The MichiganState Police Emergency Management & Homeland Security Division, in partnership with Michigan Citizen Corps and Region 6 Citizen Corps, present:
December 8 and 9, 2011
Great Wolf Lodge
3575 North US31
Traverse City, MI49684
This is a conference designed for the Citizen Corps coordinator and front line volunteer. Attendees will have the opportunity to attend general session classes, meet other volunteer groups, learn from local and county emergency managers, and participate in regional and state reports. Breakout sessions will include Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), Neighborhood Watch (NW), Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS), Fire Corps (FC), and Medical Reserve Corps (MRC). There will also be a tract for coordinators.
The Michigan Citizen Corps programhas allocated funding to pay for 10 volunteers and 10 coordinators from each region to attend this conference. This includes meals (lunch on Thursday,December 8, and breakfast and lunch on Friday, December 9), classroom materials, training materials, and lodging at the Great Wolf Lodge for the night of December 8. In order to have sufficient lodging accommodations at the Lodge, it may be requested that team members share rooms.
Please send your completed registration form to:
Mrs. Joyce McCarthy
MichiganState Police
Emergency Management & Homeland Security Division
4000 Collins Road, Lansing, MI. 48910
Phone: 517-333-5034
Fax: 517-333-4987
If your region wishes to send additional volunteers, the cost will be $200.00 per person. Please contact Mrs. McCarthy for information.
For questions about this conference, please contact Sgt Bruce Payne at 517-336-6429 or by email at
December 8 and 9, 2011
Great Wolf Lodge
3575 North US31
Traverse City, MI49684
Registration Form
Name______Address ______
City______State______Zip Code______
Gender______Special Needs Request______
(meals, handicap room, etc.)
Share hotel room with ______Volunteer Coordinator
Which Citizen Corps Program do you belong to?
CERT______Fire Corps______MRC______NW______VIPS______Council______
Regional Affiliation(circle one)1235678 MIVDF
Citizen Corps Council chairperson name and phone #:______
Signature of Citizen Corps Council Chairperson:______
All attendees are encouraged to be registered on the MI Volunteer Registry
Registrations must be received no later than November 18, 2011
Please send completed registrations to:
Mrs. Joyce McCarthy
MichiganState Police
Emergency Management & Homeland Security Division
4000 Collins Road
Lansing, MI. 48910
Phone: 517-333-5034
Fax: 517-333-4987
For questions about this conference, please contact Sgt.Bruce Payne at 517-336-6429 or by email at