
What happens now?

The excitement is mounting, the pig has been ordered, the pub is getting stocked-up - now it’s time to let you know more details and get a bit more information from you.

We are spending the weekend at The Tunnel House Inn, Tarlton Road Nr Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL7 6PW – there is a link to the pub website (with a map) on It’s extremely well signposted from the A433 Tetbury Road and the BlokeFest elves might even put out some additional signage.

There are no neighbours, which is great because we won’t disturb anybody, but it does mean that there are no shops in the immediate vicinity (Cirencester is only a few miles up the road however) so ideally bring everything with you that you’ll need.

Please note – no open fires/braziers are allowed on the campsite – we’re too close to crop fields!

On arrival (from 3pm), please make yourself known to one of the so-called “Organizers”, they will the ones wearing the “BlokeFest Inner Circle” T-Shirts and the Organizer wristbands. They will check you off against the official Invite List and give you a wristband of your very own and show you were to pitch your tent or any other necessary information.

The Programme is as follows:

Friday 22nd

Arrive at the campsite anytime from 2.00pm and pitch your tent.

BUT….if everyone brings a tent that Billy Smart would envy, we’re going to get very tight for space. So please bring a small tent and/or share with a mate(s). If you’re thinking of bringing a van, dormobile or caravan, please let us know in advance. There are a few places close to the campsite but you might have to camp in the car park. There are no electric hook-ups.

If you are likely to arrive after 7.30pm please let us know in advance. Big Australian Mike (you’ll spot him ‘cos he’s big and Australian.) will selflessly be waiting at the pub for any late arrivals, but if there aren’t any he can come on the …

Brewery Visit

We’re going to the Stroud Brewery between 8pm and 10pm for a tour, some food, some singing and naturally, some sampling.

We have organised a coach at the amazing cost of only £5.00 per head so if you want to book a place email in advance and add a fiver to the balance of the cost which is due by 22nd May.

Coach Leaves at 7.30pm

At the brewery, there will be a light meal – Pizza and Salad with Cheese and Tomato Pizzas for vegetarians. Please also let us know if you will be requiring vegetarian food for Friday and Saturday night (weekend tickets only). Much as we’d like to, we can’t cater for Vegans. There will also be a cash bar.

The coach returns to The Tunnel House by 10.30pm whereupon, you are free to retire to your tent or take advantage of the bar in the barn, which we have to ourselves until 2.00am.

Saturday 23rd

8.00am – 10.00am - Bacon and sausage butties, tea and coffees will be available for sale from a trailer in the pub ground.

10.00am – General gathering, official welcome, introductions and a warm up to get us in the mood. This will take place in the Sleepy Hollow or in the Barn if inclement.

10.30-12.00pmDave Stewart One of our guest teachers from Yorkshire, Dave will be teaching us some new songs and some new takes on some old ones.

12.00-2.00pmLunch The pub knows we’re coming and will be expecting a rush. It’s also open to the general public so we’ve allowed plenty of time for those who want to avail themselves of pub grub. Otherwise sort yourselves out, have a walk/chat/sing and be back for...

2.00-3.30ish – Roger Jackson. Songwriter and choirleader from Buckinghamshire will take over for some new singing delights including (we’re hoping) a brand new song written for this weekend.

Short break for tea/beer/refreshment then…

4.00-6.00pm – The UK Spooks. Chris Samuel, Michael Carlyon and Phil Read all performed on the Spooky Men’s Chorale 2011 Tour. They’ll be teaching a secret Spooky anthem, so far only ever performed in Western Australia.

6.00pm – Hog Roast will be available and Veggie Burgers for the non-carnivores (please don’t forget to let us know).

8.00pm onwards Blokefest Cabaret in the barn. This is where you get to share with the assembled gentlemen some of your own stuff, whether it’s singing, music, or spoken word (no mime please and any acrobats or fire jugglers will need to take account of the ceiling height in the barn). The Magnificent AK47 will sing a few songs (try and stop us) and we’re hoping for contributions from other singing groups and solo performers alike.

We’re also looking for songs that everybody can join in with and spontaneously harmonise to. If you’ve got any suggestions, let us know in advance so we can add them to the BlokeFest Song Book produce some songsheets. We will have words for Sloop John B for example and many others. If you fancy leading a song, email with your suggestion and the words. Bar will stay open until 2.00am.

Sunday 24th

8.00am-10.00am – Butty wagon open for business again

10.30am – General gathering warm-up with Chris Samuel – possibly one more short song and a sing through songs from the previous day.

This will mark the official end of proceedings at the Campsite, but if you fancy it we’ll be doing a …..

11.30am – Hike to the Daneway Inn at the other end of the Sapperton Tunnel for some singing in a 2 mile long resonant space. If you fancy having lunch at the pub, it might be worth booking in advance. Bring walking boots and appropriate clothing if you fancy doing this.

For those interested in performing some Extreme Sonic Experiments you might like to partake in some Tunnel Singing inside the Daneway end of the Sapperton Tunnel – given that this is a bit waterlogged it might be a good idea to bring walking boots with gators or welly boots to avoid your feet getting too wet for the walk home.

Striking Camp – The pub is very flexible about us leaving so there is no official exit time. If you plan to stay any longer (or arrive any earlier) please contact the pub directly, but tell them you’re part of BlokeFest.

Things we need to know from You:-

Please confirm whether you require a Full Weekend ticket or Day Ticket for workshops only (and whether you are a Young Bloke/ reduced rate)

Will you be arriving after 7.30pm on Friday?

Do you want a place on the Brewery Trip coach?

Are you bringing a campervan or caravan?

Are you a vegetarian?

Have you got a song you’d like to share on Saturday night?

Email voxbox@btinternet

What’s included in the Weekend ticket:

Two night’s camping; Brewery trip, with pizza supper; Hog roast (or veggie alternative); Saturday’s Cabaret; All singing workshops.

What’s not included:

Coach transport to/from Stroud Brewery (only a fiver!); Beer or other liquid refreshments; Breakfast or lunch (both available to purchase from the butty wagon and/or the pub); individual voice-coaching.

What’s included in the Day ticket:

All the singing workshops and evening entertainment

What’s not included:

Hog Roast/Veggie Burgers. Beer or other liquid refreshments.

More information will be provided about current menus at The Tunnel Inn and at the The Daneway pub along with phone numbers and special secret code words to use.