Beaver Lake Association
Annual Meeting
June 06, 2015
The Beaver Lake Association annual meeting was held on Saturday, June 06, 2015 at the pavilion. The meeting was brought to order by President Jerry Putman at 9:03 a.m. Board Members in attendance included: Jerry Putman, John Jurkiw, Pat Rourke, Barbara Kipp, Ann Sawicki, Sue Paul, John Remza, and Steve Feather. Absent: Gene Badger.
Members in attendance: Joe & Eileen Urda, Larry Hart, Reese & Kathy Munro, Steve & Barbara Feather, Andrew Brechko, BettyAnn Gaube, Phil Standish, June White, John Jurkiw, Rodney & Barbara Kipp , Larry & Sue Paul, Barbara Platzer, Jerry & Kris Putman, John & Freddie Remza, Don Levis, Pat Rourke, Ann Sawicki, Jackie & Jud Simons, Joe & Beth Kelly, Rich Truan, Charles Hisch, and Patrick and Morgan O’Brien.
1. Jerry Putman welcomed new members Charles Hisch and Karen Madsen, Steve and Laurie Craft, John & Donna Schwartz, Kevin and Sherri Truesdale, Gary Ferber, Kurt & Julia Webber, and Morgan and Patrick O’Brien to the Lake Association.
Minutes from the August 2014 business meeting were summarized by Pat Rourke. Don Levis made a motion to accept the minutes as summarized. The motion was seconded by Jud Simons. The motion was carried and the members accepted the minutes as presented by a unanimous vote.
Barbara Kipp reported the current balances on the Association’s bank accounts and recent expenses. Don Levis made a motion to accept the minutes as summarized. The motion was seconded by Larry Paul. The motion was carried and the members accepted the treasurer’s report by a unanimous vote.
President’s Report
Jerry Putman reported that newsletters and maintenance fee invoices were mailed earlier in the week. The newsletter is being sent to all property owners in light of recent case law that established that all property owners with lake rights are de facto members of the lake association and as such are required to contribute financially to the maintenance of the dam, roads, etc. In the event that noncontributing members refuse to pay the required maintenance fees, the Lake Association reserves the right to take legal action to collect previously unpaid fees going back a number of years. Copies of the by-laws were made available for anyone who would like a copy.
Committee Reports
Water Testing
Sue Paul reported that annual CSLAP water testing was begun last week. Testing will be conducted on a total of eight water samples drawn once every two weeks from the center of the lake. Water testing from last season again indicated that the lake water is high in phosphorus which is what makes green things grow. Members were strongly urged to maintain their septic systems and to avoid the use of phosphate fertilizers or soaps. Members might also consider growing plants along shoreline to take up phosphate before it gets into the lake. Rainwater runoff is major source of phosphate. As always, member were reminded of the importance of cleaning all water craft that have been in other bodies of water and they were encouraged to make sure that renters on the lake are aware of this issue and take appropriate precautions.
It was noted that there were a lot of algae blooms last year and members were again cautioned not to swim in the blooms and that pets can be poisoned by drinking water containing toxic algae. Testing revealed no significant toxin levels in algae tested last year. The NYSFOLA.ORG website has all of this information and more about the quality of the lake water. If members see a weed that they are concerned about they are encouraged to let Sue know, she can send it in to be identified (e.g., hydrilla remains a concern). Jerry asked members to make a list of properties with questionable septic issues which he will take to the Health Department to file a formal complaint.
Water Shield Committee
Jerry Putman reported that the lake is doing well thus far with respect to presence of water shields. Fish are thriving with more oxygen in the water. There will not be any spraying of water shields this year. We will take this opportunity to see how the lake reacts to the spraying conducted during the previous two years and we will reassess the situation every year in the future.
Road Work Committee
Rodney Kipp reported that he and John Jirkiw cleaned out the ditches on the circle this past week. Most of the leaves have been removed. They did a lot of crowning of the road this year that they could not get to last year. It was noted that the logging that is being done by Serbonich does not impact the road. The loggers put two loads of gravel in and rolled it in without being asked. They are removing all the ash trees because of ash bore infestation.
Members were reminded that today is roadwork day. All members were encouraged to join their neighbors in cleaning out any remaining leaves in their ditches. Leaves, branches, etc., are to be left in piles along the side of the road for pickup by roadwork volunteers with trucks and carts.
Dam Committee
The dam committee consists of John Jurkiw (chair), John Remza, Rodney Kipp, Steve Feather and Andrew Bretchko John Jurkiw reported that heavier leaks were detected in the dam this spring after the thaw and rains. The new leak at the bottom of dam may be seasonal and it was noted that last year it resolved itself. We are due for a DEC inspection this year. We need to contact Rick Woight to look over the dam and advise us as to what needs to be done in advance of DEC inspection. We continue to pursue reclassification of the dam from Class B (medium) to Class A (low) hazard dam.
It was noted that the beaver dams behind spillway are built up and there are additional ones further downstream. John advised that something should be done with them this season. Larry Paul inquired about adding signage about no walking on the dam. It was agreed that the notice on the dam itself will be repainted and No Trespassing signs will be posted on either end of the dam.
Old Business
1. Rodney Kipp and John Jurkiw put a ditch behind the pavilion to dry out the floor before any additional updates or improvements are made. They sought feedback regarding further improvements to the pavilion floor.
2. David Brown, the Windsor Code Enforcer has been contacted regarding the memberships concerns about the hazards posed by abandoned properties around the lake. Suggestions for further action included: send another letter to the property owners informing them that they need to maintain their properties; have association members sign a petition seeking action from code enforcement. Rodney Kipp and John Jurkiw volunteered to follow-up on this matter.
3. Rodney Kipp urged the association to purchase additional signage for posting at the lake entrances regarding prohibited activities including: the use of motorized watercraft, riding of ATVs on lake roads, public fishing, etc. Don Levis made a motion that the purchase of signs be considered. Jud Simons seconded the motion. It was agreed that reflective aluminum signs would be purchased and posted around the lake.
New Business
1. Phil Standish reported that water runs across road and into his driveway from neighbors drive across road. He requested that a sluice pipe and screen be installed to redirect the water. Jerry Putman noted that it is the homeowner’s responsibility to clear ditches and put in sluice pipes. However, Jerry volunteered to talk with Phil’s neighbors Roger and Lisa Wilson regarding the matter.
2. Andrew Bretchko proposed that the association purchase two AEDs to be housed at either end of the lake at a cost of $1200 per unit. Jerry Putman requested that Andrew put together a formal proposal for the board to consider.
3. Andrew Bretchko also proposed that the membership consider lowering the level of the lake after Labor Day to facilitate maintenance of the shoreline, the dam and docks.
4. Joe Urda noted that two pine trees are in danger of coming down near the end of the lake. Rick and Sue Baron have already given permission to push the trees over or cut them down and it was suggested that the loggers who are removing trees from the Serbonich property be asked to remove these trees as well.
5. Scott Kishpaugh created a video of how to do lake water testing. Members were invited to view the video the NYSFOLA website or they can find it on Youtube. Once again an appeal was made for volunteers to serve as backup for Larry and Sue Paul.
6. Volunteers were sought for a nominating committee. Kris Putman, Rodney Kipp, and Eileen Urda (chair), volunteered to serve on the committee. The positions held by John Jurkiw (Zone 1), Barbara Kipp (Zone 2) and Jerry Putman (Zone 3) are open for nominations.
7. Dates for events were reviewed including:
July 4 10:00 am 3rd Annual 5K Run/Walk
July 18 7:30 pm DJ on the Lake Ho-Down
August 15 12:00 pm 4th Annual Golf Outing
August 22 8:00 am 5th annual Pancake Breakfast for Members
August 22 10:00 am Business Meeting
September 5 Chicken BBQ
September 6 Light-Up-Night
The meeting was adjourned at 10:21 a.m.
Patricia Rourke
Recording Secretary