72 ways to get bookings

  1. Send a catalog to a co-worker that has moved.
  2. Send a catalog to your Tupperware, discovery toys… etc, reps or exchange shows.
  3. Hold an open house.
  4. Have a booth at a bridal or women’s show.
  5. Advertise in your alumni newsletter and/ or local newspaper.
  6. Give a catalog to the receptionist at your doctors/ dentists office.
  7. Include a flyer/ business card in with your bill payments.
  8. Call past hostesses- we constantly get new products!
  9. Put a current catalog in your neighbor’s door. Include a 10% off coupon.
  10. Ask friends to have a show.
  11. Take a recipe to every potluck (penis shapes jello or cake works like a charm!)
  12. Host an office party or brunch.
  13. Host a show before or after a PTA meeting.
  14. Mail out samples, catalogs, and a wish list.
  15. Host your own show. Could even be a fundraiser for your favorite charity.
  16. Get a list from welcome center. New people may be looking for a consultant or a new job!
  17. Have your family, and yourself wear PR gear to promote your business.
  18. Hold a Christmas shopping show for men (be sure to follow the rules).
  19. Offer a Christmas wish list to your guest and then call the gift giver.
  20. Put an ASK ME button on your purse or coat.
  21. Ask past hostesses at shows to talk about all of their free products.
  22. Hold an opportunity night.
  23. Random Mailings (you can get great leads from Vista Print).
  24. Mention Hostess half-price gifts and other benefits at least 3 times per show.
  25. Hold up higher priced items and mention half price products to encourage bookings.
  26. Mention how much your average hostess gets in free products.
  27. Share upcoming specials at shows and during phone calls.
  28. Tell your hostess how much she saved by having the show.
  29. Encourage frequent customers to have regularly planned shows.
  30. Encourage hostess to rebook a show in 6-9 months. She’ll be the first to see and try new products.
  31. Encourage relatives to book a show.
  32. Call your realtor with suggestions for new home packages.
  33. Start an email address book of who wants to know the monthly specials. Don’t forget to mention the hostess specials you have created.
  34. Encourage your hostesses and guests to refer potential hostesses to you.
  35. Offer a bridal registry.
  36. Describe and highlight the hostess plan during shows.
  37. Be friendly and enthusiastic.
  38. Follow through with every booking lead.
  39. Ask ask ask.
  40. Use open ended questions, especially when dealing with bookings.
  41. Use your products and samples at home, office, camping, parties…. The more you use them, the more people will see you use them!
  42. Read sales, self improvement, and positive thinking books.
  43. Call at least two potential hostesses every night.. (Those maybe later ladies).
  44. Donate a gift basket to be auctioned for charity. (be sure to include a catalog and business card).
  45. Dream and Imagine the possibilities
  46. Set goals and review then constantly, post them where you can see them.
  47. Ask friends to help you get started or reach certain goals.
  48. Use hostess fliers
  49. Use postcards and/ or newsletters to continue to spark interest
  50. Follow up phone calls to particularly interested guests. They may decide later to have shows.
  51. Have the hostess tell why she decided to have a show
  52. Give products and gifts or donations
  53. Don’t be shy when you talk about your products or your business
  54. Smile when talking on the phone
  55. Review orders from the past shows—who have bought frequently…
  56. Be prepared to answer questions about your job
  57. Write down names of people who owe you a favor and then follow up.
  58. Call the most familiar people first.
  59. Call potential hostesses who postponed or never booked.
  60. Spend time everyday working on some aspect of your business.
  61. Be willing to share the business opportunity.
  62. Call anyone who has said maybe r sometime.
  63. Leave your business cad on bulletin boards or in local businesses
  64. Talk about upcoming specials with everyone
  65. Keep a list of special requests and let those guests know when that product is on sale.
  66. Suggest hosting a show to do Christmas shopping with out leaving home.
  67. Offer a bonus for hostesses who book on days or months you need the extra show
  68. Give extra service and time to god customers- they will be repeat hostesses and potential consultants.
  69. Carry a note pad to jot down names and numbers of people you talk to about your business
  70. Let guests keep a catalog to keep on hand or pass around work.
  71. Love what you do! smile
  72. Leave your business card everywhere! Especially at a restaurant when leaving a great tip!