Minutes of Monthly Meeting of Longford County Council

held in the Council Chamber, Aras an Chontae, Longford on

Monday, 26th April 2004 at 3.00 p.m.

PRESIDING: Councillor Gearoid O Brádaigh, Mayor.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Councillors – James Bannon,Paddy Belton,

Seamus Butler, James Coyle, Adrian Farrell,

Martin Farrell, Sean O Fearghaile,

Donncha Mac Gleannáin, Victor Kiernan,

Frank Kilbride, Máire Ni Giolla Bride-Harcán,

Brian Lynch, Seán O Loingsigh, Luie McEntire,

Alan Mitchell, Peadar O Murchu,

Michéal MacCnáimhí, John Nolan, Mae Sexton

and Barney Steele.

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr. Michael Killeen, County Manager.

Mr. Jack Kilgallen, Director of Services.

Mr. James Clarke, Director of Services.

Mr. Frank Sheridan, Director of Services.

Mr. Roger Timlin, Director of Services.

Mr. Tommy McDonald, Head of Finance.




Councillor V. Kiernan proposed and Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin seconded that a vote of sympathy be extended to the Jones family on the death of Mrs. Jones.

Councillor J. Coyle proposed and Councillor B. Lynch seconded that a vote of sympathy be extended to the Coyle family, Cloncor on the death of John Coyle.


Amendment of Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on the 22nd March 2004.

On the proposal of Councillor B. Steele seconded by Councillor S Butler, the Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on the 22nd March 2004 were confirmed and adopted subject to the following amendment:-

Finance Directorate:

Loan of €10m from the Housing Finance Agency.

Councillor B. Steele proposed and Councillor S. Butler seconded approval to the raising of a loan of €10m from the Housing Finance Agency for housing purposes.


The County Manager’s Orders, which had been circulated, were noted.


Industrial Development Update.

Meeting with Executives from Abbott Laboratories in Chicago on the

18th March 2004.

Mr. M. Killeen, County Manager, informed the members that he, Mayor Gerry Brady, Mayor Alan Mitchell and Mr. Frank Sheridan, Director of Services, met with

Mr. Joseph M. Nemmers, Jr., Senior Vice President, Chuck McGinn and

John Langrish of the Diagnostic Operations of Abbott Laboratories in Chicago on the

18th March 2004. The opportunity was taken to visit Abbott as part of the visit to the US in connection with the Longford Association of Greater New York functions on the 14th and 17th March 2004.

The meeting was held in order to update both sides in relation to the economic development of Longford town and county and in particular the development of Abbott’s site on the Ballinalee Road in Longford.

The Abbott representatives had prepared a presentation on Abbott in general, with particular reference to the Longford site. The following were discussed:-

·  The Company has a 10-15% year on year growth strategy for the Longford plant.

·  The Longford plant is part of the diagnostic division of Abbott.

·  The co-operation which the Abbott officials had received from the I.D.A. and Longford County Council in relation to the provision of a site at the Ballinalee Road in Longford and the manner in which their planning application and services generally were provided was appreciated.

·  The building is due for completion by December 2004.

·  It is anticipated that approximately one third of the proposed staff of six hundred would be recruited by December 2004.

·  Use by Abbott of the additional twenty acres of the site at the Ballinalee road –

the Abbott representatives indicated that company policy has always been to expand its existing sites.

·  Establishment of bio-pharmacy facilities in Athlone.

The County Manager stated that the Executives at Abbott referred to two factors in relation to Longford that concerned them, namely:-

·  Availability of housing in the Longford area.

·  Media reports that a prison is to be located in Longford as part of the decentralisation of the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform.

The delegation from Longford assured the company executives that a number of housing developments were in the pipeline in the area. With regard to a prison being located in Longford, the delegation told them that they had received assurances that no such facility would be located in the town.

Proposed New Consumer Foods Project for Longford.

The County Manager read the following press release to the meeting:-

“Panelto Foods Ltd., a start-up Irish Company intends to lodge a planning application this week for a consumer foods business to be developed on a four-acre site on the Ballinalee Road, currently owned by Longford County Council.

The Company, which will seek Enterprise Ireland support, will focus on export markets and targets to employ up to 100 people within the next three years.

The company hopes to be in a position to begin development of the site within a matter of months and to bring the facility into production on a phased basis from early 2005.”

Decentralisation of Headquarters of the Irish Prison Service Section of the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform:

Mr. F. Sheridan, Director of Services, informed the members that a planning application for the provision of the decentralised offices of the Prison Services Section of the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform had been lodged with Longford County Council on the 25th March 2004. The Decentralised Offices will be built on a six acre site on the I.D.A., Industrial Estate on the Ballinalee Road. This site will be acquired by Longford County Council from the I.D.A.

ABB Wessel Cable and Cameron Willis.

Mr. Sheridan informed the Members that both ABB Wessel and Cameron Willis have lodged planning applications with Longford County Council to expand their plants.

McNamara Builders.

Mr. Sheridan stated that McNamara Builders have acquired the former Atlantic Mills building in Clondra for the purpose of establishing an enterprise manufacturing housing panels for the construction industry.

Longford Enterprise Development Company.

The County Manager informed the meeting that a new company had been formed to develop enterprise units in County Longford. He stated that the company is a company limited by guarantee without a share capital. He stated that the Council will have to be heavily involved in the development of the company. Its members include the County Manager, Councillor Seamus Butler in his capacity as President of the Longford Chamber of Commerce; Noel McKiernan, Chamber of Commerce; Michael Nevin, Chief Executive Officer, Longford County Enterprise Board, Ruth McGarry Quinn, Longford County Enterprise Board, Frank Sheridan, Director of Services and Monica O’Malley, Manager, Longford Community Resources Ltd. L.E.D.C.O. will be located alongside the proposed Penalto factory on the Balinalee Road.

Mr. Killeen told the meeting that further details would be outlined at the next meeting of the Council.

On the proposal of Councillor M. Nevin seconded by Councillor F. Kilbride, it was unanimously agreed that Longford County Council support the development of L.E.D.C.O.

In reply to a query from Councillor B. Steele regarding industry for Ballymahon and other towns in the county, Mr. Sheridan stated that the Council had agreed with the I..D.A. to acquire properties in Lanesboro, Ballymahon, Longford and Granard.

Fairtrade Ireland:

The Mayor, Councillor G. Brady, welcomed Sr. Anna Burke and Sr. Mae Lynch of Fairtrade Ireland to the meeting.

Sr. Anna informed the members that the reason that she and Sr. Mae wished to address the members of the Council was to raise awareness about the issue of Fairtrade. Sr. Anna showed the members the Fairtrade symbol.

Sr. Mae informed the meeting that Fairtrade Ireland is a company that encourages the use of goods made by producers in less developed countries who are fairly paid for their produce. Sr. Mae highlighted the fact that millions of food producers are being exploited by global companies who do not pay a fair price for the goods they buy.

She stated that Ennis became the first Fair Trade town in Ireland last year and she outlined to the members the criteria to qualify for Fair Trade town status.

Sr. Anna and Sr. Mae circulated the members with samples of Fair Trade produce and

answered various questions raised by the members.

On the proposal of Councillor A. Mitchell seconded by Councillor P. Murphy it was unanimously resolved that Longford County Council work towards securing Fair Trade status for Longford town.

The Mayor, Councillor G. Brady, thanked Sr. Anna and Sr. Mae for their presentation and all the members complimented Sr. Anna and Sr. Mae for their very informative presentation.

Issue of Polling Information Cards for Local Elections on the 11th June 2004 and

Presentation on Register of Electors.

On the proposal of Councillor M. Nevin seconded by Councillor F. Kilbride, it was unanimously agreed to issue polling information cards for the local elections on the

11th June 2004 in relation to electors who can vote at local elections only.

The Mayor, Councillor G. Brady, welcomed Ms. Nora O’Farrell, Senior Executive Officer to the meeting.

Ms. O’Farrell addressed the meeting on the following:-

Register of Electors, Supplement to the Register of Electors, Postal Votes, Special Votes, Nomination of Non-party candidates for local elections.

It was agreed to take the following Notice of Motion at this stage of the meeting.

Availability of Voting Machines for Practice Purposes.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor S. Lynch and seconded by the Mayor, Councillor G. Brady:-

“That a voting machine be made available for people to practice on in Post Offices and Community Centres throughout the County.”

Ms. O’ Farrell outlined to the meeting the arrangements that will be in place for the availability of Voting Machines for practice purposes throughout the County.

Draft Annual Report 2003/Annual Progress Report and Corporate Plan:

On the proposal of Councillor B. Steele seconded by Councillor V. Kiernan it was unanimously agreed to adopt the Draft Annual Report 2003/Annual Progress Report and Corporate Plan.

Longford County Council’s Policy Prohibiting Smoking in the Workplace.

Longford County Council’s Policy prohibiting Smoking in the Workplace was noted by the Members of the Council.

Development of Carrickglass Demesne, Longford.

The Mayor, Councillor G. Brady, welcomed Mr. Frank Ennis of Frank Ennis & Associates, Architects and Mr. Tom Kearns, Developer, to the meeting.

Mr. Ennis described to the Members, in great detail, plans for the development of Carrickglass Demesne, Longford which would include the renovation of Carrigglass Manor. He stated that the stable block and gate lodge were one of the finest examples of the work of renowned 18th century architect, James Gandon and that the developers want to renovate and preserve this unique architectural heritage. The developers also propose to locate a 200-bed luxury hotel with conference facilities at the Longford gate of the estate. They will also apply to construct a 27 hole golf course on the grounds of the estate. The project will include an exclusive residential development on the old deer park site of the estate.

Mr. Ennis stated that it is anticipated that a planning application will be submitted to Longford County Council for consideration in the near future.

Mr. Ennis replied to various queries raised by the Members.

All members of the Council complimented and wished Mr. Ennis and Mr. Kearns every success with the proposed project.

On the proposal of Councillor V. Kiernan seconded by Councillor M. Nevin, it was unanimously agreed that Longford County Council accept, in principle, the plans as presented by Mr. Ennis to the Members

Service Indicators in Local Authorities.

Mr. Sheridan, Director of Services, referred to the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government – “Delivering Value for People- Service Indicators in Local Authorities” document which had been circulated to the Members.

He stated that the Service Indicators will be incorporated in the Council’s Annual Report.

Notices of Motions:

Funding for the North Longford Transport Initiative.

Councillor S. Lynch proposed and Councillor M. Kilbride Harkin seconded the following Notice of Motion:-

“I request that Longford County Council review the correspondence dated

3rd December 2003 received by Deputy Peter Kelly from Dr. James McDaid, T.D., regarding funding for the North Longford Transport Initiative.”

The County Manager read a letter which he had received from

Ms. Monica O’Malley, Manager, Longford Community Resources Ltd., requesting Longford County Council to consider making a contribution of €8,000 towards the North Longford Transport Initiative.

It was agreed by the members that Longford County Council would not be in a position to allocate €8,000 towards the North Longford Transport Initiative as no provision had been made for this amount in the Budget for 2004.

Councillor S. Lynch proposed and Councillor M. Farrell seconded that the Council write to Minister McDaid requesting his Department to provide the necessary funding for the North Longford Transport Initiative.

Councillor B. Lynch informed the Members that he had received assurance from the Minister that funding will be provided for the North Longford Transport Initiative.

Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin proposed and Councillor M. Farrell seconded the following Motion:-

“That this Council condemns the Government for the cutbacks in the North Longford Transport Initiative.”

A vote was taken on Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin’s Motion:-

For Councillors J. Bannon, P. Belton, G. Brady, A. Farrell, M. Farrell,

S. Farrell, V. Kiernan, F. Kilbride, M. Kilbride-Harkin, S. Lynch,

A.  Mitchell and M. Nevin.

Total - 12

Against Councillors S. Butler, J. Coyle, D. Glennon, B. Lynch, L. McEntire,

J. Nolan and B. Steele.

Total - 7

Councillor P. Murphy abstained from voting.

Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin’s Motion was declared carried.

Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin proposed and Councillor V. Kiernan seconded that funding for the North Longford Transport Initiative be placed on the Agenda for the May meeting of the Council.

Senator J. Bannon stated that he would circulate the members with an extract from the Seanad Eireann Parliamentary Debates of Wednesday, 3rd March 2004 when he raised the matter in the Seanad.

Broadband for Granard.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor B. Lynch and seconded by Councillor M. Kilbride-Harkin:-

“What is the position with Broadband for Granard and other towns in North Longford.”