Town of Embarrass
Post Office Project Meeting
July 31, 2017
Present: Zane Beaton, Bernie Mettler, Roy Worsham, Mary Novak, Jennifer Boese
Visitors: Paul Knuti, Bill Wright, Charlie Fowler
Meeting was called to order by Zane with The Pledge of Allegiance at 6:00 pm.
Zane explains the phone calls that took place in Clerks office earlier during the day about the report received from NTS. After several conversations with MPCA and NTS. LaurieKania, Project Manager for Petroleum Remediation explained that the Union 76 site is a closed leak site and no cleanup is needed. Just because the smell of gas was detecteddoesn’t mean it is contaminated. There is no reason why we cannot move forward on the project Laurie said. If contamination is detected/seen it should be reported and theifsoil is to be removed it must be disposed of properly, it can also be used under the pavement. The township owns the site, once the soil leaves the site it must be dealt with correctly. She stated we could hire a consultant to look over us as we are removing soil but that is out choice. Visitor stated that needs to be in writing, it was told to the visitor that we are waiting for the email from Laurie.(Email received from Laurie later in the evening)
Visitor was confused on the well. We will know more about the state of the well once we start digging and will have to go from there. Water samples will be taken to test for contamination. The soil will also be tested once it is compacted. The idea of clay being mixed with the soil right on location was given, which would make the soil hard. Bernie said he will contact C&C Winger to discuss moving forward on the work. Clerk will look into using some of the grant money for the testing that has and will be done.
Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm.
Next regular meeting will be held on August 9th and the Post Office Project will be on the agenda.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jennifer Boese