Appendix 2


  1. Turnover, Sickness, Vacancies and Appraisals

1.1Whole Trust


  • The above chart illustrates that the cumulative position as at June 2008 (3.53%), is up 1.56 percentage points in comparison to the same period last year (1.97%).
  • The table below indicates that the year end forecast for turnover stands at 14.11% (an increase on the 13.59% turnover figure for 07/08).

Monthly External Turnover by Headcount (%) / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Year End
Forecast / Stability Index
08/09 / 1.19 / 1.10 / 1.24 / 14.11 / 81.90
07/08 / 0.59 / 0.41 / 0.97 / 1.66 / 1.77 / 1.55 / 1.03 / 1.22 / 1.16 / 1.21 / 0.81 / 1.21 / 13.59 / -


  • The above chart illustrates a marginal decrease in the three month rolling average compared to the same period last year.
  • The table below indicates that the average year to date sickness stands at 3.75%.

Monthly Sickness Absence (%) / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Year to Date
08/09 / 4.09 / 3.53 / 3.62 / 3.75
07/08 / 4.00 / 3.69 / 4.16 / 3.81 / 3.79 / 3.73 / 3.95 / 4.25 / 4.80 / 4.85 / 3.85 / 4.71 / 3.95

HR Managers are specifically reviewing departments with a sickness average in excess of 10% or where there are staff hitting the 3% or 3 occasions trigger.


  • The above chart indicates that at Trust level, the vacancy rate (%) increased slightly to 9.95% in July, with 334 WTE vacancies. This shows a minute increase in the vacancy rate trend (%), since recording of this indicator commenced in Feb’08.

July 2008
Budget / Contracted / Vacancies / Vacancy Rate / Bank/OT/Agency / Actual Staff
Trust / 3357 / 3023 / 334 / 9.95% / 149.95 / 75.13 / 83.28 / 3,331
Corporate / 378 / 348 / 30 / 7.94% / 22.88 / 2.71 / 46.83 / 420
Facilities / 440 / 391 / 49 / 11.14% / 15.50 / 34.61 / 0.78 / 442
Medicine / 889 / 798 / 91 / 10.24% / 48.92 / 12.87 / 12.81 / 873
Specialty / 693 / 633 / 60 / 8.66% / 17.36 / 10.90 / 7.05 / 668
Surgery / 951 / 847 / 104 / 10.94% / 44.70 / 13.86 / 15.45 / 921

Bank, Overtime and/or Agency usage was used to fill 92% of these vacancies, creating an actual workforce of 3,331 WTE (26 WTE below budgeted establishment). Bank, Overtime and/or Agency accounted for 9% of the workforce utilised in July.

  • Although the Registered Nurses staff group continues to grow in terms of the vacancy rate and its trend, a significant number of July’s starters missed the payroll cut-off date and were therefore too late to be put on the payroll (and thus be reported in July’s data). These new starters will be reported as part of the August report. However, what was processed were the leavers, meaning that the increase in the vacancy rate is superficial whilst the new starters are absent from the data.
  • As above, a large number of Unregistered Nurses were not put on the payroll due to missed cut-off dates and therefore not reported in July’s data. Again, leavers were processed meaning the vacancy rate of 16.2% will be lower in reality.
  • Support staff are running at an 11% vacancy rate, which is down from 12.6% in June 2008 and continues to show a downward trend. An 11% vacancy rate amounts to 42.42 WTE staff.

1.1.4External Leavers & New Joiners

  • The chart below reveals the anticipated shift in the number of starters coming into the trust (72 in June against 48 leavers). This has dramatically reduced the deficit in the long term trend of leavers against starters.
  • Turnover in the Registered Nurses staff group continues to grow, with a ratio of over two leavers to every one starter coming into the organisation. Although we will see this ratio reduce over the next quarter, turnover in this staff group continues to be an issue.

Leavers / Starters / Net Effect
Medical & Dental[1] / 5 / 3 / (2)
Senior Managers / 2 / 1 / (1)
Admin & Clerical / 27 / 36 / 9
Maintenance & Works / 3 / 2 / (1)
Other Support Worker / 22 / 33 / 11
Nurses (Registered) / 46 / 22 / (24)
Nurses (Unregistered) / 22 / 24 / 2
STT – qualified / 7 / 11 / 4
STT – unqualified / 3 / 4 / 1
Healthcare Scientist (qualified) / 3 / 5 / 2
Healthcare Scientist (unqualified) / 2 / 1 / (1)
Total: / 142 / 142 / 0

2.Divisional Reports


Monthly External Turnover by Headcount (%) / Year / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Year End Forecast / Year End Stability Index (%)
Corporate Division / 08/09 / 0.86 / 0.83 / 1.93 / 14.48 / 81.74
07/08 / 0.54 / 0.54 / 1.63 / 3.95 / 2.31 / 1.46 / 0.86 / 2.30 / 0.86 / 1.15 / 1.74 / 1.74 / 10.84 / -
Facilities Division / 08/09 / 1.55 / 2.03 / 0.91 / 17.97 / 85.87
07/08 / 0.65 / 0.65 / 1.30 / 1.97 / 2.20 / 1.77 / 1.34 / 0.67 / 0.67 / 0.67 / 0.22 / 1.11 / 10.04 / -
Medicine Division / 08/09 / 1.31 / 1.49 / 2.02 / 19.29 / 78.48
07/08 / 0.48 / 0.24 / 0.71 / 1.18 / 2.12 / 1.17 / 1.16 / 1.62 / 1.29 / 1.77 / 0.82 / 1.06 / 5.84 / -
Specialty Division / 08/09 / 1.24 / 0.70 / 0.28 / 8.88 / 85.17
07/08 / 0.53 / 0.66 / 0.92 / 1.31 / 1.31 / 2.23 / 1.19 / 0.93 / 1.07 / 0.94 / 0.54 / 1.49 / 8.44 / -
Surgery Division / 08/09 / 0.98 / 0.66 / 1.23 / 11.45 / 82.42
07/08 / 0.74 / 0.31 / 0.83 / 1.35 / 1.46 / 1.26 / 0.74 / 0.96 / 1.50 / 1.18 / 0.97 / 0.97 / 7.52 / -


Monthly Sickness Absence (%) / Year / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar / Year to Date Average
Corporate Division / 08/09 / 2.31 / 1.52 / 1.87 / 1.90
07/08 / 2.68 / 3.07 / 3.27 / 3.36 / 3.21 / 3.52 / 4.34 / 4.70 / 3.99 / 4.22 / 2.34 / 3.32 / 3.01
Facilities Division / 08/09 / 5.97 / 5.50 / 4.35 / 5.27
07/08 / 5.52 / 4.70 / 5.91 / 4.52 / 4.78 / 6.10 / 7.14 / 5.66 / 5.71 / 6.12 / 5.81 / 5.53 / 5.38
Medicine Division / 08/09 / 3.69 / 3.77 / 3.81 / 3.76
07/08 / 4.99 / 4.90 / 4.55 / 5.04 / 5.08 / 4.01 / 3.81 / 4.48 / 5.19 / 4.48 / 3.72 / 5.38 / 4.81
Specialty Division / 08/09 / 4.01 / 3.05 / 3.31 / 3.46
07/08 / 2.41 / 2.69 / 2.57 / 2.39 / 2.52 / 2.54 / 3.04 / 3.29 / 3.78 / 4.01 / 3.01 / 3.83 / 2.56
Surgery Division / 08/09 / 4.35 / 3.58 / 4.09 / 4.01
07/08 / 4.11 / 3.48 / 4.79 / 3.85 / 3.52 / 3.59 / 3.41 / 4.16 / 5.23 / 5.63 / 4.31 / 4.93 / 4.13


Monthly Vacancy Rates (%) / Apr / May / Jun / Jul / Aug / Sep / Oct / Nov / Dec / Jan / Feb / Mar
Corporate / - / 5.40 / 2.40 / 7.94
Facilities / 13.48 / 13.00 / 13.50 / 11.14
Medicine / 8.22 / 10.60 / 9.80 / 10.24
Specialty / 6.78 / 9.40 / 8.90 / 8.66
Surgery / 8.44 / 8.80 / 10.40 / 10.94

2.1Surgical Division

2.1.1Turnover, Vacancies and Sickness


Current data suggests that the Division is on course for a year end turnover rate of 11.45%. Although this is significantly up on the year end forecast for the same point last year (7.52%), it is on course to achieve the Trust’s turnover target of 12%.


The average sickness for the year to date is 4.01%. This is slightly down against the same point last year (4.13%), but is marginally off course to achieving the Trust’s sickness target of 4%. Work under the Trust’s Managing Health & Sickness Policy continues with staff who have hit the sickness triggers.


The vacancy rate for the Surgical Division in Jul’08 stood at 10.94%. Actions under the Corporate Nursing Recruitment Plan are continuing and reducing the number of vacancies. This will contribute to delivering the Trust’s vacancy rate target of 5% (or below).

2.1.2 Progress againstspecific business plan objectives

Achieving WTD2009 Compliance for Doctors in Training

A streamlined support event was held during August, facilitated by NHS Workforce Programmes to support Trauma and Orthopaedics to achieve EWTD compliance. As an outcome, a set of actions to deliver compliance has been agreed including Job Description for a Specialty Doctor post to assist with the SpR rota.

Recruit to Establishment

In addition to the Nursing Recruitment Plan actions, HR / Employee Relations staff have been carrying out Exit Interviews with doctors in training to identify factors to improve their recruitment and retention. To-date 14 interviews have taken place and the results are being compiled for analysis.

Respect - Theatres’ Actions on Harassment & Bullying

In parallel with the Trust’s actions on Harassment & Bullying as part of the Respect Action Plan, the Theatres Department is carrying out a number of dedicated actions. It will carry out a more detailed audit of harassment & bullying in the department with assistance from the Clinical Audit team. This will target work to improve current practice including dedicated training.A coaching session is currently being developed to be delivered to Theatre staff by the end of September 2008.

Implementation of National & Statutory Changes – the Specialty Doctor/SAS Contract

24 Associate Specialists and Staff Grades within Surgery were written to with regard to changing to the new SAS contract. As at the deadline of 12 August 2008, 20 of these staff have expressed an interest in changing to the new contract and now move into the job-planning process.

2.2Medicine Division

2.2.1Turnover, Vacancies and Sickness


Current data suggests that the Division is on course for a year end turnover rate of 19.29%. This is significantly up on the year end forecast for the same point last year and well beyond the Trust’s turnover target of 12%. Work is underway to conduct exit interviews in the high turnover staff groups; primarilynursing bothregisteredand un-registeredand admin & clerical staff.


The average sickness for the year to date is 3.76%. This is down by almost 1.05% percentage points against the same point last year and is on course to achieving the Trust’s sickness target of 4%. Sickness hotspot areas for Medicineare: Dermatology,Respiratory,Cardiology, Coronary Care,Acute Elderly Care, Hamilton and MSSU where work is ongoing.

Some figures have been inflated by a number of cases of long term absencewhich particularly in smaller departments have a significant impact,however the majority of cases are persistent short terms absences - all of which are being actively managed in line with Trust’s Managing Health & Sickness Policy.


The vacancy rate for the Medicine Division in July 2008 stood at 10.24%. Actions under the Corporate Nursing Recruitment Plan are continuing and reducing the number of vacancies. This will contribute to delivering the Trust’s vacancy rate target of 5% (or below).

2.3Specialty Division

2.3.1Turnover, Vacancies and Sickness


Current data suggests that the division is on course for a year end turnover rate of 8.88%. Although this is slightly up on the year end forecast for the same point last year (8.44%), it is on course to achieve the Trust’s turnover target of 12%.


The average sickness for the year to date is 3.46%. This is up by 0.9% against the same point last year, but is still on course to achieving the Trust’s sickness target of 4%.


The vacancy rate for the Specialty Division in July 2008 stood at 8.66%. Actions under the Corporate Nursing Recruitment Plan are continuing and reducing the number of vacancies. This will contribute to delivering the Trust’s vacancy rate target of 5% (or below).

2.3.2 Developing Management & Leadership Skills

The HR Manager has been working with the Division to complete a Learning Needs Analysis with Lead Clinicians.

2.4Corporate Services


Current data suggests that the division is on course for a year end turnover rate of 14.48%. This is up on the year end forecast for the same point last year (10.84%) and well beyond achieving the Trust’s turnover target of 12%.


The average sickness for the year to date is 1.90%. This is down by over one percent against the same point last year and on course to achieve the Trust’s sickness target of 4%.


The vacancy rate for the Corporate Division in July 2008 stood at 7.94%. This is significantly up on the previous month (2.4%) due to a combination of high turnover and non-recurrent Choose & Book funding. The current vacancy rate of 7.94% needs to be reduced further in order to achieve the Trust’s vacancy rate target of 5% (or below).

2.5 Facilities Services


Current data suggests that the division is on course for a year end turnover rate of 17.97%. This is significantly up on the year end forecast for the same point last year (10.04 and well beyond achieving the Trust’s turnover target of 12%.


The average sickness for the year to date is 5.27%. This is down by 0.10 percentage points against the same point last year, but is off course in terms of achieving the Trust’s sickness target of 4%. The hotspot areas are as follows:

  • Car parking and security 6.76% - This figure is inflated by one long term sickness absence case.
  • DSDU 5.28% - This is due to short term sickness absence cases which are being vigorously managed
  • Portering 9.53% - This is due to a range of persistent sickness absence cases which are being addressed on a case by case basis.


The vacancy rate for the Facilities Division in July 2008 stood at 11.14%. This is off course to achieve the Trust’s vacancy rate target of 5% (or below).

3.Working Time Directive August 2009 – 48 hour target

Compliance is in terms of the number of rotas whose contracted hours are:

  • Below 48 hours on average per week
  • 11 hours continuous rest is achieved in 24 hours
  • 24 hours continuous rest is achieved in 7 days (or 48 hours in 14 days)
  • Minimum 20 minute break in work periods of over 6 hours

3.1New Deal

41 of the 42 rotas are compliant (the SPR Oral Surgery rota remains non-compliant (UBHT are managing this rota).

3.22009 EWTD

27 of the 42[2] rotas are EWTD 2009 compliant.

Medicine58% compliant

Surgery50% compliant

Specialties 89%[3] compliant

GP Practice100% compliant

RUH Overall64% WTD 2009 Compliant

Author: Lynn Vaughan, Director of Human Resources Date: 26 August 2008

Content Approved by: Lynn Vaughan, Director of Human Resources Version: Final

Page number1 of 10 Review Date: N/A

Public Trust Board

3 September 2008

[1]Excludes Doctors in Training

[2]Rotas dropped from 45 to 42 rotas due to doctors leaving in August and rotas no longer being required.

[3]Speciality division dropped from 90% to 89% as 2 GP rotas no longer needed – doctors have left the Trust.