KingwoodCollege Respiratory Care Therapist Program
RSPT 1241 Respiratory Home Care/Rehabilitation
Spring 2008
William R. Scott, BS, R.R.T., R.C.P.
20,000 Kingwood Drive, HSB Suite 118-X
Kingwood, Texas77339
Office Phone: 281-312-1635
FAX#: 281-312-1490
Credit: 2 credit hour
Prerequisites: Departmental Approval
Course Description:
Respiratory home care/rehabilitation equipment, procedures, and patient education. Emphasizes treatment of patients in home care and alternate settings.
Course Outcomes:
Select, manage, troubleshoot, and modify therapeutic modalities for home care/rehabilitation patients; identify appropriate equipment; and demonstrate appropriate assessment, treatment, and documentation.
The Secretary’s commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) has identified (1) reading, (2) writing, (3) mathematics, (4) speaking and listening, (5) thinking skills, (6) personal qualities, (7) workplace competencies, and (8) basic use of computers as competencies required to enter employment.
SCANS Performance Objectives:
1. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of Scans competency
[reading]. Performance will be satisfactory if the student successfully:
a. understands reading assignments required for this course
b. understands the scenario format of the unit exam questions
2. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of Scans competency
[writing]. Performance will be satisfactory if the studentsuccessfully:
a. completes homework assignments
3. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of Scans competency
[mathematics]. Performance will be satisfactory if the student
a. calculates the required formulae used in rehabilitation and in home
4. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of Scans competency
[speaking and listening]. Performance will be satisfactory
if the student successfully:
a. interacts with the faculty and other students in the lecture class
5. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of Scans competency
[thinking skills]. Performance will be satisfactory if the student
a. analyzes the patients response to the rehabilitation process and
makes recommendationsregarding alterations in the care plan
b. analyzes the patients response to homecare modalities and
makes recommendations regardingalterations in the care plan
6. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of Scans competency
[personal qualities]. Performance will be satisfactory if the
student successfully:
a. interacts with faculty and fellow students in the classroom
7. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of Scans competency
[work place competencies]. Performance will be satisfactory
if the student successfully:
a. displays the social skills needed to interact with the RCP faculty
8. The student will demonstrate a working knowledge of Scans competency
[basic computer skills]. Performance will be satisfactory
if the student successfully:
a.interacts with the faculty via e-mail
b. utilizes the Internet for references
Course Structure: Lecture
Class Schedule:Friday: Lecture…08:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Required Textbooks: The following textbooks are required for this course:
- Wilkins, R.L., Stoller, J.L. & Scanlon, C.L., (2003) Egan’s fundamentals of respiratory care, 8th ed. St. Lewis: Mosby. [ISBN 0-323-01813-0]
- Wehrman, S.F. (2003) Study guide to Egan's fundamentals of respiratory care, 8th ed., St. Louis: Mosby. [ISBN 0-323-02209 X]
Optional Textbook:
Dunne, P.J. & McIntruff, S. L. (1998). Respiratory home care: the
essentials.Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.
Rehabilitation Links
Wallace, W. A. (2002, June/July). Building a better beast. RT: the journal
for respiratory care practitioners. Retrieved at:
Celli, B. R. (1998, April). Pulmonary rehabilitation: a practical approach for
improving ventilatory conditioning.Postgraduate Medicine. 103(4).
Retrieved at:
Course Content: (Tentative Outline)
Unit 1 Assessment of the need for rehabilitation
Unit 2 Exercise programs/equipment in the rehab setting
Unit 3 Assessment & modification of the rehab program
Unit 4 Assessmentand modifications of the home care environment
Unit 5 Respiratory care equipment in the home
Unit 6 Discharge planning / training
Students are expected to attend all class, lab, and clinical sessions unless they are officially excused. An official absence is granted when such absence is caused by official participation in a college activity and the instructor is informed in advance. All other absences are unofficial. Absences caused by unavoidable conditions, such as illness, should be reported to the instructor by the start of class (281-312-1635).
Absences will impact the final average with the first absence counting one [-1%] point, the second absence two [-2%] points, the third absence five [-5%] points, and each absence following with anadditional ten [-10%] point reduction.
Each tardy will result in the deduction of 0.33% from the final grade average for this course. A “tardy” is inclusive of leaving class less than thirty minutes before dismissal, as well as taking leave during class or labs for longer than a reasonable amount of time.
Tardies of more than thirty minutes will be considered a half-day absence. These will be deducted as 0.5% from the final grade average for this course. Leaving a class/lab early or for extended periods will be calculated as a tardy or absence, depending on the amount of time missed.
No test missed may be made up. Per program guidelines, no grades will be dropped in the computation of the final grade for this course.
Students shall not schedule conference times with other faculty or councilors during class time. Any class
time missed due to ‘appointments’ with councilors or other faculty will not be treated any differently from other types of tardy or absences.
Leave of Absence is NOT given in this program. Withdrawal is required. Student may not drop this class without consultation with the instructor.
Make-up Exams:
Missed exams/quizzes must be promptly made up on the first remediation day (Friday @ 1000) following the miss. Make-up exam/quiz scores will be multiplied by 75 % thus reducing the score for final grade averaging (i.e.: a score of 85 % will be recorded as 64 % for final course grade averaging).
Policies and Procedures:
Student may find the following information in the Respiratory Care
Student Handbook
- Withdrawal policy
- Attendance policy
- Grading scale
The Respiratory Care Therapist Program practices a non-discriminatory admissions policy with respect to race, color, creed, sex, age, or national origin.
Any examination not passed with a 75% MUST be remediated on the first Friday @ 1000hours following the scheduled test. The purpose of remediation is to be sure that the student does not have a gap in their academic learning. Students must speak with their instructor in order to schedule a meeting time for an interview. The student should bring completed homework assignments to the interview. During the conference and after identifying problem areas in the failed exam, the instructor will prescribe additional assignments to be completed by the student thus remediating areas of incomplete understanding.
Additionally, all students are welcome to request a tutoring remediation session if they feel they need some help understanding a topic of study.
Calendar and Holidays:
Jan. 18Class begins
Mar. 10-16Mid-semester break (no classes)
Mar. 21Spring Holiday (no classes)
Apr. 08Last day to drop and receive “W”
May 09Lecture Final Exam 9:00 –10:30 a.m. (tentative)
Cell Phones & Pagers:
Students are required to turn off cell phones and pagers during class time. If an emergency situation exists and only with instructor approval, these devices may be placed in “vibrate” mode. However, leaving the classroom to answer an emergency call MUST be an infrequent occurrence.
Course Drop:
Students are required to talk with their instructor before attempting to drop this or any other course.
Quizzes and homework will count (maximally) as two (2%) and one (1%) percentage points respectively. These points will be applied towards the exam grade for their respective unit. For example: 2 quizzes (4%), plus 2 homework assignments (2%), plus the unit exam (94%).
There will be a minimum of two lecture examinations plus one comprehensive final exam. These will be weighted equally, averaged and comprise 100% of the final score for this course. The final exam may be excused if an 89.45 % lecture exam average is earned and the student attends the exam review; otherwise the final exam is mandatory.
The final grade will be based on the following example:
Unit Exams plus Final Exam….…...….100.00%
Less absence / tardiness:
(i.e.: 2 absence and 2 tardies) -3.67%_
Final Grade……………………………. 96.33%
The following numerical ranges correspond to letter grades within
the respiratory therapist program:
A=90 - 100
B=80 - 89
C=75 - 79
D=65 - 74
F=< 65
I have received a copy and have read the course document for RSPT 1241 Respiratory Home Care/Rehabilitation. By signing, I indicate my understanding and willingness to comply with these regulations and requirements.
Print Name:______
Student Signature: ______
Date: ______