To:All Principals, Vice-Principals and Secretaries

From:Marilyn Hyatt, Superintendent Planning and Transportation

Lori Powell, Executive Director, Niagara Student Transportation Services

CC:Senior Administration

Date:June 4, 2012

RE:Trillium Data and Communication for Student Transportation

Student Data in Trillium

In order to ensure that the transportation planning for the year 2012-13 is accurate, we ask all Principals to ensure that all data entry in Trillium is completedbefore the Secretaries leave for the summer. Niagara Student Transportation Services (NSTS) plans transportation for students for back to school based on the final download from Trillium on July 6, 2012. It is critical for a successful start-up to ensure all information in Trillium is accurate by this date.

In addition, please make sure that the codes for student medical conditions or accessibility needs are fully completed so that that NSTS can make appropriate transportation arrangements. This includes emailing or faxing NSTS with student Emergency Action Plans so that we can provide this information to the bus drivers.


  • Please ensure that the Secretaries pay particular attention to the data codes for kindergarten students so that NSTS knows if students are morning, afternoon or all day students.
  • All pick-up and drop-off address information is updated to reflect the families address or daycare plans for the 2012-13 school year.


  • Please ensure that the Secretaries pay particular attention to Grade 9 students for school attendance and returning Grade 12 students.
  • Studentprogram enrolment is coded so that NSTS can apply the eligibility criteria applicable to secondary school students.

Communication regarding Student Transportation

Please note that NSTS will have all transportation information for 2012-13 posted on their website by August 20. Letters will be mailed to Junior Kindergarten students,and new students to the system who do not have an Ontario Education Number (OEN), with their transportation information.

We ask all Principals to post the accompanying notice on the front door of the school and websites. Please also include this information in your newsletters, year-end communication to parents or insert the accompanying notice into report cards.

In the month of June NSTS is directly communicating to schools and parents:

SK to Grade 1 Eligibility:Information packages have been sent to all Elementary Schools from NSTS via courier regarding the transportation eligibility of students transitioning from Kindergarten to Grade 1 (.800KM to 1.6KM). Letters are being mailed directly to the families impacted the week of June 4.

Bell Time Changes:Schools that adjusted their bell times to support transportation efficiencies will receive an email from their Transportation Coordinator the week of June 4th. Principals will be responsible for communicating the change in times with their communities.

Policy Exceptions:NSTS will also copy Principals and Superintendents on all letters being sent to members of your community regarding transportation policy exceptions. Letters will be mailed the week of June 11.

Competitive Procurement:All schools impacted by the competitive procurement process will receive a package in the week of June 11.

Transit:Schools who receive transit tickets for students will receive their 2012-13 initial transit allocation the week of June 18.

When you return to work for the 2012-13 school year, all information that the school will need for student transportation will be posted on the NSTS website school portal.

New Initiative to Support School Charters

NSTS is completing a competitive procurement process for Charter Transportation Services. Packages with approved Vendors of Record for Charter Transportation Services will be available to all schools with information on bus companies specific to their charter policies and procedures and pricing formulas. This information will be posted for download through the school and school board administration portal on the NSTS website by August 20, 2012.

Thank you for your cooperation and wehope that you have a happy and restful summer. Please don’t hesitate to call NSTS if you have any questions, 905 346-0290.