HLTA Readiness Analysis

This form must be completed, signed by the applicant and Headteacher/lead professional and forwarded with the completed application form and copy of relevant qualifications to Hampshire Teaching and Leadership College. The grid below is designed to be read in conjunction with the full wording of the HLTA Candidate Handbook. This is available from the Hampshire Teaching and Leadership College website Candidates will need to have access to the full details of these standards to be able to accurately complete the form. The numbers in the second column of the grid below correspond with the numbers within the full standards.The purpose of the grid is to give a summary of how much experience the candidate feels they have in the key aspects of the standards alongside how confident they are of the impact of their actions on learning. The assessment process requires each candidate to have experience in these areas. Experience Ratings F= FREQUENT; S=SOME; L=LITTLE, Confidence Ratings re Impact H=HIGH; M= MODERATE; L= LOW

Mark the relevant boxes with F,S,L and H,M or L as appropriate. Note any identified areas for development and action points to address them. It should be possible in most cases to address these in school. Once the needs analysis is complete it should be shared and endorsed by a lead professional in the school. If there are areas requiring development this will not necessarily stop candidates joining preparation as long as they have completed the action plan on page 6 with realistic activities and timescale.

Please note:

Standard 11 = Has achieved Level 2 in English and Maths (A Level, O Level, CSE Grade 1, GCSE C or above or national numeracy and literacy test at Level 2)

Standard 29 works well 1:1, 30 advance learning in groups, 31 works effectively without a teacher present with the whole class

To provide an accurate audit of current competency, experience included in this assessment should be within a maximum period of the last academic year

To be of a sufficient standard to undertake the assessment to HLTA status, applicants may have 3-5 “s” (some) or “m” (moderate) ratings within their self assessment, especially in the areas that are beyond the normal Teaching Assistant role. A greater proportion of such ratings, or any indicating little experience or low confidence, will indicate that the applicant is not yet ready to meet the HLTA standards.

Data Protection Statement

Hampshire County Council adheres to the requirements of the UK Data Protection Act 1998. Hampshire County Council is registered on the public register of data controllers which is looked after by the Information Commissioner. Under the Data Protection Act the information which you have provided in this application form will be used only for the purposes of the Higher Level Teaching Assistant Programme and not shared with other organisations. All responses will be kept confidential.

Key aspect of practice / Standard to
which it
relates / Experience
S= Some
L= Low / Confidence
Rating re Impact
H= High
M= Medium
L=Low / Possible development activity and timescale
Professional attributes
Those awarded HLTA status must demonstrate, through their practice, that they:
have high expectations of children and young people with a commitment to helping them fulfil their potential / 1
establish fair, respectful, trusting, supportive and constructive relationships with children and young people / 2
demonstrate the positive values, attitudes and behaviour they expect from children and young people / 3
communicate effectively and sensitively with children, young people, colleagues, parents and carers / 4
recognise and respect the contribution that parents and carers can make to the development and well-being of children and young people / 5
demonstrate a commitment to collaborative and cooperative working with colleagues / 6
improve their own knowledge and practice including responding to advice and feedback / 7
Key aspect of practice / Standard to
which it
relates / Experience
S= Some
L= Low / Confidence
Rating re Impact
H= High
M= Medium
L=Low / Possible development activity and timescale
Professional knowledge and understanding
Those awarded HLTA status must demonstrate through their practice that they:
understand the key factors that affect children and young people’s learning and progress / 8
know how to contribute to effective personalised provision by taking practical account of diversity / 9
have sufficient understanding of their area(s) of expertise to support the development, learning and progress of children and young people / 10
have achieved a nationally recognised qualification at level 2 or above in English/literacy and Mathematics/numeracy / 11
know how to use ICT to support their professional activities / 12
know how statutory and non-statutory frameworks for the school curriculum relate to the age and ability ranges of the learners they support / 13
understand the objectives, content and intended outcomes for the learning activities in which they are involved / 14
know how to support learners in accessing the curriculum in accordance with the special educational needs and disability (SEND) code of practice and disabilities legislation / 15
know how other frameworks, that support the development and well-being of children and young people, impact upon their practice / 16
Key aspect of practice / Standard to
which it
relates / Experience
S= Some
L= Low / Confidence
Rating re Impact
H= High
M= Medium
L=Low / Possible development activity and timescale
Professional Skills
Teaching and learning activities must takes place under the direction of a teacher and in accordance with arrangements made by the Headteacher of the school
Planning and expectations
Those awarded HLTA status must demonstrate, through their practice, that they:
use their area(s) of expertise to contribute tothe planning and preparation of learning activities / 17
use their area(s) of expertise to plan their role in learning activities / 18
devise clearly structured activities that interest and motivate learners and advance their learning / 19
plan how they will support the inclusion of the children and young people in the learning activities / 20
contribute to the selection and preparation of resources suitable for children and young people’s interests and abilities / 21
Key aspect of practice / Standard to
which it
relates / Experience
S= Some
L= Low / Confidence
Rating re Impact
H= High
M= Medium
L=Low / Possible development activity and timescale
Monitoring and assessment
Those awarded HLTA status must demonstrate, through their practice, that they:
monitor learners’ responses to activities and modify the approach accordingly / 22
monitor learners’ progress in order to provide focussed support and feedback / 23
support the evaluation of learners’ progress using a range of assessment techniques / 24
contribute to maintaining and analysing records of learners’ progress / 25
Teaching and learning activities
Those awarded HLTA status must demonstrate, through their practice, that they:
use effective strategies to promote positive behaviour / 26
recognise and respond appropriately to situations that challenge equality of opportunity / 27
use their ICT skills to advance learning / 28
advance learning when working with individuals / 29
advance learning when working with small groups / 30
Key aspect of practice / Standard to
which it
relates / Experience
S= Some
L= Low / Confidence
Rating re Impact
H= High
M= Medium
L=Low / Possible development activity and timescale
advance learning when working with whole classes without the presence of the assigned teacher / 31
organise and manage learning activities in ways which keep learners safe / 32
direct the work, where relevant, of other adults in supporting learning / 33

Action Plan

Identified areas for development

Standard / Action plan

To qualify for HLTA status applicants must hold an appropriate literacy and numeracy qualification, and be able to bring the original to day 1 of the preparation for assessment course should their application be successful.

Please confirm details of your current literacy and numeracy qualifications below:

1. Do you have a literacy or English qualification at Level 2 or higher (eg GCSE English at grade A-C, or equivalent?*)

Yes Details:

(Please attach a copy of the relevant certificate before you forward this form with your application form)

2. Do you have a numeracy or maths qualification at Level 2 or higher (eg GCSE maths at grade A-C, or equivalent?*)

Yes Details:

(Please attach a copy of the relevant certificate before you forward this form with your application form)

* A full list of acceptable qualifications is available through the National Assessment Partnership website at

THIS GRID WAS COMPLETED BY (name) ……………..……………………………….

of (school) ……………………………………………………. on (date) ………………….

and was ENDORSED BY (name) ……………………………………………………………

Role……………………………………………………………. on (date) ……………

TA SignatureEndorser’s Signature

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