A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay on Tuesday 29th May 2012
Present: Councillors: M. Jenkins (chairman), Mrs. A. Atkinson, W.Hanks, D. Hignell, Mrs. H. Knight, J. Warwick, C. Woodward
Clerk: Mrs. L. Martin
2 members of the public
Cllr. G. Duffield (District Councillor),
joined by Cllrs. R. Mead and Ms. T. Field, Cllr. S. Lilly (County Councillor)
The Chairman advised that two additional items of correspondence had been received, one regarding a request from the PCC for permission to use the village green on Sunday 3rd June and the recreation ground on 1st July for village events. The second related to a new Code of Conduct which the Council was required to adopt by 1st July. Council agreed to take these two items as part of the agenda.
2012/137 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. D. Butler owing to work commitments.
2012/138 Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the item relating to request by the PCC for permission to use the village green on 3rd June and the recreation ground on 1st July for village events.
2012/139 Minutes of the meeting held on 1st May 2012
These were agreed and signed as a true record of the proceedings subject:
a) in minute 2012/124c to recording the receipt of an email from the Village Hall Committee regarding the use of allotment land and also the location of the boundary of the allotment land and the adjacent property.
b) in minute 2012/131 adding the fact that Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson had offered to co-ordinate issues relating to the Neighbourhood Plan.
c) in minute2012/122 Cross Trees Farm, although the minute was correct, it was clarified that the roadway went in the direction of Old Wallingford Way, but no new opening had been created.
2012/140 Matters arising from the Minutes of the meetings held on 1st May, 2012
Vale of White Horse District Council – Response on conservation area plans
Council noted that the District Council had confirmed that at the present time its work programme did not include the preparation of a conservation area appraisal or management plan for Sutton Courtenay. Even if a particular wall was identified as being significant in a management plan it would not give the local authority any additional controls over its maintenance.
Letters of thanks for grants awarded
Council noted receipt of letters of thanks from South and Vale Carers Centre, Sutton Courtenay Cricket Club, Sutton Courtenay Village Hall, Abingdon
Citizens Advice Bureau and Sutton Courtenay News.
Vale of White Horse District Council – Planning Enforcement update
Council noted that an enforcement officer had visited the business premises at Cross Trees Farm and was progressing the matter.
Oxfordshire County Council – Footpath 28 and 13
Council noted the response from the County Council regarding barriers at the Chapel Lane footpaths. Historically barriers were installed, for various reasons, at the end of footpaths, but are not done so on a regular basis these days unless livestock could escape, to safeguard an amenity or to protect the public from extreme danger. The clerk was asked to see whether the County Council could do anything to improve access and at the same time safeguard pedestrians.
Cllr. Ms. T. Field and Cllr. S. Lilly (county councillors) joined the meeting.
RAF Benson – helicopter flying
RAF Benson had confirmed that they had received various complaints from the locality regarding helicopter activity. They would arrange a briefing, so that representatives from Parish Councils could attend to discuss their concerns. However, owing to existing commitments, such as Jubilee and Olympics, this was likely to be in a few weeks time.
Footpath 19 – Branches left
Council noted that it was not the policy of the County Council to remove branches owing the costs involved, and such material belonged to the landowner and not the County Council. The branches provided a natural habitat for wildlife and would rot down in due course, if not removed by the landowner.
2012/141 Public Particpation
Recreation Ground
It was reported that the fastenings on the protection around the 3 trees at the Southern end of the recreation ground had broken. Also cricket matting and a goal post tube were in the grass on the Western side. These restricted the grass cutting.
Hobbyhorse Lane and Old Wallingford Way
It was reported that the footpath sign posts in Hobbyhorse Lane and Old Wallingford Way had not been installed yet. The wire that had created the area for the path had been removed, so had the caravans.
Vale of White Horse District Council – Interim Housing Supply Policy
Questions were asked about the IHSP. The clerk read a statement that had appeared in Sutton Courtenay News. It was suggested that further clarification could be included e.g. explanations as to the National Planning Policy Framework and how it affected the local area. Cllr. Hignell offered to draft an article.
2012/142 County Councillor’s report – Cllr. S. Lilly
Landfill Site
Cllr. Lilly confirmed that the Materials Recycling Facility application had been approved by the County Council. Cllr. Hignell placed on record the fact that Cllr. Lilly had supported the Parish Council’s position regarding the application when he addressed the County Council’s committee. The “pedestrians in road” sign promised for Hobbyhorse Lane was not with him.
Village footpaths
Cllr. Lilly confirmed he was dealing with issues of resurfacing in Milton Road and Courtenay Close.
Bus Services
There was now some duplication on bus services. Cllr. Lilly was trying to get a direct bus to Oxford service started.
Didcot Power Station
Cllr. Lilly reported that Didcot Power station would reach its limit in 2013 and the decommissioning process would begin.
Cllr Lilly answered questions from members. These related to the resurfacing of the estate in Bradstocks Way. It was noted that at the Parish Transport Representatives meeting the Council’s representative had also requested a direct bus to Oxford.
2012/143 District Councillor’s Report – Cllr. G. Duffield
Cllr Duffield reported on planning issues including a planning decision in Wantage where a planning inspector had awarded an appeal and costs against the District Council, the planning application for the Anaerobic Digester which had been withdrawn and not determined by committee on 23rd May as expected, and the Materials Recycling Facility application at County Council where there was some doubt as to whether the District Council had been consulted. It was expected that the application for the anaerobic digester would be resubmitted in due course.
Cllr. Duffield referred to writing an article for Sutton Courtenay News, and mentioned the items that he had included. Owing to the copy deadline, this may not appear in the next edition, but the one after that.
2012/144 Matters raised by Councillors for information
Articles for Sutton Courtenay News
It was suggested that the Council’s decision as to a planning applications also be included in Sutton Courtenay news, and that the applications dealt with outside of the regular meetings be included.
Footpath between 91-93 Drayton Road
It was reported that the footpath between 91-93 Drayton Road was in need of clearance. The Clerk explained the position of the County Council in regards to footpaths. The Clerk was asked to make arrangements to clear the path.
Courtenay Close / High Street – junction
Concerns were raised over this junction as a vehicle coming out from Courtenay Close almost knocked down a child. It was suggested that an article could go into Sutton Courtenay news to raise awareness of the problems.
Community Led Plan
It was reported that the steering group was hoping to get the questionnaire out in June. The Vale of White Horse District Council and Oxfordshire County Council had contributed to the process. If certain questions were included then the responses might add weight to the planning process. The District Council had offered to scan and analyse these.
Correspondence with Cricket Club
Questions were asked regarding correspondence with the Cricket Club. It was understood that there was correspondence between the Cricket Club and Football Club dealing with the inter club relationship. The Chairman confirmed that there had been no correspondence from or to the Council, but there may have been some emails between the clubs. Any issue regarding the operation of the clubs was not a matter for the Parish Council.
Low Flying Helicopters
It was reported again that local residents were being disturbed by late night flying.
2012/145 Police
It was reported that there had been burglaries in the village. The clerk was asked to place an article in Sutton Courtenay news advising residents to be aware and to consider registering for the ringmaster messaging service whereby they could be advised directly of local issues.
2012/146 Planning Applications
a) Decisions on previous applications
P12/V0787/LB Internal opening between kitchen and dining room
10 Church Street
Permitted 14th May, 2012
P12/V0791/LB Replace 4 windows and external door with new joinery items
10 Church Street
Permitted 14th May, 2012
P12/V0585/LB Erection of blue commemorative plaque on east elevation
43 Church Street
Permitted 1st May, 2012
P12/V0409 Internal alterations to adjoining woodstore and loft to form rear lobby and master bedroom suite, internal alterations, repairs and refurbishment. Alteration to windows and external doors and internal alterations to garage
Southfield Farmhouse, 66 High Street
Permitted 10th May, 2012
P12/V0252 Replacement of velux window with dormer (amendment to approval 06/01695/FUL)
10 Harwell Road
Permitted 26th April, 2012
The Clerk was asked whether the dormer window had obscure glass. The consent notice referred to the approved application drawings. The clerk would check the drawings and advise members.
b) Applications dealt with prior to the meeting
` P12/V0982 Alterations, extension and raising the roof to form chalet b bungalow
40 Harwell Road
For: Mr. D. Greenaway
Comments: Council had no objections
P12/V0972 Ground floor extension and first floor extension to include raising the roof with bedrooms
20 Appleford Road
For: Mr. T. Joslyn
Comments: Council had no objections
P12/V0981 Replacement for existing studio building with flood resilient dwelling
West Wilden, Brook Street
For: Mr. and Mrs. O’Callaghan
Comments: Council objected owing to the impact on the conservation area and entrance to the village, the history of flooding and concerns over access.
c) Applications considered at the meeting
None received
2012/147 Culham Local Liaison Committee 17th May 2012
Council received a report from Cllr. Woodward who attended this meeting. This included updates on the programmes. JET was due to close in 2016, but it was hoped to continue until 2019. MAST was to continue until 2025.
2012/148 WRG Liaison Committee – Appointment of representatives
The revised constitution of WRG Liaison Committee introduced towards the end of last year allowed for up to 3 representatives from Sutton Courtenay. At the last meeting the council appointed 2 councillors. Up to the change in constitution SCRAP had appointed a representative. Council considered appointing a third person.
(i) that Mr. D. Ward, the current representative for SCRAP be asked if he wished to continue serving on the committee.
(ii) that should Mr. Ward wish to continue then he be appointed by Sutton Courtenay Parish Council as the third person under the constitution.
(iii) that should Mr. Ward not wish to continue, then Mr. C. Woodward, resident of the parish, be appointed as a third
2012/149 Recreation Ground
Cllr. Butler had inspected the play area. The matting under the platform rotator appeared loose in places. There was some litter and the grass was in need of cutting. A pedestrian gate was not closing owing the length of the grass. Council noted that Advent Solutions had recently undertaken a professional of the area. They too had commented on the matting which appeared to be loosening. The clerk advised that quotations were being sought for the relaying of the matting.
that Cllr. Warwick undertake the play equipment inspections on a weekly basis until the July meeting of the Council
2012/150 Correspondence
a) Vale of White Horse District Council – Naming of new dwelling
Council noted that the new dwelling at the rear of Karin Lodge, Churchmere Road had been allocated the name Beech House.
b) RWEnPower – Didcot “A”
Council noted correspondence that owing to the combustion plant directive and the high generation levels of electricity, the plant may have to close in 2013. The future of the site had not been determined, but it was a significant site for consideration for future power generation. The development of any surplus land would be the subject of local consultation.
c) Vale of White Horse District Council – Olympic Torch Relay
Council noted information from the District Council about the arrangements for the Olympic Torch when it passed through Abingdon.
d) Vale of White Horse District Council – Adoption of Code of Conduct
Council noted that a new Code of Conduct was about to be made public. This would come into effect from Saturday 1st July, 2012. Council would be required to hold an extraordinary meeting to adopt the code. Members commented that as the next meeting was Tuesday 3rd July, they felt it was sufficient to have the item on the agenda for that meeting.
Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson left the room.
e) Request to use village green and recreation ground
Council noted a request by the Parochial Church Council to use the village green on Sunday 3rd June and the Recreation Ground on Saturday 1st July.
Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson returned to the room to give a statement as to the precise activities that would be taking place at the sites. She then left the room again. Council considered the request
(i) that Council had no objections
(ii) that permission be given to use the village green on 3rd June and the recreation ground on 1st July subject to the production of proof of adequate insurance and a risk assessment.
2012/151 Accounts
Council noted that the Clerk had attended a meeting with the Internal Auditor on Friday 25th May. The auditor had been satisfied that all accounts and records including the annual statements for the external auditor for the year ended 31st March 2012 had been produced correctly.