Contract of mandate no. ……

Concluded on…………….., by and between Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania PAN (The Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences) with its seat in Warsaw hereinafter referred to as the Mandator, represented by:



and the Contractor - Mr/Mrs:………………………………………………………………..

residing in:…………………………………………………………………………...

hereinafter referred to as the Mandatary.

§ 1

The Mandator commissions and the Mandatary undertakes to perform the following activities:



§ 2

The contract shall be concluded for the period lasting from …………..… to………………..

§ 3

1. For the performance of the aforementioned activities the Mandator shall pay the Mandatary the remuneration of………………… gross within ……………. by………………………

2. The remuneration shall be determined basing on…………………………………………

3. The remuneration shall be reduced by deducting due regulatory liabilities.

§ 4

1. The Mandatary shall perform the activities with utmost care and on time.

2. The Mandatary may commission the performance of the mandate to the third party.

In such a case it is obliged to immediately inform the Mandator about the person and the place its substitute resides in.

3. The Mandatary shall be liable for the activities of its substitute like for its own activities. The liability of the Mandatary and the Substitute shall be joint and several.

§ 5

1. In the cases unregulated by this contract and concerning its object, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.

2. Any disputes arising from this contract shall be settled by the civil court having jurisdiction over the seat of the Mandator.

§ 6

The Mandatary represents that it has necessary skills and qualifications to perform the aforementioned work

§ 7

The contracthas been prepared in two identical copies, one copy for each party.

The contract performed from the funds of…………………………………………………………..




Attorney at law