Inter-Club Council


1499 N. State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 - (951) 487-3800 (front desk)

28237 La Piedra Road, Menifee, CA 92584 - (951) 639-5800 (front desk)

Minutes for Regular Meeting

Monday, September 26, 2011

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Inter-Club Council met, commencing at 1:30 P.M. on Monday September 26, 2011 in Room 851-MVC, and Room 205-SJC. The starting time listed for the meeting is approximate. Public testimony will be invited in conjunction with discussion on each item.

I.  Opening of Meeting

A.  Call to Order – 1:40 pm

B.  Pledge of Allegiance

C.  Roll Call

ICC President – Joseph Stacy

A 2nd Chance Club


American Sign Language & Culture Club

Amnesty International & Culture Club


The Atheist Club, a Society for Intellectual Thinking Club

The CARE Club

Ceramics Club

Challenge Club

Christians on Campus Club

Communications Studies Club

MSJC Eagles Veterans and Dependent Organization Club


MSJC Masqueraders Theatre Club

Mu Alpha Theta Club

Phi Theta Kappa Club

MSJC Political Science Club

Poetry & Music Club

Puente Club

Psych Club

Random Acts of Movement

Rotaract Club


Upward Bound Club

SGA Advisor (Interim) – Sandi Uhrig

Visitors: Marina Fuentes “Take Back the Night”

D.  Review and Approval of 9/19/11 ICC Meeting Minutes

Motion: Second:

Minutes were not available for approval, they will be approved at the next meeting

II.  ICC Club Reports & Information

* ‘a2ndChance”reorted that there will be a guest speaker for National Hispanic Heritage Month on the San Jacinto Campus, Tues Oct 4th from 12:30-1:30 in room 1500 theatre & Thurs Oct 13th MVC in room 600-Sr. Deputy District Attorney Gerry Lopez will tell his story.

*Masqueraders requests a reimbursement be added to the next agenda, Sione will e-mail the information and bring the supporting documents to Sandi’s office.

*EVDO reported on the Veteran’s Day Celebration that will be held on Tues Nov 8th on MVC & Thurs Nov 10th on SJC. The lunch will be free for veterans. These events will be held during College Hour 12:00-2:00 in the campus quads.

* Political Science Club will be showing 3 films- Nov 3rd 12:30-1:45 in room 927 MVC during College hour, Nov 7th room 2006 during College Hour and an additional film that was slated for Oct 13th, but will be rescheduled due to there being 2 other events held that day.

*American Sign Language and Culture Club wants to hold a Halloween Carnival event on Oct 27th & 28th on MVC. They would like to have vendors and games and things in front of the LRC in the grassy area.

*Mu Alpha Theta is working on setting up tutoring for students.

*Phi Theta Kappa will be hosting David Faber a Holocaust survivor in room 1500 theatre on Thurs Oct 13th from 12:00-2:00-admission will be $5

*ICC Advisors Report-The following clubs haven’t turned in their charters and or membership forms: ASL&CC, Care, Challenge Club, Christians on Campus, Communication Studies Club, FAVE Global Brigades, Multi Discipline Business, Mu Alpha Theta, Puente, SAWNS, Upward Bound, The Atheist Club.

III.  Public Comment

This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Inter-Club Council on issues not already appearing on the agenda. A limit of 5 minutes per speaker and 20 minutes per topic shall be enforced.

IV.  Discussion Items

A.  Send Silence Packing Oct 6th SJC-Clubs can have a table-Poetry & Music Club will participate

B.  SGA October BBQ-Fall Fest Oct 18th MVC & Oct 20th SJC, American Sign Language and Culture Club wants a table

V.  Action Items [block vote] Motion: Lauren- ASL&CC Second: Myrna-Ceramics

A.  Change ICC meetings to the 1st and third Mondays of each month

B.  Approve Club Charter and Membership Form:

i.  Poetry & Music Club

ii.  EVDO Fundraiser (Snacks) at Valley Wide and Diamond Valley Recreation-ongoing through the 2011-2012 SY.

iii.  Reimburse Monica Escamilla for snacks.

VI.  Adjournment 2:15 p.m.

Motion: Christian-Atheist Club Second:Natasha-FAVE

Additional information or available background material regarding any item on the agenda may be obtained by contacting the ICC President at (951) 487-3380 prior to the meeting.

MSJC Inter-Club Council meetings are open and minutes recorded per The Brown Act of California. Minutes shall be subject to inspection by members of the public in accordance with The Brown Act.

The next scheduled meeting will be 10/3/11, 1:30 P.M.-2:30 P.M. Room 200 SJC-Room 851 MVC

Conference Room Numbers ICC Contact Information

MVC-Room 805 (639-5888) Joseph

MVC-Room 851 (639-5840) Sandi Uhrig –

SJC - Room 200 (487-3886) ICC Secretary Rosemary Soto,
SJC-Room 1111 (487- )

Subject Line:

ICC – Request to add Item

E-mail agenda items to Joseph, Sandi and Rosemary

Deadline for request items is Tuesday

At noon (72 hours before next Monday’s meeting)

Reminder: When you plan out an event and activity form to

Send the club minutes for the backup documentation to show

The members voted on the event/activity.