Application for a grant to formulatethe R-PP

v.2 rev (October 19, 2010)

Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)

Readiness Mechanism

Application for a Grant to formulate the Readiness Preparation Proposal(R-PP)

The objective of the Grant is to assist a REDD Country Participant in the FCPF to develop its Readiness Preparation Proposal(R-PP), following the latest R-PP template available on the FCPF website (

The preparation of the R-PP involvesmaking proposals for the following activities:

  1. Organizing and consulting, i.e., setting up the national REDD readiness management arrangements and carrying out stakeholder consultations;
  2. Preparing the national REDD strategy, i.e., assessing the country’s land use, forest policy and governance to identify the drivers of deforestation and/or forest degradation; developing a set of policies and programs for addressing these drivers; and setting out institutional, economic, legal and governance arrangements that may be necessary for the country to implement its REDD strategy;
  3. Developing a reference scenario of land-use change and emissions;
  4. Designing a monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system for emission and removals and other benefits and impacts;
  5. Scheduling and budgeting the tasks above; and
  6. Designing a program monitoring and evaluation framework.

The REDD Country Participant prepares this application and discusses it with the World Bank task team. Based on the application, the REDD Country Participant and Bank task team determine the most appropriate procurement[1], disbursement and auditing methods for the purposes of the Grant.The World Bank task team has to clear this Application before Grant funds can be disbursed.

  1. Procurement: These activities to be undertaken in the six components listed above are likely to entail several contracts. The REDD Country Participant is encouraged to propose the contractual arrangements it would like to see, in order to facilitate discussion with the Bank task team;
  2. Disbursement: Disbursements are likely to entail the following categories: Consultant Services; Local Training / Workshop / Stakeholder Consultation; Goods; and Operating Costs.

Once the Application is cleared, the task team creates a formal grant request in the Bank’s GFR platform and follows the appropriate approval procedures.

The tables below are designed to facilitate the REDD Country Participant’s justification and organization of its grant request to prepare an R-PP.

A. Basic Information
A.1Grant Recipient Country
A.2 Grant Amount up to US$ 200,000(must match totals of sections B and C)
A.3 National authority approving the Grant request

Please provide signed letter of the national authority confirming request

B. Grant Expenditure Categories and Amount (in US$)
B.1 Consultant services[2]
B.2 Local training, workshops, stakeholder consultations
B.3 Goods
(not to exceed 10% of the Grant amount)
B.4 Operating costs[3]
Total Grant Amount (must match totals of sectionsA.2 and C)
C. Activities to be Financed by the Grant (in US$)
Activity / Consultant Services / Local Training / Workshop / Stakeholder Consultation / Goods[4] / Operating Costs / Total
C.1Organize and consult
C.2 Prepare the national REDD strategy
C.3 Develop a reference scenario
C.4 Design an MRV system
C.5 Scheduling and budgeting
C.6 Design a program monitoring and evaluation framework
(must match totals of sections A.2 and B)

The activities should match the ones the REDD Country Participants proposes to undertake in the R-PP. If necessary,please submit a worksheetin annex showing the detail of the activities above (e.g., the break-down of activity C.4 into sub-activities C.4.a, C.4.b, etc.).

D. Implementation Arrangements
D.1 Implementing Agency: Name and Address
D.2 Contact Name, Telephone, Fax, Email
E. Coordination with Other Partners
List the partners (internal or external, including bilaterals, multilaterals, NGOs, foundations, etc.) who might provide co-financing for the preparation of the various R-PP components.
(must match the activities in section C) / Partner
(name) / Co-financing
(mention US$ amount)

Annex 1: Goods to be acquired and estimated cost


[1]World Bank procurement guidelines on the hiring of consultants can be found at the purchase of goods, the guidelines are available at

[2]These may include items such as technical experts; studies; surveys; feasibility designs; environmental and social impact assessments; economic and financial analysis; project management and administration experts; and grant audits.

[3]Operating costs refers to the costs of project implementation units, office facilities, rent, secretarial service, transportation, electricity, water, telephone, staff salaries and communications (telephone, fax and internet access).

[4]Please provide the detail of the goods to be acquired and the estimated cost in a separate table (Annex 1).