Overview of Written Student Responses (Georgia Tech)

Course Seemed Well Planned And Organized

·  The Detailed, Structured Syllabus Was A Life Saver

·  The Instructor Made Preparations Ahead Of Time And Notified The Students If There Were Any Changes.

·  The Syllabus Was Very Helpful, I Always Knew When Things Were Due And How The Class Was To Be Structured.

·  To An Almost Obsessive Degree. Every Day Was Planned Out To The Letter.

·  We Never Seemed To Be Doing Busywork For The Sake Of Just Doing It.

·  Professor Left Plenty Of Time Ahead Of Due Dates To Check On Students Progress Resulting In Less Procrastination From Students.

Good Job Covering Course Objectives/Content

·  It Was A Fun Subject And The Instructor Did A Great Job Covering The Content.

·  She Encouraged Participation In The In-Class Discussions So I Got To See What My Peers Thought As Well As The Teacher.

·  The Instructor Covered All The Material That We Were Expected To Know.

·  Quizzes Were Given Over Information That We Read In Books Or Articles, But After The Quiz Dr. Wood Would Go Over The Information We Were Just Quizzed On.

·  Dr. Wood Knew The Material Very Well And Was Able To Discuss Any Topic In Depth.

·  The Zombie Genre Now Invades My Dreams.

Explained Complex Material Clearly

·  I Love The Topic Zombies And She Explained Them In A Way That Was Easy To Follow.

·  Using Class Participation Usually Made Complex Material Easier To Understand.

·  Dr. Wood Was Sure To Bring Attention To Reoccurring Themes In Works Of Literature

·  Was Able To Translate Literary Concepts

·  This Was Especially Useful When A Complex Concept Was Presented In A Scholarly Work.

Was Approachable And Willing To Assist

·  Always Encouraged Us To Meet With Her For Our Projects Individually

·  Easy To Meet With During Office Hours.

·  She Was Strict But Fair And Easy To Talk To.

·  All Suggestions Were Allowed Explanations By Students In Class In A Respectable And Engaging Manner.

·  I Never Felt That I Was Unable To Approach The Instructor For Any Reason.

Encouraged Students To Consult With Him/Her

·  Dr. Wood Frequently Announced To The Class That She Was Available During Office Hours And By Appointment.

·  Encouraged Students On Several Occasions To Stop By Office Hours

·  Made It Very Known To Each Student Of Her Office Hours And Allowed For After Class Meetings

·  Almost Every Assignment Was Explained With The Added Comment Of ''If You Have Any Questions, Come See Me''

·  Office Hours Were A Much Needed Chance To Discuss Any Problems With Writing.

Class Attendance Important In Promoting Learning Of Material

·  Every day Was Filled With Lots Of Information Making The Class Interesting

·  It Would Be Impossible To Understand The Course Content Without Attending Class

·  Not Only Was It Important, But It Was Fun.

·  She Took Attendance And Restated Upcoming Assignments In Class.

Number Of Course Assignments Was Appropriate

·  There A Ton More Work In This Class Than In Any Other English Class I’ve Seen. Friends Told Me We Do Way Too Much Work For This Class. However, It Was Fun Work So I Can’t Really Complain Much.

·  I Think Two Web Projects Was A Lot, But I Do Not Think It Was Unreasonable.

·  It Was Appropriate For The Class, Just Poorly Timed With The Rest Of My Schedule, But I Can’t Really Blame The Instructor For That.

·  Too Many For An English Class

·  It Kept Students Involved

Exams Covered Course Content/Objectives

·  Quizzes Were Sometimes Tricky, But All Fair Assessments

·  Weekly Quizzes Always Covered The Material Assigned For The Weekend

·  I Liked The Quizzes. They Forced One To Read And Watch The Movies.

Exams And Quizzes Were Of Appropriate Difficulty

·  Quizzes Were A Comprehensive Assessment Of The Students Understanding

·  I Think The Essay Grading Was Appropriately Hard

·  Paper Topics Were On Focus And Relevant. Difficulty And Breadth Of Paper Focuses Gradually Increased From Scene Analysis, Film Analysis, And Multi-Film Analysis.

·  A Bit Too Hard; The Grading Scale Is Tough

The Instructor Was An Effective Teacher

·  Very Interesting And Fun Course. Cannot Simply Watch Another Zombie Movie For Entertainment Purposes Without Considering Common Themes And What The Writer Is Trying To Say.

·  I Learned A Lot About The Horror Genre In This Class

·  I Feel Her Personal Syllabus Objectives Were Accomplished. Her Involvement In The Service Learning Project Was Effective.

·  I Highly Appreciated The Way She Led The Discussions And Kept The Class On Track

·  Zombies May Not Be The Most Important Subject To Learn About, But I Certainly Learned A Lot About It Because You Were A Very Effective Teacher.

Encouraged Classroom Discussion

·  I Felt Like Classroom Discussion Was Intrinsic To The Classroom Experience

·  Class Was Centered Around Open Discussions, Which Lead To Broad Opinions. Very Helpful

·  Class Discussion Part Of Almost Every Single Class. Always Led By Teacher To Prevent It From Going Off Topic

·  Classroom Discussion Lead To A Better Understanding Of Material And Was Greatly Encouraged.

·  It Was Good That We Were Allowed To Set The Style Of Classroom Discussion Later On

Lecture/Discussion Increased Understanding Beyond Readings

·  Some Of The Readings And Movies We Watched I Found Particularly Confusing, But After Discussing Them In Class I Usually Got A Much Better Understanding

·  She Talked About Topics I Never Would Have Thought Of And Really Flushed Out The Topics In The Book To Make Them More Understandable.

·  Discussions Were Very Important To The Understanding Of The Texts Studied

·  Very Much So, I Discovered Many Things About Every Text I Would Not Have Noticed Otherwise.

Was Receptive To Student Viewpoints

·  Class Discussions Went Well

·  She Always Took What We Said And Offered A Counter Argument. I Loved How She Never Took A Side. She Was Always Against Your Opinion So That Students Would Learn Proper Argumentation.

·  Many Times A Student Would Present A Viewpoint You Hadn’t Thought Of Before, But You Always Pondered It And Accepted It As A Valid Possibility.

·  Instructor Was Always Willing To Listen To Students.

Student Comments about the Class or Instructor

·  The topic was very interesting and I was surprised at how well it lent itself to literature analysis. Not only am I completely interested in a whole new genre now, but I have a new respect for all things zombie related!

·  Overall, the class was a great review of zombies in modern culture. I thought that the class would be a basic covering of zombie films and such, yet I was mistaken to find that it would in fact cover an in depth analysis of the topics we covered and stretch my thinking pretty far. It was an enjoyable class

·  Professor Wood has been a great teacher this semester. She has helped every student grow and learn in the area of LCC and English. I admire all she did for our class to make it fun and interactive.

·  I enjoyed this class and I am certain that this is a class I will remember several years down the road.

·  Certainly the most interesting English class that I've had in my 14 years of education. With relatively recent themes starting with Night of the Living Dead, it was an enjoyable class. Best of luck next year!

·  Very interesting class- workloads seemed to clump together at certain points in the semester. Other than that I enjoyed the class, and it changed the way I watch and analyze movies forever.

·  This class was really fun. One of the few english classes that offers an exceptionally interesting topic to study. I enjoyed studying all of the texts and feel I have gained a better appreciation for the horror genre. The difficulty of the class was appropriate. I also learned how to design websites, which I feel is an essential tool in college. The teacher did an excellent job teaching the course material and making the class interesting.

·  The most interactive part of the course was the semester project and presentation. It allowed students to leave campus and face real world issues that are not always present with the Georgia Tech community. Furthermore, it allowed students to professionally present what they learned during the project to their peers, an ability that will have to be carried on during their academic and professional careers.

·  I liked how we were able to discuss very controversial topics in this class, and although, they were tough to talk about, such as racism when the class is nearly split down the middle majority and minority was cool, because it never got out of hand, Dr.Wood always remained in control and often completely impartial, which is something I can truly respect.

·  The service learning project was a lot of work, but at the end it was definitely worth it. I would recommend keeping it a part of your class.


·  Totally frickin’ awesome!

·  I had a lot of fun despite how much work I did.

·  Awesome class, awesome teacher!

·  She was awesome. YAY!