Bank Hall Kindergarten has been established for over 20 years and is located in the heart of the Bank Hall Estate, Bretherton, midway between Southport and Preston. The Kindergarten is surrounded by mature trees and green fields – and, as in the true meaning of the word “Kindergarten,” we have created a “children’s garden” in which your child will feel both happy and secure. We accept all children from birth and your child will be in the care of fully qualified staff practitioners at all times, many of whom have been with us for many years.

On entry to the Kindergarten each child will be assigned a Key member of staff who will ensure your child’s care is tailored to meet their individual needs and will help them become familiar with the Kindergarten offering a settled relationship for your child and to build a relationship with you as parents.

We shall provide your child with a loving, caring environment in which to learn during their most formative years, by offering a variety of equipment and learning opportunities through challenging play whilst supporting them as they take risks and explore within our continuous provision areas. We aim to help stimulate their minds, encourage language development, teach them the ability to listen and concentrate and develop an understanding of the world around them. Children will be encouraged to share with one another, make friends and establish relationships and we pride ourselves on discipline, courtesy and manners as we maintain clear and consistent boundaries.

We are committed to the importance of outdoor play and physical development in all children and our establishment offers a large garden area with plenty of space in which your child can both play and learn whilst enjoying life to the full as they develop in a variety of ways, including independence, exploration and investigative skills, risk taking and self-esteem all of which helps to support children to develop skills for now and the future.

The Kindergarten is organised between three areas –

Baby Bluebells - for up to 12 children from birth to approximately 2 years of age,

Snowdrops - for children from approximately 2 years up to 3+ years, consisting of two groups: "Caterpillars Group" age 2 + and "Butterflies Group" age 3+

Pre-School Daisies(located in the annexe building)- for children in their last year before starting primary school

Whichever room your child is in, we will be working underthe Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth – five years. Areas of Learning and Development shape activities and experiences that we offer to enable us to help children work towards achieving the early learning goals which your child should have reached by the end of the academic year in which they turn five. Our staff will observe and plan for your child’sfuture learning by supporting their development under a principled approach. The over-arching principles that shape the practice within the Kindergarten are:

1. A Unique Child / 2. Positive Relationships / 3. Enabling Environments / 4. Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates

All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. The three prime areas of learning are crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and build their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. Children are also supported in the four specific areas through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied:

Communication and Language / Literacy
Physical development / Mathematic
Personal, social and emotional development / Understanding of the World
Expressive arts and design

Under the Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage we have in place an effective Safe Guarding Policy/Procedure which is there to ensure we safeguard and promote the welfare of all the children in our care. Should staff have any concerns regarding a child, we are duty bound to follow our Safe Guarding Policy and Procedure.

(age 0 – approximately 2 year olds)

Our Baby Bluebells Room has a homely feel where your child will be cared for by loving and understanding practitioners as they encourage your child to play, crawl and walk and become aware of their surroundings. Our aim is to provide a nurturing yet stimulating environment and to give our 0-2’s lots of new experiences. We offer opportunities to explore within our four areas of continuous provision from developing their senses playing in foam, spaghetti, sand and creating paintings. We encourage role play within the imaginary area to imitate home life whilst developing life skills and encouraging new vocabulary.In the physical area learning to climb and slide, playing in the balls using see-saws, dancing and playing musical instruments or relaxing in the comfy area with calming lights, heuristic play, looking at photographs and books as we relax on the sofa to recharge our batteries. At the end of each day you shall be consulted on development, sleeping and feeding routines as practitioners inform you of your child’s day. We aim to take the children within the outdoor environment as often as is possible so that they can take advantage of the ideal surroundings and clean country air. By using a Key Worker system we ensure continuity for your child at all times.Weekly music sessions commence within Bluebells Room, right through to our Pre-School rooms.

(age approximately 2 – 3+ years)

As the children in Baby Bluebells room approach 2 years of age, they will be gradually introduced to our "Caterpillars Group" within our Snowdrops Room and a full transfer will take place, dependent upon the stage of development rather than the age of the child.Snowdrops offers a variety of open ended resources and materials for children to explore. Within the room ten areas are clearly labelled and accessible for children to fully explore as they learn and develop life skills supported by their Key person. Our continuous provision promotes the three prime areas of Learning with the main focus being on the child’s current interests. We are aware that children of this age may need time to rest during parts of the day so we have a comfortable area within the book area for children to rest. Snowdrops has an easily accessible toilet area for children who are practicing self care, and independence is created through a variety of ways. Snowdrops offers frequent and safe access to the large garden area giving children first hand contact with weather, seasons and the natural world. Children participate in Drama and Dance and Sports Sessions which encourage them to express themselves freely and develop healthy lifestyles. These sessions continue through to our Pre-School room.

At approximately 2 years of age your child will receive a 2 year Progress Report which is a written summary of how your child is progressing against the three Prime areas of learning, this can be shared with your child’s Health Visitor in line with their 2 year Development Check.

As children turn 3 years of age they will move into the "Butterflies Group" where we encourage your child to be more independent in their use of the learning environment and their self-help skills. Your child will be supported by the practitioners to help take care of their learning environment by helping to tidy up and setting up for meal times. Children take part in activities such as ‘Wake up, Shake up’ which will help increase their physical activity. Children continue with the Extra curricular activities. We also support your child’s development to ensure they are ready for the next stage in their learning by providing activities which promote early mark making skills and help each child have confidence in their ability to explore the environment and build on their existing knowledge.

Within our Pre-school rooms the environment is set up into ten areas of continuous provision which are available for the children to access freely throughout the day. We work with parents / carers to ensure we provide a stimulating environment which will help your child to progress and learn.

We recognise the importance of children learning through play and this is encouraged. Each child’s current interests are used to help practitioners support their learning by planning relevant and purposeful activities. We nurture children’s explorations in the environment by asking questions and encouraging them to do so which promotes their critical thinking skills.

Children are encouraged to become more independent in their use of the learning environment and their self-care skills. Practitioners support the children to take care of the learning environment by helping to tidy up and setting up for meal times etc. We also support each child’s development to ensure they are ready for their transition to school by providing activities which promote early mark making skills and help each child to have confidence in their abilities so they feel able to explore the environment and build on their already existing knowledge.


Being outdoors has a positive impact on children's sense of well-being and helps all aspects of children's development which is why outdoor play is an important part of Kindergarten life. Children have regular access to our stimulating outdoor environment doing things in different ways and on different scales than when indoors. The use of our two pavilions ensures access to outdoors is not always “weather dependant” and the natural environment gives children opportunities to explore using their senses, be physically active and set themselves challenges with close supervision and support.

We are open all year round from 7.45am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday. During this period our hours are flexible to suit the needs of both parents and child, and your child may start with us at any time of the year. The Kindergarten will only be closed for statutory Bank Holidays and approximately one week at Christmas – dates of which will be displayed.

What OFSTED say about us!.... (May 2015)

  • Staff build extremely strong relationships with children and they know the precise capabilities of each individual child. As a result, children settle quickly and become highly independent, because staff provide a balance of nurture and challenge appropriate to the unique needs of each child.
  • Children make very good progress in their communication and language skills because their contributions are acknowledged and valued, which means that they are motivated to communicate freely.
  • Children's excellent behaviour is encouraged through high expectations in all that they do. Therefore, children develop an age-appropriate understanding of right and wrong.
  • Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are very well supported. Staff are committed to identifying any gaps in learning promptly and working with parents and external agencies to put in place effective strategies, for example, sign language.
  • Staff and managers give consistently high regard to safety procedures. Safer recruitment practices, regular supervision meetings and frequent discussion about safeguarding ensures that children are protected from harm.
  • Managers encourage the staff team to be highly reflective and driven to improve. They take into account the views of children, parents and staff to identify priorities for improvement.
  • The quality of teaching is consistently good and sometimes outstanding. Staff know when to guide children and, when to give them the freedom and encouragement to make their own decisions.
  • Staff have created unique indoor and outdoor environments, which are highly stimulating for the specific ages of children that they cater for.
  • Managers have a strong understanding of their responsibilities to deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage.


Your child is being cared for and educated during his/her formative years and in order to maintain the high standards of the Kindergarten, it is important that parents read the following conditions and adhere to them.

1. Age of Admittance Bank Hall Kindergarten caters for children between the ages of birth and 5 years.

We operate an open access information policy and you are welcome to view our Policies and Procedures, your children’s Learning Journey File or records and discuss any problems at a mutually convenient time.

2.Hours of Opening Full time children cannot be accepted before 7.45am. The latest they can be picked up is 6.00pm. Full day: children can attend 7..45am - 6pm.

Part time morning sessions: Children can attend 8.00am until 1.00pm.

Part time afternoon sessions: Children can attend 1.00pm until 6.00pm

Parents are requested to adhere to these times strictly. Late collection of your child will involve a charge of £5.00 for every ¼ hour after 1.00pm during a morning session/prior 1.00pm on an afternoon session OR £1.00 per minute charge per child after 6.00pm.

If any person other than a parent is collecting your child, we must be informed who that person is going to be prior to collection and the password must be used as stated on the child’s enrolment form.

We accept responsibility for your child from the time he/she is handed over to a member of staff upon arrival.

Parents must ensure that staffare informed of their collection, as we are not responsible for your child after collection from the appropriate room.

3.Absences It is important that the Manager is notified if your child is to be absent. This can be done by phone (01772) 601346 or via e-mail:

4..Holidays The Kindergarten is open throughout the year except for (Bank) Holidays and approximately 7 days at Christmas depending on which day Christmas Day falls. Exact dates of holidays are displayed on the Notice Board.

Full fees are charged for both full and part time pupils for weeks shortened by Bank Holidays. Half fees are payable for the Christmas week plus a maximum of 2 weeks holiday at half fees is allowed, with the holiday year running from 1st September to 31st August, regardless of date of entry.

5.Fees Fees must be paid in full, monthly in advance, on a Monday or first day of attendance. It is not possible to offer reductions for whatever reason, as a place is reserved for your child throughout the year.

Fees are to be paid by bank transfer.Our Account details are: Account no: 41806603 Sort code: 60-20-11

We require a Registration Fee of £100.00 to secure your child's place, which will be deducted off your first months fees.

We accept a range of Salary Sacrifice Voucher schemes. (please ask for further details)

Non payment of fees may result in your child being refused admission.

An administrative charge £10.00 will be added to your account in the case of a returned cheque.

6.Sickness Any child suffering from a doubtful rash, sore throat, discharge from the eyes or nose or diarrhoea should be kept at home until a doctor has certified that the symptoms have disappeared. Please refer to our Sick ChildPolicy/Infection Control Policy and Exclusions periods for a more detailed explanation. Should a child become sick at the Kindergarten, every effort will be made to contact the parents. Please ensure that you indicate where you can be contacted during Kindergarten hours. The Manager reserves the right to remove a child to hospital in an emergency.


It is not the policy of Bank Hall Kindergarten to administer medicine unless specifically requested by the parent. In order for medicine to be administered precise instructions must be entered on the medicine record form by the parent and signed each day as understood by both parent and the member of staff who will administer the medicine. Any medicine must be in the original bottle and clearly marked with a large label showing clearly the name of the child and dosage.

8.Clothing and Personal Property All clothing etc. must be clearly marked with the child’s name (this is very important). We aim to take the children out daily therefore it is important that they are provided with suitable clothing and high factor sun cream in summer months.Articles are left at the Kindergarten at the owner’s own risk.

9.Valuables etc. Children may bring in comforters and small items for "Show and tell" when in Pre School room, but are not to bring jewellery, money or other valuables to the Kindergarten nor are they to bring sweets, chocolate, chewing gum or drinks.

10.Parking People using Bank Hall Drive and the Kindergarten car park do so at their own risk. The Kindergarten accepts no responsibility for injury, damage or loss to persons, vehicles or property. Parents are reminded to drive very slowly especially when arriving and departing and travelling down Bank Hall Drive and adhere to the speed restrictions. Speed bumps are installed along the drive for the safety of the children – Please drive with care

Please always remember to shut and lock the gate behind you for the safety of the children.

11.Smoking Please note that we operate a No Smoking policy at all times within the perimeter of the Kindergarten.

12.Use of mobile phones We kindly ask that you refrain from using mobile phones/recording devices while on the Kindergarten premises.

13. Safeguarding We have an obligation to report to the relevant authorities any suspicions we have that your Child has suffered neglect or abuse, and we may do without your consent and/or without informing you.