Service Unit 52-08

October 2016 Meeting Minutes

Appointment Letter Reminder

Appointment letters for 2016-2017 are due by October 31. All Troop Leaders, Co-Leaders, and Money Managers must complete these. DO NOT CHECK OFF THE BOXES. The boxes are for evaluation purposes. You can find the forms here:

Please send completed forms to Liz Merck.

Leader/Daughter Camp Out a Success

Mandy Hamilton provided a report on Leader/Daughter Camp Out, which was highly successful. Thanks to Amy Ashley and others for organizing this event!

November SU Meeting Change of Location

Due to it being Election Day, the next SU meeting will be held at the Crosspointe Community Center on Glen Eagles Lane. A reminder will be sent out via e-mail.

Girl Scout Mobile Shop in Lorton

The Mobile Shop will be in Lorton on November 11 at Gunston Plaza Shopping Center.

Investiture/Rededication Ceremony

A brief ceremony was held to welcome new Girl Scout leaders. New leaders were provided with their leader pins and lanyards.

Recognition – Helena Charters

Congratulations to Helena Charters of Troop 646 who was recognized for her volunteerism.

Registration Update

As a reminder, all girls must be registered to participate in Girl Scout meetings. Please register your girls ASAP. Encourage parents to register too. Please check the roster to make sure that all information is correct for your troop. Have your adult volunteers select their roles!

Fall Sales Report

Paper orders are due October 24. Please drop off reports to Amy Jones. November 13 is the deadline for electronic orders.

Cookie Report

Simmy Yau passed around a sheet to confirm Troop Cookie Managers and will be e-mailing those troops who didn’t have a rep at the meeting. Simmy will be hosting trainings in November for all new Troop Cookie Managers. Returning Managers can attend a training at the next SU meeting.

Money Manager Report

Troop Money Managers must submit their Money Reports for Summer AND Sept-Nov by December 15. Priti Patel is happy to walk anyone who needs help through this process. All new troops also need to submit ACH forms to Priti in preparation for Cookie Season.

SHARE Report

All families should have received SHARE envelopes in the mail. Please encourage your families to support SHARE this holiday season. Encourage them to check if their employers will match gifts as well! Our goal is $5,055 for our Service Unit. So far we have raised $60.

There is also a SHARE Art Design Contest happening. Encourage your girls to participate. Flyers were left on the Resource Table.

Upcoming Activities

The Crosspointe Halloween Bash is Sunday, October 23. Liz Merck is still looking for girl (and parent) volunteers. A flyer was left on the Resource Table.

Thinking Day will be Friday, February 24th. Volunteers are needed to join a committee for this event.

Encampment will be May 5th and 6th at Camp Highroad. Mark your calendars!

Megan Marzluff is planning the Daisy/Brownie Square Dance again this year. A date in March or April will be announced soon. Lea Johnson & Liz Merck will be putting together an Older Girl Square Dance too.

The Precious Medals Ceremony will be held in May. The date will be announced soon. Our Service Unit is sponsoring it this year. We are looking for a troop to host!

Dates will be announced soon for Easter Egg Events at Crosspointe & Laurel Hill. Volunteers will be needed.

Honor Troop Training

Barb Hunter did a quick training on Honor Troops and all troops received the application. Troops who would like to qualify as Honor Troops need to start thinking about it now! To be a Super Service Unit, we need 50% of our troops to be Honor Troops.

Membership Specialist Report

Michelle Schwandt brought Early Bird Coupons for troops who haven’t yet picked theirs up. She is also asking that all troops send her an e-mail indicating the maximum number of girls you will accept in your troop so that she can help with placement.

As a reminder, Financial Aid is now being handled completely online. It will be delivered in the form of ACH or check. There is also a brand new area on for parents new to scouts. Check it out!

Closing Raffle

We raffled off two packages of Girl Scout songbooks and CDs. Congratulations to the winners!