Our Kids Network

(Insert name of Alignment & Coordination Committee)

Terms of Reference


All Children Thrive


Healthy development, security and safety of all children, youth and families through collective action.

  1. Purpose

Our Kids Network as a collective works towards the common vision and the Halton 7. Our Kids Network also provides backbone support to ensure that the collective efforts of the Network are meaningfully and adequately supported

  1. Values
  • Working Together
  • Building Evidence
  • Holistic Approach
  • Positive Child and Youth Development
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Engagement
  1. Results

Children Are Healthy

Children Are Learning

Children Are Positively Connected

Children Are Safe

Families Are Strong and Stable

Schools Are Connected to the Community

Neighbourhoods Are Where We Live, Work and Play


Our Kids Network focuses on prenatal to 18 years. This committee will work on network wide areas of focus.

As an alignment and coordination table, this committee will work on specific initiatives and projects that will collectively contribute to achieving the OKN vision “All Children Thrive”. Strategies should include a wide range of actions and different approaches for improving outcomes of the Halton 7 population indicators.


8. Membership

9. Non-Member Minute Recipients

10. Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members

10.1Committee members are expected to

  1. demonstrate commitment by
  2. attending meetings (or ensuring alternate attends)
  3. communicating personal regrets for non-attendance and name of alternate who will attend on one’s behalf to the Chair/Administrative Support Person in advance of the meeting
  4. ensuring that alternates are appropriately oriented to enable full participation at the meeting
  5. being prepared for meetings (e.g. reading required documents, etc.)
  6. completing assigned tasks
  7. promoting(name of committee) in the community and within their organization
  1. contribute expertise at meetings in a positive manner
  1. serve on working groups/task forces as required

10.2In the event that a member can no longer fulfill her/his commitment to the committee on an ongoing basis, s/he will arrange for a replacement within her/his participating region-wide organization or sector group, and inform the Chair accordingly.

10.3If a member misses three consecutive meetings, the Chair will discuss with the member how to increase their organization/sector representation.

11. Designation and Role of the Co-Chairpersons

11.1The roles and responsibilities of the Chair:

  1. Establish agenda and schedule meetings
  2. Facilitate meetings in a focused, encouraging, inclusive and timely manner
  3. Follow up with members who have missed 2/3 consecutive meetings to discuss ongoing participation
  4. Establish work group/sub committees as required
  5. Support working groups - ensure workgroup updates on agenda and their work plans are aligned and on track
  6. Provide leadership in development of a work plan that aligns with OKN vision, mission and strategic priorities
  7. Monitor, identify and communicate relevant local and ministry initiatives, priorities and changes at CIPC table
  8. Ensure that decisions of committee are carried out and recommendations are communicated to CIPC as well as respective OKN committees

12. Decision-Making Procedures

  1. The committee will generally make decisions by consensus.
  1. Where consensus cannot be reached (i.e. the decision cannot be supported by all members), a formal vote will occur and be documented in minutes as “approved” or “defeated.
  1. A quorum is 51% of current voting members as per filled positions.
  1. It shall be noted in all minutes that a quorum wasmet or not met.

13. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

  1. Committee members have an obligation to disclose all pecuniary interests, direct or indirect, real or perceived, in any matter at the meeting under consideration. Members who declare a conflict may not discuss or vote on the matter.

14. Relationship of Committees

(Insert committee name)members will be aware of the work the other OK standing committees with an emphasis on identifying opportunities for collaboration and collective action.

15. Accountability

The (insert committee name)Committee reports to the CIPC and provides recommendations around strategic direction, policy and sustainability with respect to (insert committee specifics i.e. families with children 0-6 years). Minutes of (insert committee name)meetings will be provided to CIPC and CIPC Highlights and SEG Highlights will be provided to OKN committees for information and to ensure alignment.

16. Official Representation

Approval by (insert name of committee)membership is required for individual members to represent (insert name of committee)on community committees. The chair will manage all requests for representation at the community level. While on the Committee, the representative:

  1. Should reinforce OKN Vision, Mission and Results
  2. Report back to (insert name of committee)at regular intervals

Membership on these committees will be reviewed annually.

Terms of Reference and Membership Contract will be reviewed and approved every two (2) years.

Last review was (insert appropriate date)

Terms of Reference will be reviewed by the Collective Impact Planning Committeein (insert appropriate date).


  1. Vision, Mission, Halton 7, Values & Strategic Priorities (2015-2018)
  2. Organizational Chart and Committee Structure Descriptors
  3. Committee Levels to Enhance Capacity and Commitment (Roles and Relationships)
  4. Committee Guidelines
  5. Our Kids Network key Messages
  6. Diversity


#1 – Membership List


FINAL – Approved May 2011}

Date of Next Review: June 2013} update this information accordingly

Revised: July 2015}