Note: These requirements reflect the Iowa licensure expectations that went into effect 2015.
EndorsementName / ElementaryEducationDepartment / Education
License area[ StateofIowa] / K-6Elementary Education
Required / Elementary Major
Updated / 4/12/18
EDUC185/215:Clinical ExperienceIin theSchools / 4
EDUC220: Introduction to EducationandthePsychologyofLearning / 4
EDUC221:TheDiverseandExceptionalLearner / 4
EDUC222: InstructionalStrategies withComputerApplications K-6 / 4
EDUC223:Children’s Literature / 4
EDUC226: Introduction to Reading / 4
EDUC321:Clinical ExperienceII:Literacy inElementary/MiddleSchools / 1
EDUC322:Clinical ExperienceII:Mathematics inElementary/MiddleSchools / 1
EDUC325:Elementary MathematicsMethods / 4
EDUC326:Elementary LanguageArts Methods / 4
EDUC328:Elementary Social Studies Methods / 2
EDUC329:Elementary Science Methods / 2
EDUC376:Advanced Literacy:AssessmentandInstructionalDesign / 2
[Anadditional2credits if studentteachingduringJanuary] / 12
PCAP450:MakingDecisionsforU.S.Schools / 4
EDUC 224: Methods of Elementary Music, Art, & PE WellnessCurriculum Integration
[If you took Art228 &/or MUS 227 &/or PE 229, but not all three,
Speak with your advisor about an independent study for the one or two you have not yet taken.] / 4
HIST 111: Survey of US History Part One or
HIST 112: Survey of US History Part Two [or HIST 101] / 4
HIST126:HumanGeography / 4
MATH 123:Mathfor Elementary School Teachers / 4
TwoLabSciences[onelifeandonephysical] / 8
EDUC490:SeniorProject [Advanced Portfolio] (or the edTPA) / 1
Requirements in other states may vary. See the requirements for Illinois, Minnesota, and/or Wisconsin.
Important additional information on next page
- Elementary majors who wantto beendorsedK-6insteadof 1-6 intheStateof Minnesota must have EDUC330:EarlyChildhoodEducation I ANDStudentTeach inKindergarten
- At least19course equivalents (76hours)must be completedoutsideoftheeducationdiscipline.
- EDUC321/EDUC322 & EDUC 328 & EDUC 329 must betakenwithin oneyearof studentteaching.
- Somestates may requireadditionalstudent teaching time (i.e. 18weeks forWisconsin)to becertified.
- Some endorsements require an additional student teaching placement before or after the regular semester of student teaching.
- Check to see whether or not the state in which you want to be licensed requires the edTPA.
Iowa does NOT require the edTPA.
Achievement of a “C” or above is required for the “content knowledge” courses required for licensure. (See the content courses listed above.)
All ElementaryMajors MUSThaveeitheran academic endorsement OR a specialendorsement and anacademic concentration.
If thestudentselectsoneof theacademicendorsements,heorshe mustcompletethe approvedcoursesfor aK-8 academic endorsement.
Early Childhood, Pre-kindergarten-Kindergarten, Elementary Reading, Middle School Specialist, [must select two of the following areas: Math, Language Arts, Social Studies and Science], ESL/Bilingual,andInstructionalStrategistII: BD&LD
Academic Concentration:
-12s.h. inoneacademicdepartmentoutsideofEducation
-12s.h. inscience [made upof a combinationof Biology,Chemistry,orPhysics,or Physical Science courses]
-12s.h. insocial sciences [madeup of a combinationofEconomics,AccountingandBusiness, History, Anthropology, Sociology/SocialWork,andPsychologycourses]