"What is the key to elite training and performance in sport, work and life?"

That was the question that was being discussed at a "Think Tank" that I was invited to last month along with forty other people much smarter than myself. Since then, I have been on a quest to simplify all that I have learned that weekend and, at the risk of being an 'over-simplifying ball coach', I believe that elite performance in the 21st century is linked to two things that are becoming increasingly difficult to find in sport, work and life...Gratitude and Grit.

Gratitude (ATTITUDE):The quality of being thankful; Readiness to show appreciation and kindness.

Grit (EFFORT):Courage or Resolve. Strength of character, Strength of will and Toughness.

As I look for commonalities among elite performers and cultures in sport and in the business world, Gratitude and Grit rise to the top. In her TED TalkAngela Duckworthshares how Grit is the #1 predictor of success in the 21st century and how it's importance will continue to grow. Professor of Psychology, Robert A. Emmons of the University of California and author of the book, "Thanks", shares, "GRATITUDE has the power to do three things: To heal, to energize and to change people's lives." As I travel the country and spend time with elite performers, championship coaches and cutting edge leaders, I continue to hear how they are being intentional about developing and training GRATITUDE and GRIT.

When I train coaches and leaders we talk about how today's athlete or employee needs a leader that is "velvet-steel". Meaning that they possess the ability to be firm and assertive when necessary, while almost simultaneously displaying a calm, caring spirit. We also use the term, be a "Shepherd-Warrior".

Now, one last thought before I give you 6 ways to train GRATITUDE & GRIT into your people. Have you noticed how so many of us, no longer say the words, "Thank you" or "I appreciate that". We have become consumers...unknowingly arrogant, ungrateful and entitled. Elite performers and consistently successful organizations are Grateful and Gritty. Here's just a few ways you can cultivate both in your people and perhaps yourself too.


1. Set the Standard-DailyDemand both verbal and non-verbal appreciation. Following a made basket on his teams at UCLA, Coach Wooden would demand that his players make eye contact and or point to the teammate responsible for the pass that made the basket possible. Another great tool, is each morning you awake, say or pray about 7-8 things you are grateful for as you wake up. Huge deal.

2. Utilize Intentional Visual RemindersIn the picture above you can see how important APPRECIATION is to U of Michigan basketball Coach John Beilein. Remember, we must over communicate our primary messages and core convictions. You are either coaching it or letting it happen.

3. Acknowledge Negativity & Selfishness then Counter it Be aware of negativity and selfishness, do not ignore it as it is cancer. When you do recognize it, counter it with genuine and authentic words of appreciation and thanks. Demand that yourself and others 'Speak Greatness' as it is contagious.


1. Live Gritty and Model it Living Gritty, means keeping things a little bit 'Spartan-like'. We live in an era where everyone wants a shiny, country club atmosphere for training or teaching. Truth be told, the top organizations and elite performers of today do have state of the art equipment, but they keep their environments very simple and basic. Remember, elite leaders develop people not things.

2. ReframeDerailers or Problems All of us have become great 'problem spotters' in the 21st century however, we need to be better 'problem solvers'. This process begins with stating (not ignoring) obstacles or derailers and then verbally re-framing them as 'GRIT BUILDERS', meaning things that force us to grow. This is a vital step for a leader or coach in developing mental toughness in their people.

3. Create Safe Environments to Develop Grit The biggest mistake I see well intentioned coaches & leaders make today, is when they try to use negative-verbal intensity or fear to grow grit. Unfortunately, today's player and employee do not respond (long term) to this style of motivation. On the contrary, elite coaches & leaders create difficult processes that demand GRIT, yet when a player or employee makes a mistake it is seen as part of the growth process rather than "you just failed...get out of the game!" or "You're Fired!"

I challenge you this month to ask yourself, "Am I, and is my organization developing GRATITUDE & GRIT?" Am I doing this in my family? If you think you are... where's the evidence? Be intentional about growing it, not just talking about it. Finally, I find it interesting that we must intentionally coach GRATITUDE & GRIT, as this must be due to our inability as parents to teach our children these traits at home. As always, everything starts with the leader, as you and I can't give away what we don't possess ourselves. I don't know about you, but I am going to be more intentional about being Gritty & Grateful in my own life first, then with those that I lead.

Make it a great month and Be a Legacy Builder,