1984 Culminating Activity

In this lesson, you will compare and contrast the world, people, and technologies of 1984 with those of today and create a treatment for a modern film, print, or stage adaptation that revolves around current technologies.


1984, laptops, copies of the handout 1984 vs. Today, copies of the article “Little Brother is Watching”, and video equipment (phones)

Build Background:

Answer these questions after listening to portions of “Hey Teens: Your Parents are Probably Reading your Facebook”

  1. How have communication technologies – including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, cellphones, smartphones, and Webcams – changed our culture?
  2. Is there such a thing as privacy in a world where such technologies are ubiquitous?
  3. How does technology enable people to violate others’ privacy and freedons?
  4. How can people use technology to protect their own privacy and freedoms?

Whole Class:

Read the article “Little Brother is Watching” by Walter Kirn

Discuss and take notes on these questions:

  1. What does Mr. Kirn mean when he says that the invasion of privacy has been “democratized”?
  2. How are today’s communication technologies and communicators different from those Orwell imagined in 1984?
  3. Do you agree or disagree with Mr. Kirn that the actions of Tyler Clementi’s roommate are “more disturbing” than those of Orwell’s Big Brother?
  4. In what way, according to Mr. Kirn, can the actions of “Little Brother” benefit society?
  5. How has today’s technology blurred the lines between what is public and what is private?
  6. What does Mr. Kirn mean when he says modern technology contributes to the fragmentation of society?

Activity with project group/partner

Building on the work Mr. Kirn began in his piece, compare Orwell’s vision in 1984 with contemporary life.

Draw comparisons and contrasts on a number of fronts – character, setting, theme, jargon, technology – You may draw on your own experiences, too.

Complete the T-chart “1984 vs. Today” to get started.

Share your ideas with the whole class.

Next, you will collaborate on a treatment for a modern adaptation of 1984 (for print, film, or stage), including contemporary technology, drawing on the comparisons you drew between the novel and contemporary life. Note that you can do minor updates to the original, or diverge in ways that point up how the novel contrasts with the real world today.

As you work, consider how to update the setting, characters, themes, and technologies to reflect, and comment on, contemporary society. To brainstorm in preparation for writing, you might add a third column to the T-chart to develop ideas for how to represent in fiction the ways 1984 and the modern world compare and contrast. To help inspire you with this, watch the reimagined 1984 – one a short film (, the other a TV commercial. ( )

Related Reading:

“How Privacy Vanishes Online”

“The Web Means the End of Forgetting”