Regents Earth Science Research Project

Mrs. Stephanie Burns, Mrs. Jessica Conrad


1st Marking Period Requirement

Rubric for Essay Declaring Your Research Topic:

Possible Points / Your Points / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Heading / 3 / Full name, topic title / ______/ ______/ Lacks correct heading
12-Point Times New Roman, Double Spaced / 3 / Exactly as directed, double spaced / 12-Point, but a different font type, double spaced / Not 12-Point, Times New Roman, double spaced / Not 12-Point, not Times New Roman, not double spaced
1” Margins / 3 / 1” margins around page / 1 margin is the wrong size / 2 margins are the wrong size / 3+ margins are the wrong size
Meets Minimum Required 250 Word Length / 3 / 250 words or more, not exceeding 350 words / 250 to 200 words / 200 to 150 words / Less than 150 words
Submitted on Time / 3 / Handed in on due date: October 31st / Handed in 1 day late / Handed in 2 days late / Handed over 2 days late.
3 General Articles with Submission / 3 / 3 general articles all from reputable source. / 2 general articles all from reputable source, 1 non reputable source / 1 general articles all from reputable source, 2 non reputable / 0 general articles all reputable sources
Citations / 3 / Information is cited correctly. According to MLA style. / Information is cited in the incorrect style. / Few or no citations
Total / 21
Grade Out of 100

Regents Earth Science Research Project

Mrs. Stephanie Burns, Mrs. Jessica Conrad


Potential Research Topics:

Natural Hazards







Extreme Drought

Radon and other harmful gases

Environmental Impacts/Pollution

Hydraulic Fracturing

Groundwater Pollution

Algal Blooms

Invasive Species

Nuclear Waste Disposal

Open-Pit Mining

Sand Mining on Long Island

Forensic Geology

The Quest for Oil

Forest Fires/Wild Fires

Ocean Gyres and Marine Garbage


Ground-Level Ozone

Acid Rain

Tree Rings Indicate Recent Weather Events

Tropical Cyclones and Saharan Desert Dust


Record-Setting Weather Extremes

Improving Severe Weather Warning Times

Climate Change

Heat Waves

Global Warming

Nitrous Oxide in the Atmosphere

Sulfur Dioxide in the Atmosphere

Ocean Acidification

Sea-Level Fluctuations

Methane beneath the Arctic Ocean

Coral Reef Bleaching

El Niño/La Niña

Permafrost Deterioration

Alternative Energy/Alternative Fuels

Solar Energy

Wind Energy

Hydroelectric Power

Geothermal Energy


Alternative Energy Vehicles

Developing New Batteries to Store Energy

Geologic History

Evidence of Plate Tectonics

Past Extinction Events

Fossil Evidence of Evolution

Radiometric Dating


Searching for Water on Mars

Exploring the Martian Surface

Solar Cycles/Solar Storms

Lunar Regolith

Exploring the Lunar Surface

Missions to Jupiter/Pluto

Missions to other Moons

Exploring a Comet

Exploring an Asteroid

Supernovae Affecting Earth

Future NASA Manned-Spaceflight