Notes and Actions – 24th Steering Group Meeting of the Bray Parish neighbourhood Plan held on Tuesday 4th December 2012 at Lordlands Farm.


Steering Committee

Chris Graham (Chair)

David Coppinger

Derek Mellor

Rod Ball

Steve Adams

Robin Howard

Duncan Johnson

William Emmett

Jacqui mainprice??

Louise Shenston

Apologies for absence

Sarah Ball

Nick Pellew

Michael Romero

Roger Nilson

Rod Ball announced his resignation from the Steering Group and the Countryside and Green Belt Topic group. Thanks from the Chairman for leading the Topic Group to date.

New Topic Group leader to be found. William Emmett suggested that martin Hall should be approached. Rod ball to speak to Martin and report back.

Ed Butler has also resigned.

1. Action Recorder

Louise Shenston

2. Minutes of 23rd Meeting

Robin Howard sent an email on 8th November regarding omissions – please refer back to this and amend minutes accordingly.

3. Questions from the public

None present

4. Full report from the Princes Foundation

Report submitted too late to be included. Item to be included in Agenda for next meeting – 18th December.

CG proposed that we dispense with their services.

5. The need for a further Holyport Workshop

No response received to David Coppinger’s email asking if a further workshop is required. DC’s email to be circulated again.

General support for the formation of a Holyport Community Association.

Workshop to be arranged for some time in January – organiser to be found.

6. Report from Communications Topic Group

Duncan Johnson reported that there are 6 new members of the group and that it has been decided that each of them would take it in turn to Chair their meetings.

19 action points noted at the first meeting. An email to be sent out to all Topic Group members confirming the points.

CG requested that the Steering Group members be copied in so that everyone is “in the loop”.

Next Topic Group meeting 15th December.

Website review is a priority and journalistic support required.

More Topic Group members required. Several names put forward.

RH suggested that a poster calling for volunteers could be put up at the forthcoming housing development meetings at Saxons Barn on 8th and 11th Dec.

DC confirmed that there will be no travellers sites in Oakley Green.

7. Feedback to/from RBWM

No feedback yet received from RBWM on second submission by Countryside & Green Belt or Transport & Infrastructure.

Need to ensure that RBWM are more involved:-

DC to approach new Head of Highways for help.

CG to approach Paul Mc Grath

DM to contact Ben Smith – Highways

DC to contact Ben Smith as well – to express our concern

8. Report on RBWM Training (SA)

General concensus of opinion – declined the opportunity to get involved

9. Setting the Bray Parish Housing Number (SA)

DC advised that the number is for the whole of the borough for the 15 year period.

Concern expressed over the impact of Crossrail – 1M extra passengers going through Maidenhead – 4,000 extra jobs. Has the borough taken this into consideration when deciding upon potential housing numbers?

DC to find out.

Need to access the information obtained by First great Western and Crossrail. (Paul McGrath?)

10. The Next Steps

Ø  Gap Survey – Sarah to comment – Ref Para 76 NPPF

Ø  Traffic Survey – Head of Highways to be approached to ask what should be done. Sarah to action. Survey to include Upper Bray Road, A308 from Braywick roundabout to Ruddles Way, A330 Holyport Green to M4 and Hibbert Road

Ø  Village Character Statements – Too onerous – not to be included.

Ø  Writing the Plan – Help needed. Someone who is well versed in planning terminology is required. Andrew Close produced a document, which could be used as a template. Require final feedback from BBWM on 2nd submission.

11. Changes to the Constitution

It was agreed to include Standing Order 68 Part 2 in the Constitution.

12. Emails from the public (CG)

13. New Members of the Steering Group

There are now 6 new members, but others have expressed an interest. To be followed up.

14. AOB

a)  RBWM Local Plan Sites Consultation – Consultation Period to be extended. 2 open meetings arranged at Saxon Barn Sat 8th and Tuesday 11th Dec

b)  Duncan would appreciate input from the Steering Group members (bullitt points for his letter of the 15th

c)  Letter to Andrew Cormie – 9 votes

d)  All in favour of Robin Howard’s letter to Mrs Susan Calvert – Headmistress at Braywood C of E School.

15 Date of nest meeting – Tuesday 18th Dec – 19.30 to 21.30 hrs