top-quality product and communication design entries which are all in their way pioneering on the international design landscape: "We are all the more delighted that this year the DPD App is among the applications which have been honoured. It confirms not only that the functional scope and usability of our app for iOS and Android are without equal on the parcels market, but also that DPD has made a strong impression with its intuitive and appealing design", explains Michael Knaupe, Director Customer Experience & Communications at DPD Germany Deutschland.

The multiple award-winning DPD App (already downloaded around 1.3 million times) has been continuously optimised since 2015. This summer it received a fully redesigned layout which enables even more intuitive use. In the development process there was particular focus on the social media feedback provided by users. However, the work on usability and design is by no means at an end. A dedicateddigital customer experience team is working on a daily basis with external stakeholders on improving the design further.

The home screen of the new app features a personal dashboard which adapts automatically to individual use and parcel status (for example: "Hello Marie Blum, your parcel will be delivered between 16:09 and 17:09 hrstoday."). In this way the personalised app enables faster access to shipments and the relevant delivery options.

This latest relaunch represents a further extension of DPD's established digital services, with which the DPD App has been setting benchmarks for years. For example, the map-based real-time tracking of shipments is just as unique on the German parcels market as the delivery forecast which is precise to within 60 minutes. In addition, no other parcel service offers such flexible redirection and new delivery options online, even while the parcel is already out for delivery. With its digital return button DPD has also set standards for the industry - and as if that were not enough, the app now enables parcels to be shipped at the click of a mouse and evencreates digital parcel labels.

The wide-ranging innovative capacity which has made DPD an industry leader in terms of digital customer services is demonstrated not least by its service rating function which already features more than 1 million ratings from parcel consignees, as well as the unique online option for tipping delivery personnel whose service is especially well received.

Image:Intuitive, user-friendly and stylish in appearance: the design of the DPD App.

Image available in print quality at .

Über DPD

DPD Deutschland gehört zur internationalen DPDgroup, Europas zweitgrößtem Paketdienst-Netzwerk. DPD hat deutschlandweit 78 Depots und 6.000 Pickup Paketshops. 8.000 Mitarbeiter und 10.000 Zusteller sind täglich für die Kunden im Einsatz. Im Jahr transportiert die Nummer 2 im deutschen Paketmarkt rund 350 Millionen Pakete – und das vollständig klimaneutral, ohne Mehrkosten für die Kunden.

Mit innovativen Technologien sowie einer konsequenten Orientierung an den Bedürfnissen und Lebensumständen aller Kunden und Empfänger bietet DPD einen einfachen, bequemen und flexiblen Service beim B2B- und B2C-Paketversand. Ein Beispiel dafür ist der branchenweit einzigartige Service Predict mit einem kartengestützten Live-Tracking, vielfältigen Optionen zur Umleitung eines Pakets und einer auf eine Stunde genauen Zustellprognose. Die digitalen Innovationen von DPD erhielten bereits zahlreiche Auszeichnungen wie etwa den Digital Transformation Award, den eco Internet Award, den Deutschen Preis für Onlinekommunikation oder den UX Design Award.

Die DPDgroup versendet in 230 Länder weltweit und verfügt über ein einheitliches Netzwerk von 28.000 Pickup Paketshops in Europa mit harmonisierten Services auch beim grenzüberschreitenden Versand. Europaweit sorgen 30.000 Mitarbeiter dafür, dass täglich mehr als 4 Millionen Pakete für die Kunden zugestellt werden. Muttergesellschaft von DPD ist GeoPost, eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft der französischen Groupe La Poste. GeoPost verzeichnete im Jahr 2016 einen konsolidierten Jahresumsatz von 6,2 Milliarden Euro.

DPD Pressekontakt

Peter Rey

Senior Referent Media Relations

Wailandtstraße 1

63741 Aschaffenburg

Tel.: 06021 492-7066

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