The Institute for Learning and Teaching | 801 Oval Drive | Fort Collins, CO 80523-1052 | (970) 491-2032 |

Graduate Teaching Certificate Program

Workshop/Seminar Review Form

Date: ___11/18/10______

Workshop/Seminar Title: ___Developing Effective Lesson Plans______

Presenter/Facilitator: __Dr. Lisa Langstraat______

Please keyboard your answers into this document using as much space as it takes to fully answer each question. Being a word document, the space below each question will expand as you type, pushing the rest of the questions farther down the page.

Once complete, please upload to your ePortfolio. Remember, the GraduateTeaching Certificate requires that you have attended and reviewed six pedagogical workshops or seminars.

  1. Explain the central topic and purpose of the workshop/seminar. What are the presenter/facilitator’s goals for this workshop?

The aims of this workshop were first to answer student questions about the Graduate Teaching Certificate and to clarify any areas of confusion. Most of the time following this was devoted to providing the audience with tips on what headings to include in a lesson plan, how to embellish these headings with useful and descriptive details, and how to shift the intent of the lesson plan from an instructor guide to an example of professional work.

  1. What information in the workshop/seminar was most valuable to you?

I was glad to learn that many student teachers create separate portfolios for each type of work they engage in. For example, most of my teaching thus far has been in the community environment teaching small groups of adults how to cook and plan healthy meals. I could formulate lesson plans for these classes as well as for an undergraduate nutrition class, and include either depending on what audience I intend for my portfolio.

  1. How will you connect that information to your own pedagogical endeavors?

This illuminated the fact that I can use and adapt many of the teaching techniques I learn in the academic environment to the community. People learn in different ways, but some of the concepts will remain the same. I could write lesson plans for an undergraduate teaching class and then adapt those later for use in a community environment.

  1. After attending this workshop/seminar, what additional information would you like to seek about this subject?

I would like to explore more examples of “Assessment” in a lesson plan. We discussed how the Assessment category is essential so that a teacher can have a plan of how he or she will know if the class was useful and should be repeated and/or revised. One way of doing this is to ask students directly what they learned, or to quiz them briefly at the end of class. This, however, may work better in some environments than others. I would like to know how best to accomplish this with an adult audience, especially in a situation where one does not want to risk intimidating them.

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