7th November 2016

Dear Parents

It is now less than two weeks away until this year’s Autumn Ball!

Once again this is proving to be a popular occasion and tickets have been selling fast. There are still tickets available, so if you haven’t yet sent in your booking form please do so this week as all bookings and payments must be completed by this Friday 11th November. Booking forms can be found in the PTA section on the school’s website and payment can be made via Parent Pay.

The PTA wish to give our thanks to those who have already offered auction and raffle prizes to support this year’s Autumn Ball. Whilst being a wonderful social and entertaining evening, this is a major fundraising event and every penny raised goes towards the school to benefit all of our children. However, we still really need even more prizes!

The highlight of the evening will be the Headteacher’s auction and prize draw. We would be delighted to receive any further donations or support for these prizes. Examples of suitable auction prizes include: signed memorabilia, event tickets, electronic devices / smart TVs, weekend use of a holiday home, Spa and beauty vouchers, golf days, health club membership, shopping/restaurant vouchers. However, if you have any other possible suggestions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact.

Please send all raffle prize donations into school this week. We would be grateful for any suitable items, big or small, to help create luxury hampers and prizes. Please have a look around for items to donate such as gift vouchers, gift sets, champagnes/wines, luxury chocolates etc. We really value any donation or contribution you can make.

Profit matching Last year’s ball made a record breaking profit largely due to our fantastic parents who were able to use profit matching schemes available at their place of work. Does your company offer a Profit Matching Scheme? Any companies able to match the profits raised will be gratefully thanked in the souvenir ball programme.

Advertise your business The St. Bernard’s Ball Souvenir Programme is an excellent way to promote and advertise your business. £50 half page, £100 full page (A5)

Thank you for all your support from buying tickets to making donations – every bit of support makes a huge difference. If you can make a contribution, please send it into school this week, marked for The PTA Autumn Ball. If you need to you can contact me on 07798 820435 or .

Thank you,

Emma O’Driscoll & Caroline Barry

On behalf of the St Bernard’s PTA