June, 2012
Subject, 2nd of Five Fraudulent WIDNR’s Dive Summary (Short Version)
Refer to attached; WIDNR’s Methodology for Creating Fraudulent Assessment Records, and Compare this record to the 4th of Five Fraudulent WIDNR’s YOY Gill Net record. In the Dive Summary record and Young of Year record the WIDNR used the same vertical numbering patterns and that’s why it was so easy to predict the 120, four-months before being posted by the WIDNR.
Below is the Original WIDNR Dive Summary record taken from
We did color their original numbers but we never changed them. The color is for clarity in this shorter version .
The only columns relevant are, Year and (Egg masses found (#) in this shorter easily understood version. The only relevant years are 2001 thru 2007, the rest is meaningless fluff whose only purpose is to deceive, impress, amaze, dazzle and confuse and the naïve.
Year / Diver Bottom Time (hrs) / Egg masses found (#) / Area covered (m2) / # egg masses per 1000 m21997 / 31:40 / 9 / 18,000 / 0.50
1998 / 12:48 / 0 / 9,200 / 0.00
1999 / - / - / - / -
2000 / 1:10 / 8 / 4,225 / 1.89
2001 / 4.5 / 223 / 30,600 / 7.29
2002 / 8.0 / 573 / 49,701 / 11.53
2003 / 6.5 / 246 / 24,526 / 10.04
2004 / 4.75 / 1^ / 21,760 / 0.046
2005 / 6.0 / 493 / 41,988 / 11.74
2006 / 5.3 / 339 / 30,065 / 11.27
2007 / 5.3 / 378 / 34,960 / 10.81
2008 / 6.3 / 15^^ / 28,800 / 0.52
2009 / 6.0 / 222 / 38,182 / 5.8
2010 / 5.3 / 84^^ / 45,987 / 1.83
2011 / 6.6 / 55^^ / 54,300 / 1.01
^ Obvious Anomalythe #1 year 2004. ^^ Obvious other Anomalies 15, 84, 55, those additional number gave the WIDNR the added ability add more encrypted numbers in this and other records that we address in longer versions.
Where, Why and How is the 2253 in this WIDNR record Encrypted? All Red and Blue numbers added equal 2253.
Where, Why and How is the 167 in this WIDNR record Encrypted?Red numbers added equal 1210. Blue numbers added equal 1043. Subtract the Blues (1043) from the Reds (1210 ) remainder is their 167.
Methodology for Creating Fraudulent Assessment Records, refer to the WIDNR’s Dive Summary record above.
When starting with a predetermined number, which the WIDNR uses in all their records, you will see how easy and simple it was for us and the WIDNR to create fraudulent records, saying whatever they desire, which they can then use to support their fraudulent records. Big difference we never misappropriated public funds to create our Dive Summary assessment record. This WIDNR record, we know can be created on any computer using an Excel spread-sheet. We know and can prove that, because we were able to do just that. Refer to the; WIDNR’s Methodology for Creating Fraudulent Assessment Records, and see how easily it is to create numerous years of assessment records in less than one hour. Available from us at, .
Less than a Minute to Quickly Create the WIDNR’s 2002 Yearly Numbers refer to the above WIDNR’s original Dive Summary record.
Example, for creating a fraudulent starting with the predetermined number 2253. In the yearly Egg masses found (#) column, the WIDNR for 2002, used 25.44% of 2253 and entered 573in Egg masses found (#) column,. In the Area covered (m2) they can insert any realistic number because the # egg masses per 1000 m2 number will always be correct. In thiscase they opted for 49,701. Divide the 573 by 49,701 that equal .0115289 x 1000 = 11.53 they entered in # egg masses per 1000 m2 column. The Dive Bottom Time (hrs) is meaning fluff only to again impress, amaze, dazzle and fool the naïve. Where can this work be done, same place we did it at any PC.