AP Capstone
IWAAnnotated Bibliography

Prepare an annotated bibliography (which will eventually include fifteen sources). Be certain to provide an accurate APA style reference for each source. Consider each of the documents using one of the following prompts. Each prompt should be used three times.

Sources A1, A2, A3: Context

  • If this source is one of the stimulus materials, explain how it sparked your research question.
  • If this source is NOT one of the stimulus materials, how does it relate to one of the stimulus materials? How will you put this source in conversation with that stimulus document?
  • What are some of the complexities of the problem or issue that this source addresses, particularly complexities involving your chosen lens/perspective?
  • How will you use this source to provide context for your research question?
  • Where does the problem addressed by this source come from and how does it affect society? What are its ramifications, implications, results?

Sources B1, B2, B3: Context

  • How does this source convince you that this issue is worth discussing?
  • How will you use this source to show the significance of the issue and establish a larger context?
  • Discuss the most prominent lens through which the author of this document examines the issue. Identify at least three challenges/issues that the source considers when using that lens to examine the issue. Do you think any additional challenges/issues within that lens should be considered?
  • What is one perspective presented by the source within that lens? Is it a valid perspective?
  • What is one counterargument you can develop to address that perspective?

Sources C1, C2, C3: Perspective

  • What is the main perspective presented by this source? Remember, a perspective is a point of view conveyed through an argument. Therefore, when presenting the perspective, you must also identify the argument that perspective includes and why that perspective would make such an argument.
  • How is that perspective related to two of the other sources listed on this annotated bibliography? Does is agree or disagree with those sources or does it come at the issue from a different but related angle?
  • If this source is one of the stimulus materials, how will you put it into conversation with one of the sources you found?
  • If this source is not from the stimulus packet, how will you put it into conversation with one of the stimulus documents?
  • Is the source unbiased? Does it present multiple viewpoints?

Sources D1, D2, D3: Argument

  • What is the argument/thesis/main idea?
  • Draw a flow chart that delineates the author’s line of reasoning. In other words, ask yourself these questions: How is the argument structured? What claims are presented and in what order? Are there any assumptions on the part of the author?
  • Is the source’s argument valid? Why or why not?
  • Was the evidence gathered in a scientific way?

Sources E1, E2, E3: Evidence

  • Consider using a stimulus document as a source of evidence. If this source is from the stimulus packet, explain how you will use it to support your claims.
  • What factors contribute to the credibility of the argument presented in the article? If you are using an academic, peer-reviewed journal, specify which findings you’ll use in your IWA. How will you use those findings?
  • Was the evidence gathered in a scientific way?
  • Based on the evidence provided in the source, do you agree with the claims presented by the author? Do you believe any of them to be questionable or invalid?
  • How is the evidence you will use from this source relevant to your issue?