Vale Newfoundland & Labrador

Voisey’s Bay Mine Expansion



Company Name

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Voisey’s Bay Mine Expansion Company Prequalification Profile and Questionnaire

1.1 / Company Name / Telephone
Website / E-mail
1.2 / Contact name for Vale in respect of this opportunity:
Title / Telephone / E-mail
1.3 / Affiliates and Subsidiaries
1.4 / Company Officers and Key Personnel:
Position / Name / Telephone / Years With Company
1.5 / Please attach an organization chart.
1.6 / Are any of your company officers, directors or key personnel, former or present, Vale employees? If Yes, please identify these persons (refer to Appendix A). / Yes No
1.7 / Does your company have any kind of business affiliation to Vale other than a
Contractor-client relationship? If Yes, please identify this relationship (refer to Appendix A). / Yes No
1.8 / Is there any kind of conflict of interest as a result of this relationship that you are aware of?
If Yes, please provide details as a separate attachment (refer to Appendix A). / Yes
1.9 / How many years has your company been in business under the present name?
This Pre-qualification Profile has been completed by:
Name / Title / Telephone / Email
I certify the information provided in this Profile to be true and correct:
Signature: Date:
2.1 / Form of Business: Sole Owner Partnership Corporation
(Tick all that apply) Private Public
2.2 / Identify Services and/or Goods Offered (check all that apply):
Construction: civil Project Management
Construction: mechanical Janitorial, clerical, etc.
Construction: electrical Personnel Resourcing
Construction: structural Transportation / Carriage
Construction: instrumentation Leasing
Construction: design/engineering Equipment Rentals (general)
Maintenance Consulting
Fabricator Storage & Warehousing
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Third Party Supplier
OEM and Installer Safety, Health and Environmental
OEM and Maintenance Management
2.3 / Describe any additional services and/or goods offered (attach a list if necessary):
2.4 / For the services and/or goods your company performs as identified above, what part(s) of this service and/or good does your company typically subcontract to others? If none, please state “none”.
2.5 / Does your company have any formal alliances or frequent working relationships with other companies? If Yes, please provide a separate list identifying the companies and nature of this relationship. / Yes No
2.6 / Describe offices, shops, terminals, locations and other physical plant and facilities or attach an information brochure describing same (Refer to Appendix C).
2.7 / Number of employees: / Direct: / Contract:
2.8 / List of union affiliations and contracts (applicable to this scope):
Trade / Affiliation / Expiry Date

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Voisey’s Bay Mine Expansion Company Prequalification Profile and Questionnaire

This section identifies the nature of an aboriginal business relationship (if any) with the Innu or Inuit of Labrador. If your company is not an aboriginal business please state “None” in your response
Ownership by Innu / Inuit
3.1 / Is your company a registered Aboriginal Business with the Innu or Inuit business centres in Labrador? / Yes No
3.1.1 / If Yes, please state your Business Centre registration number
3.1.2 / If Yes, please identify the business relationship (refer to Appendix B) / Innu
3.2 / State percentage of Aboriginal ownership / %
3.3 / Physical location of Head Office
3.4 / Physical location of Operating Office
Highest Degree of Commitment
3.5 / Is there an Education and Training Plan implemented for Innu/Inuit communities?
3.6 / Aboriginal employment: Provide number of Innu/Inuit employees verses Total employees / # Aboriginal / # Total
3.7 / Proportion of wages/salaries to Innu/Inuit employees versus total employees: / % Aboriginal / %
3.8 / State percentage of goods / services which will be supplied by Innu/Inuit companies / %
3.9 / State percentage of goods/services which will be supplied by other companies from Newfoundland and Labrador (including Innu/Inuit). / %
3.10 / Are Innu/Inuit subcontractors going to be utilized to help complete the work?
If Yes, provide details for the role of subcontractors below. / Yes No
3.11 / If not a registered aboriginal business, does your company have any other kind of Aboriginal relationship? If Yes, please provide details below. / Yes No

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Voisey’s Bay Mine Expansion Company Prequalification Profile and Questionnaire

Complete this section with information which is recent (last three years) and relevant to the Expression of Interest. The information stated will provide Vale with the opportunity, if required, to contact recent customers as well as to better understand the type of work your company typically executes.
4.1 / Major customers:
Client Name / Scope of Work / Contact Person / Telephone
4.2 / Range of contract cost normally bid: Order of Magnitude / Minimum Value / Maximum Value
($CDN) / ($CDN)
4.3 / Major jobs in progress or completed in last three (3) years:
Client Name / Scope of Work / Location / Value of Contract
4.4 / Major jobs in Newfoundland and Labrador:
Client Name / Scope of Work / Location / Value of Contract

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Voisey’s Bay Mine Expansion Company Prequalification Profile and Questionnaire

5.1 / Total Annual Sales Last Year: / $CDN
5.2 / Total Sales to Vale Last Year: / $CDN
5.3 / What percentage of your company’s total sales represents work done by subcontractors (brokers)? / %
5.4 / Name of Bank
5.5 / Operating Ratio for the past three years: / 20 / 20 / 20
5.6 / Is Certified Financial or Income Statement, including net worth statement, available? If Yes, attach latest statement copy. / Yes No
5.7 / Performance and Warranty Letter of Credit
Can the company provide Letter of Credit? If No, provide an explanation below. / Yes No
5.7.1 / Maximum Amount: / $CDN
5.7.2 / Financial Institution:
5.8 / Guarantee
Are the principals of your company and/or your parent company willing to provide a full, unconditional letter of guarantee of financial responsibility for any work awarded to the business? / Yes No
5.9 / General
Are there any judgments, claims or suits pending or outstanding against your company or your parent company? If Yes, provide details below. / Yes No
5.10 / Is your company now or has your company ever been involved in any bankruptcy or reorganization proceedings? If Yes, provide details below. / Yes No
5.11 / Has your company ever had to cancel a contract before completion of the work?
If Yes, provide details below. / Yes No
5.12 / Has your company ever had a contract terminated by a client before completion of the scope of work? If Yes, provide details below: / Yes No
5.13 / Current booked value of contracts: / $CDN / Current backlog expressed in months:
5.14 / Current level of Insurance Coverage:
Liability / Cargo

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Voisey’s Bay Mine Expansion Company Prequalification Profile and Questionnaire

Further information to support your financial position may be appended, e.g. Annual Report
6.1 / Contact information of highest ranking safety professional in your organization.
Name / Title / Telephone / Email
6.2 / Does your company have a full-time Health and Safety representative? / Yes No
6.3 / Does your company have a written Health and Safety Management Program? / Yes No
6.4 / Does your company’s H&S Program:
·  identify management and employee resources? / Yes No
·  identify expectations and participation in reviews/meetings/inspections, etc.? / Yes No
·  identify requirements for employee orientation? / Yes No
·  identify your expectations and requirements for the employment of subcontractors? / Yes No
·  address a review of work practices and procedures relevant for the business your company performs? / Yes No
·  have written programs for occupational diseases? / Yes No
6.5 / Does your company hold a Certificate of Recognition (COR) certification?
If Yes, supply a letter of good standing from the Construction Safety Association. / Yes No
6.6 / Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or Worker’s Compensation number
6.7 / If your company uses subcontractors (brokers), are they covered by their own Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or Worker’s Compensation plan? / Yes No
A copy of your company’s Health & Safety Management Program must be provided with this questionnaire.
7.1 / From the last 5 years (including subcontractors): / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20
7.1.1 / Total hours worked
7.1.2 / Number of fatalities
7.1.3 / Number of lost time injuries (LTIs)
7.1.4 / Number of medical aids
7.1.5 / Injury frequency rate = (No. of LTIs * 200,000)
Annual hours
7.2 / Has your company received a stop work order from a jurisdictional regulatory body at any time in the last 5 years?
If Yes, refer to Appendix D or submit a copy of the Detailed Company Report By Date. / Yes No
7.3 / Has your company been convicted under the OH&S/WCB/WSIB Act in the last 5 years?
If Yes, refer to Appendix D. / Yes No
7.4 / Information Submittal
Copies of the following documents are required attachments
·  Health and Safety Policy
·  Health and Safety Program
·  OH&S/WCB/WSIB/WHSCC (as applicable) – Letter of Good Standing (or equivalent in the respective jurisdiction)
8.1 / Does your company have a full-time Environmental representative? / Yes No
8.2 / Does your company have a written Environmental Management Program? / Yes No
8.3 / Does your company’s Environmental Program: / Yes No
8.3.1 / ·  identify management and employee resources? / Yes No
8.3.2 / ·  Identify expectations and participation in environmental practices? / Yes No
8.3.3 / ·  identify your expectations and requirements for the employment of subcontractors? / Yes No
8.4 / Does your company’s Environmental Program contain information relating to work practices and procedures for environmental protection? / Yes No
8.5 / Does your company’s Environmental Program contain information relating to inspections and audits to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements? / Yes No
8.6 / Does your company’s Environmental Program identify your expectations and requirements for the employment of subcontractors? / Yes No
9.1 / From the last 5 years (including subcontractors): / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 / 20
9.1.1 / Number of Spills?
9.1.2 / Number of environmental incidents?
9.1.3 / Number of environmental regulatory infractions?
9.2 / Has your company received an environmental order or the equivalent from the Department of Environment and Conservation or other jurisdiction in the last 5 years?
If Yes, describe in an attachment. / Yes No
9.3 / Has your company been convicted under the EPA in the last 5 years?
If Yes, describe in an attachment. / Yes No
9.4 Information Submittal
Copies of the following documents are required attachments:
·  Environmental Policy
·  Environmental Program
·  Environmental Inspection Forms
·  Environmental Reporting Procedure and Forms
10.1 / Does your company have a formalized Quality Assurance Program which can demonstrate applicability to the work your company has expressed interest in? / Yes No
10.2 / Do plans exist with a timeline for 3rd party registration?
If Yes, provide details. / Yes No
10.3 / 3rd Party Registration / Expiry Date / Registrar
·  ISO 9003 / Z299.4 / Z299.3
·  ISO 9002 / Z299.2
·  ISO 9001 / Z299.1
·  ISO 14001
·  ISO 45001
·  OHSAS 18001
·  Other registration:
Scope of your company’s registration:
10.4 / Does your company have a formalized structural welding program? / Yes No
Standard / Expiry Date / Division
·  CSA W 47.1
·  CSA W 47.2
·  Other standards:
10.5 / On what types of materials is your company certified to weld?
10.6 / Does your company have a formalized pressure boundary welding program? / Yes No
Registrar / Scope / Expiry Date
·  NB
Please list the base metal approved TSSA welding procedures along with applicable CRN (Canadian Registration Number).
Provide examples, with details, in response to the questions below to support your company’s ability to perform the work as described in the EOI.
11.1 / Does your company have the necessary resources (personnel/equipment/facilities) in-house to complete the work as described? Provide details below / Yes No
11.2 / Does your company intend to partner with others, or subcontract, in order to complete the work? Provide details below / Yes No
11.3 / If Yes, does the partner/subcontractor also have the necessary resources (personnel/equipment/facilities) in-house to complete the work as described? Provide details below / Yes No
11.4 / In order to complete the work, please identify the approximate percentage to be completed inside or outside of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. / Inside Province / Outside Province
% / %
11.5 / Has your company completed this type of work within the past three years as the lead contractor? If yes, provide details below: / Yes No NA
11.6 / Has your company participated in this type of work within the past three years as a partner or subcontractor? If yes, provide details below: / Yes No NA
11.7 / In the past three years, has your company performed this type of work, or supported others, in a geographical or environmental setting similar to the context of this project? If yes, provide details below: / Yes No NA
11.8 / In the course of performing the work, does your company have robust and established processes to measure and monitor work progress to ensure an on-time completion? Provide details below of how the scope of the Expression of Interest will be managed in the context of your answer: / Yes No NA
11.9 / Does your company have a shop loading forecast for the next 12 months? Please provide details below of how the scope of the Expression of Interest will be managed in the context of your answer: / Yes No NA
11.10 / Does your company have existing experience with installing client-specific equipment into existing designs to facilitate client standardization programs? If yes, please provide details below: / Yes No NA
11.11 / Does your company have experience with interfacing with third party SQS / QA-QC programs? If yes, please provide details of this interfacing below: / Yes No NA
11.12 / Does your company have the ability to contract out overflow work to facilitate a recovery plan? If yes, please explain how this arrangement works below: / Yes No NA
11.13 / Does your company have the ability to add additional shifts to facilitate a recovery plan? Please provide examples below of when this has been recently done: / Yes No NA
11.14 / Does your company have experienced field personnel to support resolution of warranty claims, back charges, field repairs, etc.? / Yes No NA
11.15 / Does your company have a diversified supply base that includes alternative sources of supply for raw materials to ensure on time availability of materials required for fabrication? / Yes No NA
11.16 / Does your company have a diversified supply base that includes alternative sources of supply for finished products to ensure on time availability? / Yes No NA
With the consideration and understanding of the work description, your company business, recent history and availability of qualified and experienced personnel, equipment, and materials, this is work that my company has the capability to complete. / Yes No
Additional questions may be provided through a separate addendum to companies responding to the Expression of Interest. If this is the case then answers to these questions must be submitted at the same time as this Pre-qualification Questionnaire.

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