NASAFACS Member Business Meeting

Spring Leadership Meeting

May 4, 2016 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Central Time

Embassy Suites Kansas City Plaza

Conference call phone number: (712) 770-4010

Access code: 367-192


1.  Call the Meeting to Order (10:08 AM CT)

2.  Roll call for quorum

a.  Tracie Carmel (AZ)

b.  Marna Farris (AR)

c.  Linda Kyees (AR)

d.  Michelle Koch (CO)

e.  Robert Van Dyke (CO)

f.  Daphnne Bonaparte (GA)

g.  Therese Golis (ID)

h.  Alyson McIntyre-Reiger (IN)

i.  Peggy Wild (IN)

j.  Lisa Stange (IA)

k.  Kayla Godbey (KY)

l.  Pam Lamb (KS)

m.  Gayla Randel (KS)

n.  Maxine Peterson (MN)

o.  Wendy Ambrose (MN)

p.  Janie Leach (MS)

q.  Megan Vincent (MT)

r.  Terri Hollarn (OK)

s.  Mary Nagel (WA)

t.  Jean Kelleher (PA)

u.  Pearl Hart (UT)

v.  Mary Jo Kohl (OH)

w.  Debbie Will (VA)

x.  Leone Herring (MO)


y.  Reeca Carver (KY)

z.  Allison Kriefels (NE)

aa.  Melissa Webb (CA)

bb.  Sharon Pierce (TX)

cc.  Reno Palombit (NC)

dd.  Nadine Standley (NJ)

ee.  Angela LeMay (NC)

ff.  Dawn Mastroianni (NY)

gg.  Vickie Neuharth (ND)

hh.  Debbie Handy (WA)

ii.  Eleanor Glover (SC)

jj.  Jen Girvin (GA)

kk.  Karen Chessell (NV)

ll.  Leslie Gackle (IN)

A quorum was established by Terri Hollarn (OK).

3.  Meeting Minutes from May 7, 2015

a.  Correction to Associate Member Attendance. Correct Nadine Standley’s State

b.  Motion: Minutes approve as corrected. Motion: Jean Kelleher (PA), Second: Alyson McIntyre-Reiger (IN), Motion Passed.

Action Item: Post minutes on Website within 10 days.

4.  Financial Report-

a.  Under the direction of executive committee, Terri Hollarn (OK) opened an interest bearing account on June 11, 2015. The initial amount transferred was $25,000. Please refer to the BancFirst Loyal Statement. Members received a copy of the interest bearing account balance. As of April 18, 2016, the account balance is $25,046.99.

b.  Members received a copy of the financial statements from 2008-2015. As of May 4, 2016-General Fund Account balance: $5,820.09 Interest bearing account fund: $25,046.99. Total Funds: $30,867.08

c.  Motion made to approve financial statement as presented. Motion: Lisa Stange (IA) Second: Jean Kelleher (PA) Passed.

d.  2015-2017 Budget: Presented to membership.

e.  Motion: Support ACTE vision Conference Speaker in the amount of $500. Motion-Lisa Stange(IA) Second-Sally Combs. Motion passed.

f.  Motion: Proposed budget work should be moved to committee work tomorrow morning to be voted on by electronic list serv. Motion-Robert Van Dyke (CO) Second- Therese Gollis (ID). Motion passed.

Action Item: Clearly highlight Paypal convenience fee on invoice.


1.  President Report

a.  The executive board held monthly meetings, had consistent correspondence and acted as needed for timely advocacy issues.

b.  Spring Leadership Meeting survey results- 2016-2017 meeting to be held in Montana. The 2017-2018 Meeting will be held in Washington, DC.

c.  Retirements-Vickie Neuharth (ND)

2.  FCCLA Representatives’ Report- Jean Kelleher (PA) and Alyson McIntyre-Reiger (IN)-Jean Kelleher (PA) serves on the financial committee and Alyson McIntyre-Reiger (IN) serves on the membership committee. FCCLA is striving to increase membership. Alyson McIntyre-Reiger (IN) suggested that we talk to our states to encourage chapters to get at least 12 members. Alyson McIntyre-Reiger (IN) will ask about membership affiliation to reduce the number of chapter affiliation. Jean Kelleher (PA) reported that revenue is up. Membership compared to last March has increased. Bylaw amendment changes have been proposed. FCCLA Building will be up for sale.

3.  Committee Reports

a.  Program of Work: Megan Vincent (MT) – Chair- Megan Vincent (MT) would like to continue to work on relationship with FCCLA State Advisers.

b.  Nominating: Gayla – Chair. Candidates will not be voted on until after 60 days of candidate announcement at 2016 NASAFACS meeting.

i.  Slate of Candidates:

1.  President-Elect--Michelle Koch, CO

2.  Treasurer--Robert Van Dyke, CO

3.  FCCLA Representative--Reno Palombit, NC & Allison Kreifels, NE

4.  FCS Alliance--Janie Leach, MS

c.  Member Services: Terri Hollarn (OK)– Chair- Emails are being sent to membership. Website is current.

d.  Advocacy: Gayla Randel (KS) – Chair- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Reauthorization Update. ESSA includes verbiage healthy relationships. Gayla suggested that we talk to our Title specialists to be at the table to provide information about FACS. Wendy Ambrose (MN) was instrumental in assisting with Advocacy.

e.  Communications: Daphnne Bonaparte (GA) – Chair Communication appears to be organic in nature, state program specialists list completed and includes mainland and outlying territories and states.

f.  Teacher Recruitment: Mary Nagel (WA) – Chair- The Say Yes to FCS Booth at the 2016 FCCLA National Leadership Conference was donated by FCCLA. Kayla Godbey (KY) will be the new chair of the teacher recruitment committee.

g.  National Standards: Alyson McIntyre-Reiger (IN) & Peggy Wild (IN) Chairs -Emails will be sent to membership in regards to the national standards. Members are encouraged to answer the emails swiftly.

Unfinished Business

1.  Bylaw Change Proposal

a.  Alliance Representative

i.  Motion: Accept bylaw change proposal as presented to add a FCS Alliance member to board. Motion: Gayla Randel (KS) Second-Michelle Koch (CO). Motion Passed by more than 2/3 vote. No opposition.

2.  Request for policy of up to $575 for travel expenses for FCS Alliance Representative to attend meeting.

Motion: NASAFACS will allot up to $575 for travel expenses for travel to the FCS Alliance Meeting. Debbie Will (VA), Second-Jean Kelleher (PA) - Motion Passed.

3.  Policy & Procedure Manual-Established by Karen Chessel (NV) and Gayla Randel (KS). Work continues; will be the responsibility of Megan Vincent starting in July.

New Business

1.  Review policy of $575 to president-elect, president and past-present to attend Spring Leadership Meeting.

a.  Not found in previous meeting minutes

b.  Request clarification of purpose; Are funds for use at Spring Leadership Meeting, ACTE or both?

Motion: Up to $575 in travel for president-elect, president and past-president to attend either a NASAFACS meeting or to attend a board approved meeting that encompasses NASAFACS work. Motion: Lisa Stange (IA) Second: Jean Kelleher (PA). Motion passed.

2.  Advocacy fund requests policy

Advocacy committee will create a policy on funds use. The committee policy will be shared with organization for approval.

Action: Advocacy committee will develop a policy of funds usage.

3.  FCCLA Bylaws Change- NASAFACS Representation will change from two members on the FCCLA Board to one member that will represent NASAFACS on the FCCLA Board. Refer to captured information on FCCLA membership input poster (Created at 2016 NASAFACS Meeting). Defer the information to a board to draft a letter.

Motion: The NASAFACS Executive Committee will draft a position letter opposing the FCCLA bylaws change by June 1. Motion: Mary Nagel (WA) Second: Janie Leach (MS). Motion Passed with a 2/3 majority.

Action Item: Accompanying Letter will also be sent to FCCLA Board.

4.  FCCLA Building Sale-no comments; notice has been made to state associations; BOD will move forward with decision

5.  Other new business-Motion: Suspend the bylaws from 60 days to 30 days prior after the election of officers. Motion-Mary Nagel (WA)- Second- Jean Kelleher (PA) Motion passed by 2/3 majority.

6.  State of the Nation for FACS needs to be completed by states.


1.  Next Meetings

a.  Nov 30 – Dec 3, 2016: ACTE in Las Vegas, NV

b.  May 8 – 11, 2017: Spring Leadership Meeting in Bozeman, MT


Adjournment- 12:16PM

Motion: Janie Leach (MS)

Second: Gayla Randel (KS)

Motion Passed.