Appendix A 01/2012 mtg


Minutes of

Parish Council Meeting Held At Desford Free Church

14th December2011 @ 7.30pm

Present: Councillors Mr Fryer (Chairman), Mrs Camamile (Vice Chair), Mrs Gudger, Mrs Crane, Mrs Houghton, Mrs Sims, Miss Dickman, Mr Hutt, Mr Pratt and Mrs Foxon (Clerk). County Councillor Mr Sprason (in part)

Parishioners Present: Mr Jim Houghton (Sport in Desford)

1506. Apologies:

Parish Councillors: Mr Bowles, Mrs Minto

Borough Councillor Mr Bessant


1507. Minutes (Appendix A)

  1. The minutes of theParish Council meeting held 16th November 2011, having being circulated were taken as read and accepted as a true record of the meeting.

1508. Declaration of Interests

No Declarations of interests, personal or prejudicial were received at this time.

1509. Parishioners Question Time

Mr Houghton reiterated all the information he had submitted to Members of the Parish Council following the concerns raised over the installation of solar panels to the roof of Sport in Desford building. Mr Houghton also confirmed that the funding had been approved for the project and was ‘in place’ awaiting confirmation to proceed.

The Chair thanked Mr Houghton for attending and offering further clarity to the details, reports and funding previously submitted to all Members outside of the meeting and confirmed that all of this would be taken into consideration when the Council made their final decision.


  1. The following accounts were accepted and passed for payment

Payable (Appendix B)

Scouts Accounts Payable (CB3 & 4)
AG Hall (Electrical works) / £682.85
Professional Scaffolding Ltd (scaffolding) / £8,584.00
William Hercock (Timberframe) / £29,473.68
Pink Lily Projects (drawings) / £1,300.00
DPC Accounts Payable
Bosworth Groundcare upto 22nd November 2011 / £738.11
Eon (St lighting maintenance upto 31/12/11) / £88.08
Eon Electricity Charge (1/11- 30/11) / £38.71
EM Foxon (salary & expenses) / £1,350.58
HMRC (PAYE Dec) / £427.71
K Holyoak & Son (play equipment inspections & removal of net climber/swing frame and bases - Botcheston) / £1,872.00
L A Maud / £805.86
Land Registry (c/o Councillor Crane re: Fields in Trust Applications) / £10.00
LCC (office build costs) / £1,878.00
Richards Environmental (Dog bins November) / £59.80
Sita (Cemetery skip emptying November) / £82.16
SLCC 2012 Membership / £140.00
Stephen Lowe Carpenter & Builder (Cemetery benches - new field) / £5,096.00

At this point the Chair requested that the accounts submitted relating to the Scouts building expenditure, namely those of W Hercock and Pink Lily were approved ‘in principal’ by Members present and signed, although these would be ‘held’ awaiting clarity and acceptance at the next full Scouts Build Working Group by Desford Parish Council nominated members.

Decision: Accepted

Payments Received (Appendix C)


1511. Clerk Update Actions List (Appendix D)

The Clerk reported on the current status of all outstanding items shown on Appendix D

1512. Correspondence

Actions required or arising from the discussion of correspondencebelow are detailed in Appendix D


At this point Councillor Mrs Houghton declared an interest in item 1 shown within correspondence to be discussed and left the room prior to discussion.

Email/Letter / Contents
Communications / PV Panel Installation – SiD updated detail received from Councillor Houghton (forwarded to all outside of meeting) relating to DPC request made Nov mtg and Planning Sub Committee advices to DPC following receipt of updated detail and Parish Councillors comments received.
Advisory: Chair advised Members of the Council of the Parish Council’s obligation to protect the property for prosperity prior to discussion.
Proposal: Following all the information received and detail discussed, the proposal remained -To proceed with the progression of the installation of solar panels to the roof of Sport in Desford building.
Decision: In favour – one member. Against - four members. Abstained – two members.
Chair – no vote made as overall decision gained my Members present.
Majority vote - Progression Declined. Clerk to notify Jim Houghton of Sport in Desford.
Email / Email received from Judith relating to ‘total numbers in NHW Schemes’ within Desford Parish – Noted
Email / Information on crime statistics for Desford and surrounding villages – Sept and Oct- Noted
Quote / Received from Arboreco for works required as specified within the planning application from HBBC to the reduction of the hedge to improve the visual splay on entering and exiting the cemetery via the main gate.
Decision: Quote accepted, Clerk to notify Arboreco to proceed with works.
Email & plan / Received from LCC – revised st lighting plan incorporating st lights owned by DPC and cost to include these within the part time lighting scheme of £20 per unit (x5) total £100 with estimation of £40 saving per year (circulated to all prior to mtg).
Decision: Proceed with incorporation of DPC owned st lights. Clerk to notify acceptance.
Email / Received from LCC – update on build and relocation of DPC office to Desford Library–Noted
Email / Received from P Crane querying why certain details have not been included within minute detail – Clerk to clarify content of minute record.
Info: As spoken - County Councillor Sprason confirmed content of minute detail is as per Clerk’s advices and current recorded detail.
Invite / Received from HBBC for free inclusion within the Borough Council’s Events Guide July to December 2012 any events – submission form and envelope – issued to Councillor Crane.
Email / Received from Bernard Grimshaw (Lions Club) updating on the tree planting packs and requesting clarification of choice, project details and preferred planting time by DPC.
Decision: To be discussed further at Jan/Feb meeting under separate agenda item the actual areas for planting, quantity within each area etc; Clerk to place on agenda.


Format Email/Letter / Contents
Guides / Events guide Jan – June 2012 and Hinckley Events Calendar 2012

1513.County Councillors Report

County Councillor Sprason reported the following:-

Shire Community Grants – Full details on the required criteria and applying for Shire Community Grants was now available on the LCC website.

Winter Wardens – The Winter Warden Scheme was now in operation for the coming winter period.

School Academies – County Councillor Sprason confirmed that 35% of pupils were now within academy schools and a further 120 local schools have applied for and in the process of completing Academy Status by September 2012. Bosworth High School and Bosworth College were now seriously considering this route.

Section 106 Agreement, Hunts Lane Development – Agreement had been reached for the allocation of funds to County, the Primary School and High School in relation to the planned development to be located Hunts Lane, Desford.

1514. Planning Issues – Appendix G

Planning Applications –November/December


11/00941/FULExtension and alterations to dwelling

7 Richmond Close, Desford

11/00871/FULChange of use of land to form part of residential cartilage and erection of boundary fence

29 Bambrook Close, Desford

11/00800/FULProposed Porch to Entrance Hall

38 Lindridge Lane, Desford

11/00889/FUL*Extensions and Alterations to Dwelling

14 Goulton Crescent, Desford

Withdrawals/Refusals/Approvals –November/December


*Expiry date for comments to be received to HBBC prior to date of next meeting of the Parish Council - planning application detail circulated to Planning Sub Committee, no adverse comments received.

1515. Police Matters

In the last month the crime figures are as detailed:

1 x ASB report on Kirkby Road where cars are speeding up the dirt track.

1 x burglary on Manor Gardens where entry gained and car stolen. (Another one has just been rang in forMain Street where a car has been stolen)

1x burglary non dwellingon Oak Road where a lawnmower was stolen

2 x damages to college

1 x damage to bus window when ears of corn were thrown at it.

1 x theft from motor vehicle from bulls head where lock is forced and cash stolen

1 x theft of contractors vehicle from Leicester Lane

1 x theft of vehicle from driveway on Station Road whilst defrosting windows

1 x shoplifting at Coop

We are having a lot of burglaries over the area and have been giving advice on our facebook page I will copy advice below

------If leaving property for the evening try to leave lights on in the house, restrict visibility into the house by drawing curtains, remove keys from locks on the inside and tell trustworthy neighbours when you will be out. Try to restrict access to the rear of the house by fixing locks or bolts to side gates etc. For those with timer switches you may consider using them on a radio or TV to cause a sound in the house, or if going away for a period, consider asking neighbours to occasionally park their car on your driveway

Workman please do not leave your keys in the ignition whilst on site...your van will get stolen!!!

1516. Precept 2012 – Final Detail for Approval

All members present issued with listing of previously agreed specific project allocations including Section 137 anticipated expenditure.

Proposal:Chair proposed precept 2012-2013 to be formally accepted at £87,000.

Decision:All present agreed. Clerk to notify HBBC accordingly.

1517. Youth Services/Youth Councillor Report

Councillor Dickman gave an update of the previous month youth club activities. Councillor Dickman also confirmed that concerns had been raised in relation to the behaviour of some of the attendees of the Tuesday night youth club and that the situation was being monitored.

1518. Sport in Desford and Scouts Building Update report

Chair confirmed that the timberframe had now been completed with the interior panelling and insulation commencing shortly. The priority now was the ‘weathering’ of the roof.

1519. Exchange of Members Information

The Chair thanked all Members for their hard work and commitment over the past year.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9pm.

Signed: …………………………………………………Chairman/Vice Chairman