Bible Passage for the Month
“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” Isaiah 60:1
Calendar for Week of January 21, 2018
TODAY: St. Lucas Red Hat Club 12:15 p.m.
Wednesday: Children’s Chapel 9:30 a.m.
LWR Quilt Group: 10:00a.m. - Noon
Next Sunday: Worship Service 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
Bible Class / Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Red Hat Club 11:45 a.m.
In Our Prayers
WITH SYMPATHY: We express our deepest sympathy to those who mourn the loss of Wanda Sayer, mother of Sharon Sadlon, who was called to her eternal rest on Sunday January 13, 2018. We commit those who mourn into God’s keeping. May the promise of life in Christ strengthen and comfort them.
WEDDING: Congratulations to William and Jessica Shackleford who were married on Friday January 19. We offer William and Jessica our prayers that their love for one another will have its foundation in God’s love for them through Jesus Christ.
St. Lucas News
ST. LUCAS RED HAT CLUBouting for January will be a luncheon on Sunday, January 21, 2018 at Cibare Italian Kitchen at the River City Casino (777 River City Casino Blvd.).
reservation for us to be seated at 12:15 p.m.
CARDS FOR SHUT-INS: COME JOIN US on Saturday January 27th at 9:00 a.m., (note date change) we will be making Valentine cards and Easter cards for the shut-ins. The cards will be ready to assemble.Drinks and food will be provided. Please RSVP to Mary Bartlow at314-283-0049 or .
ELECTRONIC MESSAGE BOARD:Well, it's coming. The new EMB has been ordered through PIROS SIGN CO and the permit process has begun. This EMB will replace the existing board that letters painfullymust be added one at a time in all weather conditions. Messages, by approval, will be added to the board to scroll for every passing person to see, all from the comfort of an indoor climate controlled area. The city approvals, permits and other processesalong withconstruction will take roughly 12 - 16 weeks.
KID’S DAY OUT: Blessings everyone! We are happy to be back after the holiday break, and excited to share with all of you what we have planned for the upcoming month ahead. Starting in February we will be making lots of Valentines for our loved ones. Introducing the letters P-Q-R (gluing pennies on a pink pig, painting penguins, making quilts, and rainbows just to name a few). Our stories relate to the letters, but most importantly we will be expressing the love of Jesus during this special month. We would like to take the time to thank you for keeping us in your prayers, and for sharing this ministry with others.
LUTHERAN WORLD RELEIF QUILT GROUP: LWR Quilt group will resume meeting on Wednesday, January 24, at 10am to noon. Everyone is welcome to join and come when you can. This groups makes quilts that are donated to Lutheran World Relief to help refugees and others who need assistance. What a great way to show Christ’s love.
SUPERBOWL SUBS: Two great sandwiches are available and made fresh on Game Day February 4th.Form are available in the narthex or you can call your order to Amanda Kube 314-599-3134 or Amy Kube 314-307-4347.
BAPTISM INVITATION: In Baptism, God makes promises to us that He brings forgiveness and salvation (1 Peter 3:21, Titus 3:5). This promise is for everyone, including our children (Acts 2:38-39). If you would like more information, or know someone who may be interested, make a note on the communication card or contact the church office.
GOD CONNECTSis an online, video course that explains the basic teachings of the Christian faith. This class explores what the Bible says about our God, and how His love gives direction and meaning to your life today and forever. This class is designed for those who are interested in learning or reviewing the foundations of the Christian faith. Attendance at the class may lead to membership in our church, but there are no obligations. We will be forming a new class yet this winter. Contact the church office for more information. Child-care is provided. Watch an introductory video at
ATTENTION WORD OF LIFE ALUMNI AND FRIENDS: The Word of Life Alumni Association has recently been formed with the goal of reconnecting alumni and their families to their alma mater.Our mission is to foster and renew friendships while reconnecting alumni to the school and church families that gave us our roots.
We are working on alumni and school events for 2018 as well as sharing the “100 Alumni 100 Dollars” fundraising campaign for major gym improvements.If you are interested in getting involved and giving back, please contact:
Rachel Roman //636-734-8161
Open House at all WOL campuses. TODAY, January 21 from 1 - 3 p.m.
Restaurant Night: January 25th at Panera’s 6607 Chippewa St. 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
(Flyers are needed and available in the narthex)
Enrollment at Word of Life Lutheran School for preschool 3-yearolds to grade 8 is now open! For more information or to schedule a tour, contact Megan Arnold at 314-832-1244 ext. 112 or
Word of Life Trivia Night with Silent Auction will be held on February 24th at WOL in the main campus gym. Doors will open at 6:30 and trivia will begin at 7:00pm. It will be $20 per person with 8 people per team. Individual registrations are welcome as well. The cost will go up to $25 a person if paying at the door on the day of the event!!!Outside food and drinks are welcome. Adult beverages allowed. Soda and water will be provided. The theme is Under the Big Top (Circus) and a table decorating contest will take place. To register or for more information please email Alisa Woods @
Serve the Lord with GladnessThose Serving January 21, 2018
Preacher: Rev. Dr. Mark Larson
Organist: Mark Dunajcik
Lay Readers: 8:00 – Pastor Bruss
10:30 – Tom Roach
Lay Ministers: 8:00 – Mel Nierdieck
10:30 – Justin Leitner
Greeters: 8:00 – Joyce Kolnik
10:30 – Myrna Land
Ushers: 8:00 – Joe Pyatek, Steve Kulifay
10:30 – Ron & Joan Shebik
Teresa Schuster / Those Serving January 28, 2018
Preacher: Rev. Dr. Mark Larson
Organist: Mark Dunajcik
Lay Readers: 8:00 – Joyce Bruss
10:30 – Nancy Roach
Lay Ministers: 8:00 – Phil Miksad
10:30 – Ted Medler
Greeters: 8:00 – Sharon Majoros
10:30 – Laurie Riley
Ushers: 8:00 – John Christopher, Dennis Lee
Carolyn Crump, Sharon Majoros
10:30 – Ted Medler, Tom Roach,
Art Matia
Our Response to God’s Blessings
Church Attendance: 8:00 – 46 10:30 – 73 Total –119 Sunday School – 8 Bible Class - 14
Offerings:Plate: $7.00 Envelope $5633.00 Building Repair/Maint: $ 70.00
Gift to Church: $70.00, Misc. $179.94 Total: $5959.94Needed weekly: $ 5300.00
Gift to Church: In Memory of Ed Dunajcik, Rev. Eldor & Joyce Bruss, Bob Sadlon
In Memory of Wanda Sawyer, Bob Sadlon, Mary Hettenhausen
Celebrating a birthday this week
21 – Stephanie Belko
Earl Willenbrock Sr.
22 – Kathryn Hertel
Robyn Ladenberger
22 – Jack Grothe
24 – Donald Baggett