Second Annual NYVAHAM Membership / Education Day

September 22, 2017 – 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM – The Hotel Utica, Utica, New York



8:30 to 9:30 – Registration / Continental Breakfast

9:30 to 9:45 – Welcome / Introductions

9:45 to 10:45 – Keynote – Cathy Pallozzi, CHAM, CCS

“Leadership: A Journey of Self-Discovery”

The SmithBucklin Leadership Institute© was a life altering program Ms. Pallozzi had the privilege in participating and graduating from in 2014. Ms. Pallozzi has held many leadership positions and attended seminars, webinars, read books about leadership. The Leadership Institute provided a profound impact on what Ms. Pallozzi discovered about herself ~ which is the foundation of Leadership’s Calling ©. Participantswill be provided key strategies and tools to elevate their leadership skills and gain a more engaged workforce.

Ms. Pallozzi has been an informal and formal leader since childhood – an early memory in 2nd Grade being chosen the “Bluebird of the month” – “assisting the teacher and students”; to Lieutenant of Safety Patrol in 6th Grade and President of her class. In her professional career management positions are a part of her resume for more than 30 years. Currently, she is the Director, Patient Access at Albany Medical Center, Albany New York. Albany Medical Center is a 734 bed- Level I, tertiary care, teaching facility, with a 450 hospital based physician practice; providing care to 27 counties of eastern New York and western New England region.

As a member of NAHAM since 2002, she received her CHAM in 2004 in addition to being certified as a coding specialist through AHIMA since 1993. She has held positions with NAHAM as the Northeast Regional Delegate, NAHAM Executive Delegate and NAHAM Treasurer. She is currently the Vice President of NAHAM.

10:45 to 11:00 – break

11:00 to 11:45 – Speaker - Michael Cross

"LGBTQ Patients & Healthcare: Understanding the Meaning of Inclusive Care within a Rapidly Growing Demographic"

Michael is the current Patient Access Educator at Saratoga Hospital located in Saratoga Springs, NY. He began his career in healthcare through the billing and financial accounts realm of the industry, and three years ago he transitioned into an role on the front end when he began the task of creating a Patient Access Education Department. He currently manages the education, training, and competencies of 180+ Patient Access staff members. Michael holds a Bachelor's of Science in Organizational Management and is 10 months away from receiving his Executive M.B.A from the University at Albany. He is an avid runner as well as car enthusiast and is currently training for a marathon at the end of October. He is excited to continue a path within the Revenue Cycle end of healthcare throughout the future.

Attendees will develop a more in-depth understanding of the dynamics as well as the challenges that the LGBTQ demographic population is currently facing including clarity on language and meaning. With the growth of this community seeking health care services, this topic is becoming more and more prevalent. Scenarios, examples, and key phrases within the registration process will be explored to ensure the registration experience for patients is positive.

11:45 to 1:00 – lunch with 12:15 to 1:00 vendor partner presentations


1:00 to 1:45 – Speaker - Christian Borchert, CRCP-I

"When Did the Front-End Get All the Cool Tools (and are they prepared?)"

Christian has been in healthcare for 19 years. He has served as consultant, sales, account management and ran a Patient Accounting Department at a community hospital. His presentation reflects his experiences regarding the changes that have taken place in the front-end revenue cycle. Inspired by numerous presentations and articles, Christian has put together a collection of case studies while weaving through pertinent trends in the industry. The next hour will be both informative and interesting.

1:45 to 2:30 –networking with colleagues around topics that matter discussion (topics to be determined by participants during the morning break).

2:30 to 2:45 – wrap up – Northeast Delegate for the National Association of Healthcare Access Management

Linette Farris, CHAM - Manager Admitting & ED Registration, Lowell General Hospital, Lowell, Mass.

2:45 to 3 – break

3 to 4:30 – membership meeting – members only

Non-members are welcome to stay through to the official cocktail hour at 4:30

4:30 to – “cocktail hour” – with vendors, networking, door prize drawing