Enlightenment and Revolution

  1. Why were William and Mary offered the throne of England?
  2. What did Cesare Beccaria think of brutal punishments?
  3. What were the reasons the British granted Americans their independence?
  4. What country provided the most financial aide to support America during the War for Independence?
  5. What ideas did Rousseau introduce?
  6. What was the problem with the first constitution of the United States?
  7. What is the divine right of kings?
  8. What is laissez-faire?
  9. What famous American document used Montesquieu’s ideas?
  10. What did Oliver Cromwell’s defeat of English Royalist forces allow him to do?
  11. How did King George respond to the Olive Branch Petition?
  12. What was the Rump Parliament?
  13. Whose ideas can be found in the Declaration of Independence?
  14. What was the name given to Protestants who were inspired by Calvinist ideas?
  15. What is Absolutism?
  16. What was the accomplishment of the English fleet in 1588?
  17. Why is Henry IV of France important in history?
  18. Who was the French minister who was determined to maintain the balance of power in Europe?
  19. What principle set forth in the Petition of Right?
  20. Through what did Parliament move to weaken the monarchy and strengthen individual liberties?
  21. What drove James II from the throne?
  22. Why did Peter the Great require all classes of society to serve the state?
  23. What did Mercantilists think a strong government must do?
  24. Which scientist described the universe as a giant clock?
  25. What was Anton van Leeuwenhoek known for?
  26. What did John Locke believe in?
  27. What were the main ideasfound in Leviathan?
  28. What is “enlightened monarchy”?
  29. What did the philosophes do?
  30. What was a French salon?
  31. Who presented arguments for social reform?
  32. What does the term “Classical” refer to?
  33. Why did Britain pass new acts to tax the American colonies in 1763?
  34. Why is Thomas Jefferson significant during and after the War for Independence?
  35. What was the result of the American victory at Saratoga?
  36. How did colonists view their relationship with England on the eve of the Revolution?
  37. Why was Frederick II of Prussia considered a great monarch?
  38. When was the Bill of Rights adopted?
  39. What caused the rise and use of slaves in the 18th century?
  40. What language did French replace to become the language of international diplomacy in the late 1600’s?