Comp 150 – Programming IFall 2018
Class Overview
Instructor:Dr. Scott Ragsdale, Ph.D. (Coach Rags), Associate Prof of Comp Sci
Office: SCI 202
Phone: (office) 4482, (Cell) 501-281-0367
Office Hrs: MW (3-5pm), TT(2-5pm), other hours by appt only, no office hours on Friday
Text:Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects by Gaddis (e-text)
Packaged with web application – myProgrammingLab
Section access code (150-2(10am): HARD-35046-YPND-38
150-3(11am): HARD-35059-CUVC-38)
Class Tools:
- The H.U.C.S. EASEL (CMS)
- (Textbook and Homework problem facilitator)
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 – Software IDE
Class Description
This course is designed for the novice and assumes that the student has little to no experience in the discipline of computer programming. This course will teach the basic fundamentals of programming and the student will apply his/her learning of the subject matter by writing code and complete programs in the C++ programming language.The first seven chapters of the required text will provide the foundation for the material presented.
Student Learning Outcomes
1. The student will be able to summarize the history and development of Computer Science.
2. The student will be able to create, compile, run, and debug a C++ program using the Microsoft Visual Studio application.
3. The student will be able to design a solution to a problem (algorithm) as a flowchart and a computer program.
4. The student will be able to use sequence, repetition, and decision to direct program control flow.
5. The student will be able to read data from input streams and write data to output streams.
6. The student will be able to use subroutines (functions) to divide a program into manageable pieces.
7. The student will be able to access and manipulate a linear data structure capabable of storing a vast amount of data.
Course Evaluation (Grade)
1) 3 exams and 1 final exam – 50% (Class)
2) 9 Lab assignments – 30% (Class and Homework)
3) 7 myProgrammingLab assignments – 20% (Class and Homework)
Extra Credit:
CS Seminar (1 pt each attended – points added to your exam category)
Perfect Attendance – 1% point
Academic Integrity
Cheating in all its forms is inconsistent with Christian faith and practice and will result in sanctions up to and including dismissal from the class with a failing grade.
Students with Disabilities
It is the policy for Harding University to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal and state law. Therefore, any student with a documented disability condition (e.g. physical, learning, or psychological) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the instructor and the Disabilities Office at the beginning of each semester. (If the diagnosis of the disability occurs during the academic year, the student must self--‐identify with the Disabilities Office as soon as possible in order to get academic accommodations in place for the remainder of the semester.) The Disabilities Office is located in Room 205 in the Student Center, telephone,
(501) 279-4019.
Credit Hour Calculator
For every hour in class, the typical student should expect to spend at least two clock hours on course-related work, including but not limited to out-of-class time spent reading, problem solving, reviewing, organizing notes, preparing for upcoming quizzes/exams and other activities that enhance learning.
Laptop/Cellphone Usage in Classroom
The student is allowed to use a laptop if there is not a machine available in the classroom or the laptop provides a better means to accomplish classwork. Cellphone usage is prohibited unless there is an emergency or the usage is consistent with learning the material at hand for that day.
For whatever you do in word or deed,
Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ...
Colossians 3:17