Hope Chapel Preschool

Parent Handbook

6175 Old Jenks Rd

Apex NC 27523

Ph. 919 362-4321


Table of Contents

Mission Statement / Objectives ……………….…………………………………..2

Daily Activities ………………………………….……………………………………….3

Field Trips ……………………………………………………………………..…………3

Program Descriptions / Tuition Fees / Policies …………….……………….4

Potty Training ……………………………………….…………………………….…….5

Tuition Payments and Policies …………………….……………………………....6-8

Emergency & Release Authorization Information………………..6

Home & School Relationship…………………………………………....7

Illness Policy…………………………………………………………………...7

Accident or Injury/Incident Policy……………………………………..8

Biting Policy………………………………………………………………….…9

Snacks / Food Allergies / Parties………………………………………………….10

Clothing/Dress Code………………………………………………………………….11

Book Bags…………………………………………………………………..……………11

Arrival & Dismissal……………………………………………………………………11-12

Late Pick-up Policy………………………………………………………...12

Closings / Delayed Openings………………………………………………………12

Hope Chapel Preschool Mission:

The mission of Hope Chapel Preschool is to provide a strong Christ centered early academic environment in which the development of foundational skills are encouraged by nurturing self-confidence, independence, healthy interdependence, and self-esteem based on the knowledge of being “created in God’s image”. We believe children learn through play and will ensure many opportunities for your child to have fun while learning.


The core of our mission is focused on families. Hope Chapel Preschool is a place where children experience God's love and their uniqueness is valued and celebrated.

Our goal is to create a community that provides opportunities for children to grow in continued spiritual, social/emotional, physical and intellectual development.

·  Spiritual - By encouraging children’s awareness that they are created and loved by God and that He has created a world for us to enjoy, explore and grow in our knowledge of Him.

·  Social/Emotional - By encouraging cooperation and collaboration and helping children to develop a sense of belonging, security and self-control.

·  Physical - By encouraging experiences which will develop muscle coordination and fine motor skills.

·  Intellectual - By encouraging enthusiasm for learning and discovery through hands-on education.

Daily Activities

To plan our fun filled days, HCP utilizes a play-based curriculum called High Reach Learning, which aids in presenting age appropriate academics and developmental activities in a way each child can learn through play. In addition to our play-based academics, we have a faith-based focus presented by our Orange Curriculum for Chapel each week. Our chapel will also be reinforced inside the classes multiple times throughout the week.

These daily activities include but are not limited to the following:

Learning Centers: Throughout the week children participate in structured play centers. Centers are organized by Math/Science, Language Arts/Literacy, Art, Dramatic play, and Sensory Stimulation/Discovery, Blocks. Centers are designed to offer a range of stimulating activities to increase mental, social development and fine and large motor skills.

**While we do not perform formal assessments, if our team notices a child needing extra attention in these areas, we will inform the parent and develop a plan to assist the child’s development.

Daily Circle Time: Circle time focuses on social awareness, auditory discrimination, attending abilities, and verbal skills.

Snack/Lunch: Children will eat in a group setting while practicing social and verbal skills as well as life skills and manners. Snack, lunch, and water bottle are parent provided for all classes.

Music: Each classroom introduces new songs and creative movement that complement the monthly learning theme, as well as occasional activities with instruments. Beginning Fall of 2014, we are excited to have weekly 30 minute music classes taught by Ms. Janice Wilson. This program will be provided for our three’s, four’s, and TK classes.

Chapel: Bible stories, chapel songs, birthday celebrations, and prayer are all an integral part of this special weekly gathering.

Bible: Children learn Bible verses and read Bible stories as part of the daily curriculum. Prayer is incorporated throughout the day – at Circle Time, before snack, and for the occasional “ouchie”.

Large Muscle Play: Each day the children will have time for free play on the playground or indoor gym.

Sharing: To encourage the development of verbal language skills, children may be asked to bring in special toys or books which tie into the curriculum for show and tell.

Field Trips

At this time, HCP does not participate in off-site field trips. However, HCP will provide additional “special on-site learning experiences” provided for the classes to supplement our planned curriculum.

Service Projects

HCP believes in serving the local community and is committed to showing our children what they can do to give back to their community. HCP will participate in at least one service project during the year.


Half-Day Program (September – May)

Our half-day programs (9am to 12 noon- 2’s only) and (9am to 12:30pm for 3’s, and 9am – 1pm for Pre-k, and TK). The annual registration and monthly tuition fees are:

Non-refundable registration fee...... $100 ($125 for TK)

Two’s (child must be 2 by Oct. 31st)

2 day class (TTH)………….……..$160/mo

Three’s (child must be 3 by Oct 31st, and be fully potty trained – see below)

3 days class (MWF)...... $195/mo

Four’s Pre-K (child must be 4 by Oct 31st)

5 day class (MTWTHF)………………….. $ 295/mo

TK Class (child must be 5 by Oct 31st and/or have had a year of 4 yr old preschool)

5 day class (MTWHF) …………………………..$295/mo

Two’s - Please label everything – have at least 2 outfits (including socks, underwear and a pair of shoes), diapers, wipes, ointment, jacket/sweater transported to and from school in the school provided bag.


Bottles and pacifiers are NOT given to the children in these classrooms. With the support of the

parents, we begin potty training in the Two’s room. Children must be potty trained before entering the Three’s room.

Diapers and Wipes

It is the parent’s responsibility to provide diapers/pull-ups and wipes daily. Please make sure your child wears clothes that can easily be pulled up and down (no overalls) to help with diapering and self care while potty training.

Three’s – Please label everything - Extra outfit (including socks, underwear and a pair of shoes), jacket/sweater transported to and from school in a small bag/backpack. Each child will need a large “adult-sized” t-shirt to serve as an “art smock” for messy art and crafts projects. Special toys or blankets are only allowed on scheduled show and tell days.

Four’s / Five’s (TK) - Please label everything - Extra outfit (including socks, underwear and a pair of shoes), jacket/sweater transported to and from school in a small bag/backpack. Each child will need a large “adult-sized” t-shirt to serve as an “art smock” for messy art and crafts projects. Special toys or blankets are only allowed on scheduled show and tell days.


There are two primary schools of thought on the “definition” of being Potty Trained:

#1) Scheduled Potty Trained – a child is accident free only if the adult adheres to a rigid potty break schedule; a child is more or less “trained” to go at certain times, not self initiated

#2) Self Initiative Potty Trained - This is when the child initiates going potty on their own;

Your child’s Potty Training when entering a three year old class must be Self- Initiated. We consider the beginning of potty training when the child shows interest in using the restroom. We guide and assist a child with their own initiatives to use the restroom. THIS is crucial.

We do not put pressure on the child to use the toilet nor can we guarantee any current accommodations your child may have for special “potty” times/practices. What this means is, if your child is only “scheduled potty trained” a teacher has to take them to the bathroom every 60 min, or else they have an accident, then the child does not fit our definition of potty trained.

The following is our definition or standard by which we measure “completely” potty trained:

ü  The child is able to recognize his/her body’s signal and asks to go potty (without an adult prompt)

ü  The child is able to control both his/her bowel and bladder and makes the trip to the restroom without soiling his/her clothing.

ü  The child shows AWARENESS is they have had an “accident”.

ü  The child is consistently dry for 2-3 hours at a time.

ü  The child experiences less than two incidents of soiling himself/herself per month.

ü  No adult reminder or assistance is needed to complete a successful trip to the restroom.

*We would like all children entering three year old classes to be potty trained. We understand that each child arrives at this milestone differently, therefore we will allow 8 weeks from the first day of school for your child to demonstrate accomplishment of this goal. However, if the situation is not manageable within the classroom environment, we will discuss with the parents and reserve the right to dis-enroll or suspend attendance of the child at such time.

Tuition Payments and Policies

HCP Tuition is processed as nine consecutivepaymentsdue on the 1st of each month August through April. Immunization records are due with the first tuition payment. Tuition received after the 5th of the month is considered late and subject to a 15.00 late fee.

Monthly Tuition Fees

Two's Class $160/month

Three's Class $195/month

Four's Class $295/month

Transitional Kindergarten $295/month

**Please Note**We try to provide the highest quality program on a budget figured at the lowest possible monthly rate. In order to do this, tuition credit or substitute days arenotgiven for any of the days the center is closed due to holiday or inclement weather or days a child is absent due to illness or vacation.

30 Day Notice Aug-Dec
60 Day Notice January-March

Proper notice listed above is required when a child is withdrawn for any reason other than illness. All notifications must be submitted in writing to the Director. Without the proper notification of withdrawal, the remaining tuition is still due.

Because we do not fill classes the last two months of the program, notice of withdrawal for the months of April and/or May must be provided on or before March 1st, otherwise, the tuition for both the months of April and May are required. If you are moving and will be withdrawing your child it would be greatly appreciated if you could give us the date of the withdrawal at the earliest possible time.

HCP reserves the right to dismiss any child for inability of the child or family to adjust to the school’s schedule/policies/procedures, to cooperate with staff or for behavior endangering the children, families or staff.

If a withdrawal occurs at the request of the HCP, the unused portion of any months’ tuition will be refunded.

Emergency and Release Authorization Information

All children must have written permission from a parent before being released to another adult if they are not listed on the Approved for Pick Up Authorization form you provided. Only those persons authorized to receive your child will be allowed to receive them. Photo identification will be required.

In the event of an emergency, we will call the parent first. If the parent cannot be reached, we must have on file a list of authorized persons to contact. Please help us by keeping this list updated. Please be sure to go to HCP Front Desk for change in ride home plans.

Home and School Relationship

We LOVE our parents!!!!! And want you to be a part of your child's preschool experience! We believe that parents are an integral part of the success of our program. In keeping with our philosophy, it is vital that there be cooperation and communication between the school and the home. We hope that you will take the opportunity to visit our program and get acquainted with our staff during the school year.

The first month of school is an adjustment period for preschool children. Leaving home, getting accustomed to time regulations, and making new friends are all new experiences. The adjustment is made easier if parents postpone visits to the preschool until after the first month. After this period, parents are encouraged to visit our classes at any time.

We feel that parent involvement is of prime importance. In the interest of your child, it is good for him/her to know that you, as parents, are involved. Special parties, in-house field trips, and occasional parent meetings will be scheduled. Sign-up sheets to help will be available at the “Meet the Teacher” day. Before committing to help, please ask the lead teacher if it is appropriate to bring siblings. Some events may require your full attention.

We request that you please notify the teacher and director of any change of address or telephone number.

Illness Policy

We strive to prevent illnesses at preschool. Teachers and children wash their hands with antibacterial soap after using the restroom and before eating snack. Tables, counter tops, and toys are cleaned and disinfected several times a day. We encourage hand washing after the use of tissues as well.

The following guidelines will be used to determine if a child should be excluded from preschool. All sick children must stay home.

•  Fever—oral or body temperature of 100.00 or higher without the aid of a fever reducer.

•  Runny Nose— If the child has an excessive runny nose and the mucus is yellow/green and the child exhibits symptoms of an illness.

•  Diarrhea, vomiting (ANY type of vomiting, including allergy vomiting, congestion vomiting, etc. within 24 hours of start of school).

•  Excessive Cough-any excessive coughing that produces yellow/green heavy mucous and/or causes vomiting or breathing issues.

•  Any unexplained rash (Impetigo, Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps, Moluscum, etc.). To return to the classroom, HCP will need a note from a doctor stating the child is not contagious and able to return.

•  Mouth sores associated with an inability of the child to control his or her saliva.

•  Conjunctivitis (defined as pink or red conjunctiva with white or yellow eye discharge, often with matted eye lids after sleep and eye pain or redness of the eyelids or skin surrounding the eye), until examined by a physician and approved for readmission.

•  Tuberculosis, until the child's physician or local health department authority states that the child is noninfectious.