2016 Student ScholarshipsDate Due: February 5, 2016

Attached is the application form and instructions for the 2016NC AHEADStudent Scholarships. A total of three*scholarships ($500 each) are available—one scholarship will be awarded in each of the following categories:

  • an *undergraduate student enrolled in a program leading to a Bachelor’s Degree at a privatecollege or universityin North Carolina
  • an *undergraduate student enrolled in a program leading to a Bachelor’s Degree at a publiccollege or universityin North Carolina
  • a student enrolled in degree or certificate program at a 2-year/community college in North Carolina

*Please note students are only considered eligible if they are seeking a 2 year degree OR their first bachelor’s degree. Second bachelor degree seeking students are not eligible to receive this award

Criteria for these scholarships include:

1.Applicant MUST be an undergraduate student with a disability registered with the disability services office on your campus.

2.Disability Services Provider at your institution MUST be a member of NC AHEAD for the 2014-15 academic year

3.Applicants are evaluated based on

a) leadership and service to campus and/or community

b) academic achievement

c) well-articulated goals

4. Applicants must have at least a 2.5 GPA

(An unofficial transcript is required that verifies the cumulative GPA from the current institution from beginning of matriculation to the Fall 2015 semester).

The applicants must submit a complete package including the following:

  • Completed Scholarship Application (page 3)
  • Copy of unofficial transcript
  • Two letters of recommendation (one from faculty at College/University and one from another professional from the college/university)
  • One-Two page essay including the following:
  • Leadership and service to campus or community
  • Academic achievement
  • Career goals/aspirations
  • Indicate your permission of the release of information allowing NC AHEAD to use the name of the student (your name) for publication and promotion purposes. There would be no specific mention of how you qualified for services (meaning what the diagnosis/disability is). This can be written permission & signed at the end of the essay.

The ENTIRE application must be submitted at once (via email or fax). Partial submissions will NOT be accepted.

The deadline for the completed scholarship application (including all required documents) isFriday, February 5, 2016 at 5p.m.Scholarships packets are to be submitted to Georgie Bogdan, Awards, Scholarships and Grants Committee Chair at or fax to (336-316-2946) by the deadline to be considered for the award. The 2015 Student Scholarship recipients will be announced at the NC AHEAD Spring Conference.

*Please note: The NC AHEAD Scholarship will be applied directly to the recipient’s tuition and will not be made available to be applied to books, living and/or other personal expenses.

[ ] I will allow release of my information for promotion purposes.

2016 NC AHEAD Student Scholarship Application

Name: ______

First Last

College/University: ______

Address: ______


Telephone: ______

E-mail: ______


Are you currently enrolled with the Disability Services Office at your institution for the 2015-16 academic year? YES ______NO______

I attest that all information supplied in the attached statement and application is true to the best of my knowledge.

Applicant Signature: ______Date: ______

**Submissions will be reviewed by the NCAHEAD executive board