Mathematics through children’s literature
Book title / Author / Publisher / Maths conceptEinstein: The girl who hated maths / Agard, John & Kitamura, Satoshi. / Great Britain: Hodder Wayland (2002)
Watch out! Big Bro's coming / Alborough, Jez. / London: Walker Books (1997)
Washing line / Alborough, Jez / Walker Books (1993)
Mr Archimedes' bath / Allen, Pamela / Sydney: Harper Collins (1980) / K-6 measurement
Who sank the boat? / Allen, Pamela / London: Puffin (1982) / K-6 measurement
Knee high Nigel / Anolt, Laurence / London: Walker Books (2001) / measurement
Anno's counting book / Anno, M., & Anno, M / New York: Harper Collins Group (1977) / K-10
Anno's journey / Anno, M., & Anno, M / New York: Penguin Putnam Books (1977)
Anno's mysterious multiplying jar / Anno, M., & Anno, M / New York: Putnam & Grosser Group (1983) / 5-10 multiplication & division
Six feet long and three feet wide / Billington, Jeannie, & Smee, Nicola / London: Walker (1999) / K-8 measurement
The king’s chessboard / Birch, D., & Grebu, D / New York: Puffin (1988)
The six blind men and the elephant: A traditional Indian story / Boucher, Clare & Merriman, Rachel / London: Walker Books (1999)
No problem / Browne, Eileen & Parkins, David / London: Walker Books (1999)
Jim and the beanstalk / Briggs, Raymond / London: Penguin (1970) / 3-6 measurement
Would you rather… / Burningham, John / London: Red Fox (1978)
The shopping basket / Burningham, John / Collins (1983) / 3-6 Patterns &order
The very hungry caterpillar / Carle, Eric / London: Penguin (1970)
Rooster’s off the see the world / Carle, Eric / London: Penguin (1972)
The bad tempered ladybird / Carle, Eric / London: Puffin Books (1977) / Time
One child one seed: A South African counting book / Cave, Kathryn / Great Britain: Frances Lincoln Limited (2002) / Counting
Counting on Frank / Clement, Rod / North Ryde, NSW: Bluegum (1990) / Maths concepts
Two little eyes and other action rhymes / Cook, Grace & Thompson, Carol / London: Walker Books (1999)
Ten in the bed / Dale, Penny / London: Walker Books (1988) / Counting
The great divide: A mathematical marathon / Dodds, Dayle Ann, & Mitchell, Tracy / London: Walker Books (2000) / 4-8 division
Tick-tock / Dunbar, James / Franklin Watts (2004) / time
Baby bird / Dunbar, Joyce & Ayto, Russell / London: Walker Books (1990)
Number rhymes to say and play / Dunn, Opal, & Gon, Adriano / London: Frances Lincoln Limited (2003) / counting
Fred makes a table / Edwards, Pat, & Selway, Martina / Melbourne: Longman Cheshire (1992) / measurement
The Number Devil / Enzensberger, H. / London: Granta Books (1997)
What time is it? / Haydon Julie / Hinkler Books (2002) / time
What’s in a number? A collection of poems / Heap, Sue / London: Walker Books (1999)
The once upon a time map book / Hennessy, B.G., & Joyce, P / London: Walker Books (1999) / Spatial relations
A piece of string is a wonderful thing / Hindley, Judy, & Chamberlain / London: Walker Books (1993)
The birth of the moon / Hol, Coby / New York: North-South Books (2000)
Rosie's walk / Hutchins, Pat / London: Red Fox (1968) / K-1 spatial relations
Changes, changes / Hutchins, Pat / The Bodley Head Ltd(1971)
Clocks and more clocks / Hutchins, Pat / London: Penguin (1974) / K-10 time
The doorbell rang / Hutchins, Pat / London: Penguin (1986) / 1-4 operations & computation
Shrinking mouse / Hutchins, Pat / London: Red Fox (1997)
Ten red apples / Hutchins, Pat / London: Red Fox (2000) / counting
The Phantom Tollbooth / Juster, N / London. Collins (1999) / 4-10 maths ideas
Edward the emu / Knowles, Sheena & Clement, Rod / Sydney: Harper Collins (1998)
A year on our farm / Matthews, P., & McLean, Andrew / Norwood, SA: Omnibus Books (2002)
The smell of chocolate / McGuire, B / Perth: R.I.C. Publications (2003)
Olwen Twelve pockets / McKay, Fiona / Ashton Scholastic (1993) / Counting, number recognition
I spy shapes in art / Micklethwait, Lucy / London: Harper Collins (2004) / Spatial relations
All the little ones, and a half / Murphy, Mary / London: Red Fox (2001)
How big is a foot? / Myller, Rolf / New York: Dell Yearling (1962) / measurement
Elephee’s walk / Nakano, H / Perth: R.I.C. Publications (2003)
Big Beanie’s bed / Nakaya, M / Perth: R.I.C. Publications (2004)
Five little monkeys: Over 50 action and counting rhymes / Newcome, Zita / London: Walker Books Limited. (2003) / counting
Ten in the bed and other counting rhymes / Newcome, Zita / London: Walker Books Limited. (2004) / counting
Groompa’s kindergarten / Nishiuchi, M / Perth: R.I.C. Publications (2003)
123 of Australian wildlife / Parish, Steve / Queensland: Steve Parish Publishing Pty Ltd (1998) / counting
One hundred hungry ants / Poinczes, E. & MacKain, B. / New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.
(1995) / counting
A remainder of one / Poinczes, E. & MacKain, B. / New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.
(1995) / division
Big and small / Pipe, Jim / London: Aladdin Books (2001) / measurement
One is a snail, ten is a crab / Pulley Sayre, April, Sayre, Jeff, & Cecil, Randy / London: Walker Books.
(2004) / 2-6 counting
Pigs might fly / Rodda, Emily / Harper Collins (1986) / chance
One duck stuck / Root, Phyllis / London: Walker Books (1999)
Maths curse / Scieszka, Jon, & Smith, Lane / New York: Viking (1995)
My Mum and Dad make me laugh / Sharratt, Nick / London: Walker Books (1994)
Mouse moves house / Sharratt, Nick / London: Walker Books (1999)
Bilby moon / Spurling, Margarer & Snell, Danny / Kingswood, South Australia: Working Title Press. (2001)
5 little ducks / Straw, Wendy / Borghesi and Adam Publishers (2001) / K-1 counting
Abu Ali counts his donkeys / Van Woerkom, Dorothy & Harry Horse / London: Walker Books (1999)
If I were bigger than anyone and other poems / Vulliamy, Clara / London: Walker Books (1999)
How many? / Walton, Rick & Jabar, Cynthia / London: Walker Books (1993)
Is the blue whale the biggest thing there is? / Wells, Robert E / London: Watts Books (1995) / measurement
Harry and the dinosaur have a very busy day / Whybrow, Ian & Reynolds, Adrian / Mascot, NSW: Koala Books (2002)