Delaware Reformed Church

“We are meant to Thrive!"

Reverend Gary Hegstad

August 20, 2017



Call to Worship

Praise & Worship The Praise Band

“In The Garden”

“Lord I Need You”

Opening Prayer

Children’s Story Kurt Lunstra

Hymn “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” Hymn #354

Congregational Prayer

Scripture Romans 10:5-15

Message “My Heart’s Desire and Prayer”

The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper

Hymn of Prayer: The Lord's Prayer

Worship in Tithes & Offering

Doxology & Offertory Prayer

Hymn “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” Hymn #435


Closing Song “What a Friend We Have In Jesus” Hymn #435 Welcome to Delaware. We’re glad you are here!

If you are a visitor please fill out a visitor card and place it in the offering.

Birth-4 Nursery is available throughout the service. Serving today is the Smit family.

Today we have the privilege to celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Everyone who has made a public profession of one's belief in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, and who are a member in good standing in a Christian congregation, are encouraged to partake of this sacrament.

There will be a movie for the kids during fellowship time today. Children are invited to the opening exercise room as soon as they finish their snack. Serving today as Hall Monitors are John & Jen Hauck.

This Week:

Tues: Living Stone Prison Church 4:00pm – Talk to Wil if you are planning to go!

Wed: Children’s Ministry Planning Meeting 7:00pm

Next Sunday, Aug. 27, 10:00 AM Community worship service in Worthing, This will be our worship service for the day; there will not be services here. We as a congregation, along with the congregation of Southtown Baptist Fellowship will host this service for the community. Remember to bring your lawn chairs. It will be in the park southeast of the school.

Children's Ministry News

** Please plan to attend our 2017-2018 planning meeting on Wednesday, August 23 at 7 p.m. Parents and teachers are welcome to attend.

** Please sign up for your opportunity to teach our kids. A sign-up sheet is on the back table.

** Please update the Sunday School roster with your child's age/grade.

Bulletin information should be given to Lisa Westra at 605-366-1037 or office by Thursday at 9:00am.

Offering Report
General Fund / Building Fund
Offering Received / 8/13/2017 / $2,197.00 / $215.00
Budgeted Average Weekly Offering / $2,884.62 / $748.08
Difference / -$687.62 / -$533.08
Fiscal Year-To-Date Summary
Received Offerings / $84,477.96 / $8,575.00
Budgeted Offerings / $95,192.31 / $24,686.54
Difference / -$10,714.35 / -$16,111.54

Women's Ministry Service Project: The service project for August is school supplies for Children's Home Society. In addition to school supplies, there is a large wish list. Please take a copy from the bulletin board in the fellowship hall and give to bless kids who need the services of the Children's Home Society.

Children's Ministry Offerings: August offerings will be for area schools. The schools will each receive a portion of the offering to assist any children who can't afford school supplies this fall. Check the blackboard on the back wall for progress.

Ministry Team Chair people: please meet with your teams and submit to the deacons a proposed budget for your team for 2018. Please submit by September 15 to the deacons.

Praise and Worship meeting, Wednesday, Sept 6 at 7:30 pm. Everyone who is part of a P & W team, please come as we discuss plans for worship for the school year.

Talent/Gift?? Do you have a voice to sing with and/or ability to play an instrument? (piano, guitar, violin, horn etc) Possibilities can include Praise & Worship and/or special music. Please choose to share your God-given abilities with our church. Talk to Cheryl, Julie Heeren or Randy. Thanks!

Fellowship lunch for Sunday, Sept 3rd is Joy H & Angie. Praise and Worship is Joshua’s House. Children’s Sermon is Pastor Gary. Nursery is Tammy & Kevin. Usher is Gailyn Hagena. Projector is Jonathan Hagena.

Prayer Concerns:

-Teresa Heldt, Brady's mother, will be having surgery on Monday

-Annette Aakre, wife of one of the truck drivers for John Westra's work place. She has been hospitalized with heart concerns.

-Parker Reif, son of Tonya Reif (friend of Marcus Dangel) had surgery and everything went better than expected. Praise the Lord!

-Megan Horner broke her arm

-Linda Duncan, wife of Robin Duncan, being treated for cancer

-Rhonda Wiebers, Gladys Wiebers’ granddaughter, cancer treatments

-Brent DeKok, son of Pastor Don/Sue DeKok, has begun a new round of chemo

-Bev Vande Vegte, Rock Valley, battling cancer

-Susan Nelson, Parker, diagnosed with cancer

-Heather Giefer, Matt Loewe’s cousin, cancer treatments have resumed

Upcoming Ministries:

- Sept. 11 7:00 PM Youth Groups Kick off with a special event at the Lennox High School Cafetorium; "Stand for the Truth, Joel Penton Concert."

-LifeTree Cafe - We will be offering this in Worthing at the Worthing Civic Center on Thursday nights (except the 2nd Thurs. of the months) at 7:00 PM beginning on Sept. 21.

On Friday, August 25, All Nations City Church (a local ministry which organizes worships, picnics, and seminars to celebrate diversity and unity in Jesus), in partnership with LifeLight, is hosting a Multicultural Night. Place: Sertoma Park's Shelter, Sioux Falls. Time: 6--8pm; Features: Great multicultural music; Potluck supper of various ethnic foods. All are welcome!

THANK YOU to all those who helped mow the church yard and cemetery!

Prayer Concerns:

-Teresa Heldt, Brady's mother, will be having surgery on Monday

-Annette Aakre, wife of one of the truck drivers for John Westra's work place. She has been hospitalized with heart concerns.

-Parker Reif, son of Tonya Reif (friend of Marcus Dangel) had surgery and everything went better than expected. Praise the Lord!

-Megan Horner broke her arm

-Linda Duncan, wife of Robin Duncan, being treated for cancer

-Rhonda Wiebers, Gladys Wiebers’ granddaughter, cancer treatments

-Brent DeKok, son of Pastor Don/Sue DeKok, has begun a new round of chemo

-Bev Vande Vegte, Rock Valley, battling cancer

-Susan Nelson, Parker, diagnosed with cancer

-Heather Giefer, Matt Loewe’s cousin, cancer treatments have resumed

Upcoming Ministries:

- Sept. 11 7:00 PM Youth Groups Kick off with a special event at the Lennox High School Cafetorium; "Stand for the Truth, Joel Penton Concert."

-LifeTree Cafe - We will be offering this in Worthing at the Worthing Civic Center on Thursday nights (except the 2nd Thurs. of the months) at 7:00 PM beginning on Sept. 21.

On Friday, August 25, All Nations City Church (a local ministry which organizes worships, picnics, and seminars to celebrate diversity and unity in Jesus), in partnership with LifeLight, is hosting a Multicultural Night. Place: Sertoma Park's Shelter, Sioux Falls. Time: 6--8pm; Features: Great multicultural music; Potluck supper of various ethnic foods. All are welcome!

THANK YOU to all those who helped mow the church yard and cemetery!