Subject line: Baby Dedication Enquiry

Dear %firstname% %lastname%,

We are so happy that you have decided to dedicate your childto the Lord and are privileged that you have chosen to do this with RhemaFamily Church.

Children are a blessing and a heritage from the Lord and raising a child is anhonour and one of life’s greatest joys.We know that to raise a child requires a great deal of wisdom, strength,patience and insight, among many other things.We know too that God will give you, as parents, the grace and ability to raiseyour child and by choosing to dedicate them, you have acknowledgedthis fact.

God’s grace abounds to parents who call on Him for help and wisdom. In fact,in dedicating your child, you are actually dedicating yourselves, not only to thetask of being a parent, but also toGod, to rely on His help and guidancethrough the many years ahead.

One of our team will contact you withthe next available date for baby dedications.We look forward to sharing this joyful time with you and your family.


Tony & Patsy Cameneti
Senior Pastors

Subject line: Baby Dedication Preparation

Dear %firstname% %lastname%,

Congratulations on the birth of ...... We are so happy that you havedecided to dedicate your child to the Lord and are privileged that you havechosen to do that with the Rhema Family Church.

Again, children are a blessing and a heritage from the Lord and raising a child is anhonour and one of life’s greatest joys. We know that God will give you, as parents, the ability and graceto raiseyour child. In dedicating your child, you are actually dedicating yourselves, not only to thetask of being a parent, but also to God, to rely on His help and guidancethrough the many years ahead. Remember thatGod’s grace abounds to parents who call on Him for help and wisdom.

At the Dedication Service you will be asked if you agree to raise this child “inthe nurture and admonition of the Lord.”Simply put, you will be asked if you will raise your child under God’s directionand teach your child about the Love of God as demonstrated in the Gospel ofJesus Christ.We trust that you will prepare your hearts for this special occasion.

The Dedication Service will be Sunday Morning ...... at the10:30amservice. We will have reserved seating for you on the East side of the auditorium.

We look forward to sharing this joyful time with you and your family.


Tony &Patsy Cameneti
Senior Pastors