
March 28, 2013

Lincoln Child Advocacy Center

5025 Garland Street, Lincoln, NE

Present: T. Jensen, R. Rolles, P. Dessel, L. Alderman, E. Aliano, K. McGrury, L. Thompson, K. Roewert, B. McQueen and I. Svoboda

Participated on the phone:

Excused: P. Sattler, K. Thomsen, C. MacTaggart, J. Brugger, K. Stevenson, J. Briggs, and T. Nelsen


Minutes by: I. Svoboda


CALL TO ORDER- The meeting was called to order by President T. Jensen.

Introductions/Agency Updates

CAC- Staff updates in Grand Island, Scottsbluff, and N. Platte.

Probation 4A- B. McQueen is Chief Deputy. B. McQueen will stay on the Board until they fill the victim position.

Crime Commission- L. Alderman submitted information for NEVAA, able to catch up on claims on police reports;

US Attorney’s Office- Violence Against Women (Indian Country Conference June 11-12 has been approved) - lodging will be $63/night and the conference is free. Protect Our Children conference has been set for October 15-17 in Omaha.

Probation in Omaha- no updates;

Omaha Victim Witness unit- R. Rolles is in the Director position although they did not replace her position.

Gage County Victim Assistance- working on National Crime Victims’ Rights week awareness- billboards and promotional items;

L. Thompson is a volunteer and has an interest in Guardian Conservator—Guardian Abuse especially with the elderly.

Approval of Minutes – January 24, 2012

Changes made to the minutes noted in the Agency Updates, Treasurer’s Report, and Old Business Section of the January 2013 Minutes. B. McQueen motioned and L. Alderman seconded to approve the minutes. Moved and approved.

Treasurers Report -- Pat

Beginning balance was $2193.17 on December 25, 2012. Deposits made were $1010. Expenses incurred were $192.53. To include the savings account (balance of $12,101.82), total balance on 2/28/13 was $15,112.46. L. Alderman motioned and R. Rolles seconded to approve. Motion carried.

Committee Reports

CVRW ConferenceTraci, Joanie, Ivy, Kim, Erin, Kathy

Walk through at 9:30am on April 8thand 10:30am conference materials will be put together. 94 registrations have been received. Room set up will be Wednesday a 3pm on April 10th. Additional help is needed. K. McGrury and B. McQueen (hopefully) have agreed to help with set up. T. Nelson will bring information. T. Jensen will be doing opening remarks. A suggestion about a raffle on gift cards was made (possibly a good idea for next year)—T. Jensen will let her know. If anyone has additional items to donate, email J. Briggs. The Committee needs someone to drive the speakers to and from the airport, the conference, and the hotel. B. McQueen and E. Aliano will help with transportation. K. Roewert created a slide show highlighting different programs, Crimes Victims’ Rights Week.

Training & Technical Assistance Toni, Christon, Beth

Still looking at dates to do the Color training. T. Jensen found a great resource for ethics and may want to put that on the blog.

Election Pat, Rhonda, Liza

Membership Orientation


R. Rolles has been working on the new member handout and has converted it to a PowerPoint. There were some suggested changes that R. Rolles incorporated. R. Rolles noted that information is missing. T. Jensen suggested the group fill in a timeline at the July meeting. P. Dessel has a copy of the Articles of Incorporation and will send to T. Jensen and E. Aliano.

Public Relations Kerri and Patricia


Annual Report

Community Outreach

K. McGrury said there is no new information to report on Public Relations. T. Jensen will work with P. Sattler on the Annual Report.

Annual Awards EventJoAnna, Kathy and Joanie

T. Jensen read the email that was sent in for J. wrote the Awards and certificates have been ordered. T. Jensen has been asked to MC the luncheon. 28 registered so far. We will be able to hold 60-65 people.

T. Jensen clarified the expectations of the Committee. The Committee is to submit recommendations of who should receive the awards. Then the Board will need to vote and approve the recommendations that have been made by the Committee.

The Board discussed the process for submitting the awards. T. Jensen made a recommendation that the Committee submit the recommendations to the Board for approval and Board vote before notifying the award recipients. At the May meeting, the Board will review the reward categories and potential criteria. At the July meeting, the Board will vote on the criteria and categories. T. Jensen also asks that the Committee report who they seek out the nominations from and request that the Board help publicize. T. Jensen would like to have the Committee members present and would table this topic for the May meeting.


T. Jensen reported that she received materials for Crimes Victims’ Rights Week.

Old Business

Audit update – Pat

P. Dessel reviewed the audit. T. Jensen will need to sign off of the deposits. E. Aliano is a second person to sign, if needed.

Discussion of Luncheon Awards/Nominations

Already reported.

NEVAA Report – Kim

NEVAA is finalizing the student application. A number of faculty are sitting around the table. The faculty selected throughout the state. There is a limit of 50 people. This year is the grant paid year. Next year, the registration fee will be higher. It is not first come, first serve as there is an application process because there will be a diverse participant list—advocates, law enforcement, medical field, educators. Steering committee is still looking for someone to help put the web site together. (Suggestion was made that Kerry Beldin may know someone. B. McQueen will touch base with her to ask.)

Address Confidentiality Program Presentation – Toni

T. Jensen contacted this program. They will attend the meeting in May for 30 minutes. We are hoping to build our relationship with them.

New Business

Regional Meetings- T. Jensen and E. Aliano will create an agenda for the membership meeting. Two meetings are set up—1) at the end of the conference and 2) the Monday of the NEVAA. I. Svoboda will make sure there is a room after the training on April 12th.


Bylaws state: Voting- any person who subscribes and pays annual dues; Associate member- any person who subscribes

T. Jensen recommends: If you’d like to be a voting member and attend the conference, pay for the conference and we will apply your dues out of your conference fee. Additionally, conference dues will go into NCVC profit and a portion will go into conference budget for the subsequent year.

K. Roewert motioned to approve T. Jensen’s recommendation. E. Aliano seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Next Meeting:May 16, 2013, 11 am – 1:30pm at Lincoln CAC


E. Aliano moved to end the meeting. B. McQueen seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 12:50pm.



May 16, 2013

Lincoln Child Advocacy Center

5025 Garland Street, Lincoln, NE

Present: R. Rolles, C. MacTaggart, E. Aliano, K. McGrury, K. Roewert, B. McQueen, P. Sattler, and I. Svoboda

Participated on the phone: K. Thomsen

Excused: T. Jensen, J. Brugger, P. Dessel, K. Stevenson, J. Briggs

Absent: L. Thompson, L. Alderman, and T. Nelsen

Minutes by: I. Svoboda

CALL TO ORDER- The meeting was called to order by Vice President, E. Aliano, at 11:10am.

Address Confidentiality Program Presentation- Colleen Byelickand Lynn

Introductions/Agency Updates

US Attorney’s Office- Violence Against Women (Indian Country Conference June 11-12 has been approved—100 registrants so far). Protect Our Children conference has been set for October 15-17 in Omaha at the Hilton. Project Harmony is the fiscal agent. POC will also partner with Children’s Hospital.

Probation in Omaha- T. Jensen gave birth to a baby boy!

Gage County Victim Assistance- K. McGrury brought some promotional items to share.

Nebraska State Patrol- Their conference is slated for October 1st and 2nd. C. MacTaggart mentioned the Protection Order Project- hired two analysts that are working with NCJIUS- are going to work with Tribes and have an automatic alert to notify victims. When officer enters info into NCJIS, it will trigger a notification to the victims. It will only be available to counties performing electronic service (it will be piloted in several counties first.)

Omaha Victim Witness unit- R. Rolles

CAC- Field Interview Training will occur in Norfolk June 19-21.

Probation 4A- B. McQueen stated that they have a new victim witness specialist beginning in June. This person will be housed in the North office.

Attorney General’s Office- P. Sattler has been on the road- 2 trials, 3100 miles.

Approval of Minutes – March 28, 2013

B. McQueen motioned and C. MacTaggart seconded to approve the minutes. Moved and approved.

Treasurers Report – submitted by P. Dessel

Beginning balance was $3010.64 on February 26, 2013. Deposits made were $3909.50. Expenses incurred were $1447.02. To include the savings account (balance of $12,101.92), total balance on 3/31/13 was $17,575.04. C. MacTaggart motioned and P. Sattler seconded to approve. Motion carried.

Committee Reports

CVRW ConferenceTraci, Joanie, Ivy, Kim, Erin, Kathy

K. Roewert reported that 101 attended the conference. We are still waiting for some payments from the Dept of Corrections ($500 outstanding). Total income $4040.00. Expenses $1365.22. Carry over balance for next year’s conference $2674.78. This return is better than last year. K. Roewert completed the report to OVC. Evaluations were pretty positive (some of the negative comments were that they weren’t able to hear and wanted healthier snacks). OVC is still awarding funds for conferences so we are hoping to still be able to utilize these. B. McQueen mentioned that she knows someone for a victim speaker. The Committee will start planning again around August so please let K. Roewert know of any interests.

Training & Technical Assistance Toni, Christon, Beth

C. MacTaggart will look to scheduling the True Colors training in the fall. Those who have expressed interest have been from the Lincoln and Omaha area so may rethink where the conference is held.

Election Pat, Rhonda, Liza

Membership Orientation


R. Rolles stated that she received the Articles of Incorporation from P. Dessel. The Committee will begin working on the elections for next year.

Public Relations Kerri and Patricia


Annual Report

Community Outreach

K. McGrury is updating the web site as she receives information. The Committee will meet regarding the Annual Report once T. Jensen returns from maternity leave.

Annual Awards EventJoAnna, Kathy and Joanie

-Review the reward categories and potential criteria

-Report who they seek out the nominations from

-Request the Board help to publicize

J. Briggs provided an email update to E. Aliano regarding the awards. J. Briggs reported that she will no longer be on the committee. J. Briggs listed in the email all the entities that the nominations are being sent out to. The Board discussed that list was completely comprehensive so those receiving the form are not the reason for difficulty in receiving a small number of nominations. The Board reviewed the form and discussed possible changes. The Board looked at three categories—Advocate, Program, Professional—then talked about having an internal rubric to categorize the nominations. The Board does not want to take away from the integrity of the awards and felt that the intent of the current awards was completely adequate and appropriate. B. McQueen and E. Aliano (P. Sattler offered to proof read) will work on changes to the form and will present this for the July 2013 meeting. With J. Briggs stepping down, the Board is requesting that anyone interested in joining the committee to let E. Aliano know.


Indian Country Conference Committee is requesting for a $500 for food. C. MacTaggart made a motion to authorize that $500 be spent for the conference. R. Rolles seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business

NEVAA Report – Kim

Applications are being received- so far 25. Train the Trainer for the faculty is tomorrow morning.

E. Aliano and T. Jensen talked with Lynn Lange after the NCVC Conference. She expressed interest in becoming a member of the board. T. Jensen followed up with her.

New Business

Next Meeting:July 18, 2013, 11 am at Lincoln CAC


B. McQueen moved to end the meeting. P. Sattler seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 1:00pm.



July 18, 2013

Lincoln Child Advocacy Center

5025 Garland Street, Lincoln, NE

Present: R. Rolles, L. Floyd, C. MacTaggart, E. Aliano, P. Dessel, T. Nelsen, and I. Svoboda

Participated on the phone: B. McQueen

Visitor- R. Peck

Excused: K. McGrury, P. Sattler, K. Roewert, T. Jensen, J. Briggs, K. Thomsen

Absent: J. Brugger, K. Stevenson

Minutes by: I. Svoboda

CALL TO ORDER- The meeting was called to order by Vice President, E. Aliano, at 11:05am.

Introductions/Agency Updates

C. MacTaggart- Annual Conference for NSP on Oct 1-2 in Lincoln, they have a staff position open.

E. Aliano- Kim is out in Boston to help with the Boston Bombing—30 victims that showed up for his not guilty plea so she is working with those victims.

B. McQueen- have hired Maureen Ralphy for Victim Specialist.

P. Dessel- Robin Peck—taking over Crime Victims Program for Liza. R. Peck is attending the meeting as a visitor and may be interested in joining NCVC in the future.

Approval of Minutes – May 16, 2013

C. MacTaggart motioned and R. Rolles seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurers Report -- Pat

Beginning balance was $5473.12onApril 23, 2013. Deposits made were $530.00. Expenses incurred were $1732.56. To include the savings account (balance of $12,102.23), total balance on 6/24/13 was $16,372.79. C. MacTaggart motioned and R. Rollesseconded to approve. Motion carried.

Committee Reports

CVRW ConferenceTraci, Joanie, Ivy, Kim, Erin, Kathy

Nothing to report at this time. Please contact a committee member if anyone had any ideas for next year’s conference. P. Dessel mentioned that Lisa Stamm would be interested in participating on the committee. Probably will be meeting in the next month or so.

Training & Technical Assistance Toni, Christon, Beth

Will be probably meeting in August. Have not met since the last meeting.

Election Pat, Rhonda

Membership Orientation


Nothing new to report.

Public Relations Kerri and Patricia


Annual Report

Community Outreach

Nothing new to report.

Annual Awards EventKathy and Joanie

Reviewed the Award Rubric. There was clarification that the Rubric would be sent out with the Award Nomination Form—so for internal and external use. C. MacTaggart motioned to change the award categories and narratives of who is available in those categories as listed out in the Awards Ruberic.


None received.

Old Business

NEVAA Report – Kim

50 people have been accepted and a variety of professionals will attend. The academy is August 5-9, 2013 in Omaha. Discussion about the welcome night on Monday, August 5th at DJ’s Dugout—will share benefits of NCVC, what NCVC is involved with. The funds would come from the Executive Committee’s budget for meetings and will not be exceeded. E. Alliano will make a flier after checking with DJ’s and will email this out to the whole Board.

New Business

NSP Conference: Stalking and-- C. MacTaggart requested an up to $500 sponsorship. A time on the second day would be set aside for NCVC to speak a few minutes about NCVC and membership. T. Nelson motioned and R. Rolles seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Next Meeting:September 19, 2013, 11 am at Lincoln CAC


C. MacTaggart moved to adjourn the meeting. P. Dessel seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:45am.



September 19, 2013

Lincoln Child Advocacy Center

5025 Garland Street, Lincoln, NE

CONFERENCE CALL INFORMATION: (888)820-1398 and attendee code: 2539722#

Present: T. Jensen, R. Rolles, E. Aliano, K. Roewert, P. Sattler, T. Nelsen, L. Lange, and I. Svoboda

Participated on the phone: K. Thomsen, B. McQueen

Excused: P. Dessel, C. MacTaggart, J. Brugger, L. Thompson, K. McGrury

Absent: , K. Stevenson, J. Briggs

Minutes by: I. Svoboda

CALL TO ORDER- T. Jensen called the meeting to order at 11:05am.

Introductions/Agency Updates

  1. Svoboda- CAC Director position will be open at the end of the month in Scottsbluff/Gering.

P.Sattler- DV prosecutor recently moved so the position is vacant. 6 trials this half of the Year.

E. Aliano- getting ready for the POC conference #POCconference is on Twitter. E. Aliano was appointed to the Commission for the Protection of Children.

T. Jensen- Updates on CVR from M. Wills—no longer a requirement for a statement of financials when submitting CVR. All youth involved in criminal justice system are moving under OJS.

T. Nelson- Platte and Colfax Counties. Will be moving office locations in the next month.

K. Roewert- Been busy with POC. Been involved with a group putting together a strategic plan for Human Trafficking.

R. Rolles- Did not get any addition funding so will not be hiring additional people.

L. Lange- Fundamentals of Advocacy training in North Platte. Not awarded the Victim Assistance grant yet obtained a rural grant. Will not have funds available to do the civil/legal assistance portion any longer (were doing this for 10 years.) Working on connecting those attorneys to maintain the relationships.

K. Thomsen- Business as usual yet very busy.

B. McQueen- Been very busy. Case that went in front of Judge Ashford—Judge addressed the sentence to the victim.

Approval of Minutes – July 18, 2013

  1. Svoboda will make corrections where only first initials and last names are included. One last name needed to be corrected. Once minutes are approved, I. Svoboda will send them to K. McGrury to be posted to the blog. T. Nelsen motioned and P. Sattler seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurers Report -- P. Dessel had submitted earlier this week.

Beginning balance was $4270.56onJune 25, 2013. Deposits made were $480.00. Expenses incurred were $594.90. To include the savings account (balance of $12,102.43), total balance on 8/30/13 was $16,258.09. E. Aliano motioned and T. Nelsenseconded to approve. Motion carried.

Committee Reports

CVRW ConferenceT. Nelsen, J. Brugger, I. Svoboda, K. Roewert, E. Aliano, K. Thomsen