151 Chardon Avenue, Chardon, Ohio 44024-1089
Andrew R. Fetchik, Principal
Michael J. Sedlak, Assistant Principal
Drew E. Trimble, Assistant Principal
Doug B. Snyder, Athletic Director
December 9, 2010
Dear Parents/Guardians:
The holiday season is in full swing. I hope that all of you have an opportunity to step back, catch your breath, and take a moment to truly enjoy the spirit of the holiday.
This year at Chardon High School, our students will be participating in semester exams on Wednesday, January 19th and Thursday, January 20th. These exams give our teachers the ability to measure our student’s competency in their academic disciplines and the effectiveness of the classroom teacher’s instruction. We will be following a modified block schedule for those two days. Each day, your child will be required to attend all of their academic classes, but will have the option of leaving during the day for lunch and/or during their study hall time(s). Supervision will be provided for students that choose to stay on campus during their study hall and lunch time. Please remember, attendance will still be taken daily. If your child will be absent, please report this absence with the attendance office – 440.286.0523.
Transportation services will follow the same morning and afternoon schedule as usual. Similarly, breakfast and lunch will be served by our food service staff throughout the day.
Please take a moment to view the attached schedule for the week of January 18, 2011. Note there will not be any school on Monday, January 18, 2011, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Nor will there be any classes on Friday, January 22, 2011. Tuesday, January 19, 2011 will be a regular Tuesday for our students with classes beginning at 8:17 A.M.
I wish you all much health and happiness, not just for the holiday, but for all of the New Year.
Andrew R. Fetchik
Monday, January 17, 2011
Martin Luther King Day
No School for Students
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Regular Late Start Day
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
7:00-8:50 Breakfast served
7:30-8:50 Period 1
9:00-10:20 Period 2
10:30-11:50 Period 5/6 Lunch served
12:00-1:00 Lunch served
1:10-2:31 Period 7/8
Thursday, January 20, 2011
7:00-8:50 Breakfast served
7:30-8:50 Period 3
9:00-10:20 Period 4
10:30-11:50 Period 9 Lunch served
12:00-1:00 Lunch served
1:10-2:31 Period 10
Friday, January 21, 2011
Records Day
No School for Students
· In the event of a calamity day, the exam schedule will move to the following day. (Wednesday to Thursday, Thursday’s schedule to Monday, January 24)
Administration: 440.285.4057
Student Services: 440.285.4059
Guidance: 440.285.4060
Fax: 440.285.9463