201508-(82650) - MAS 2103-002- Matrix Theory – Hoffman, Frederick
Office: S&E 212A
Phone: (561) 297-3345
Fax: (561) 297-2436
Department phone: (561) 297-3340
Class is held TTh8:00-9;20AM in ED 114Office hours: MTWTh10-10:50AM and by appointment—appointments are suggested even during office hours.
This is a fairly standard introductory course in matrix theory/linear algebra at the lower division undergraduate level. The prerequisite for the course is a semester of calculus. We begin at the very beginning of matrix theory, and we rely much more on college algebra than on calculus.
We shall treat the material in Chapters 1-8 of our textbook, pretty much keeping to the outline the author suggests on his page xi. although the schedule is tentative. Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Understand matrix algebra and use matrices to solve systems of linear equations.
Compute determinants and understand their applications to the theory of systems of linear equations. Understand vector algebra in the plane, and compute lengths of vectors, angles between vectors, and equations of lines and planes.
Understand the notions of basis and dimension of general vector spaces, and compute the row space, column space, and null space of a matrix.
Apply the Gram-Schmidt algorithm to obtain an orthonormal basis of a subspace, and apply orthogonal projections to find least squares solutions of systems of linear equations.
Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a square matrix and understand the notion of diagonalization of a matrix.
Demonstrate technical facility with linear transformations and their relationship to matrices.
Apply the process of mathematical modeling to real-world problem situations.
The four tests (100 points each) will count 15% of the grade each. The final examination (200 points) will count 40%. There will be unannounced quizzeson the homework, and the total may be used to replace one test, if this will benefit the student. Students may use scientific calculators on tests, but not graphing calculators. Students should show FAU id to take tests. A student who has a legitimate reason for missing a test will have the opportunity to make up the test. For a student to be considered for a make-up, the instructor must be notified a week in advance of the test, if the student knows in advance, and within 24 hours after the test is missed, otherwise. Notification must be in writing (email is fine), although also discussing it face-to-face is a good idea. The grading scale is:
A: 90% - 100% / B: 80% - 83% / C: 65% - 72%A-: 87% - 89% / B-: 77% - 79% / D: 60% - 64%
B+: 83% - 86% / C+: 73% - 76% / D-: 55% - 59%
We shall be using the text, Elementary Linear Algebra (EleventhEdition) by Howard Anton, published in 2014 by Wiley. The version ordered by the instructor is the FAU Binder-Ready Version, but you may order the hardback, or the ebook, if you wish. Any version of the eleventh edition, including the “with Applications” version, with Rorer, can be used. If you use a different edition of the text, or choose not to use the text, you are responsible for getting the assignments. This is a three-credit course.
The following schedule is subject to modification. We shall usually cover three sections per full week. You should read a section at least once before we cover it, and do the problems right after we cover it.
dates / Chapters / Problems / testsAug 18-20 / 1 / 1.1/odds;
Aug 25-27 / 1 / 1.4//1-37odd43,46;
1.5/1-29 odd;
Sep 1-3 / 1 / 1.7/{4n+1, n=0,…,8}
1.8/1-27 odd
Sept 8 / 1 / Test / Sep 8
Sep 8-10 / 2 / 2.1/1-31 odd
2.2/1-25 odd
2.3/1-29 odd
Sep 15-17 / 3 / 3.1/1-27 odd
3.3/ {4n + 1, n= 0,…,8}
Sep 22 / 3 / 3.4/ 1-25 odd
Sep 24 / 3 / Test / Sep 24
Sep 29-Oct 1 / 4 / 4.1/odds
4.2/1-21 odd
4.3/1-21 odd
Oct 6-8 / 4 / 4.4/1-19 odd
4.5/{4n + 1};20
4.6/1-19 odd
Oct 13-15 / 4 / 4.7/{4n + 1, n =0,…,6}
Oct 20 / 4 / 4.10/odd-25
Oct 22 / 4 / Test / Oct 21
Oct 27-29 / 5 / 5.1/odd-25;33
Nov 3-5 / 6 / 6.1/odd-27
6.3/{4n+1, n=0,…,10}
Nov 10-12 / 7 / 7.5/odd-25
Nov 17 / 5-7 / Test / Nov 17
Nov 19 / 8 / 8.1/odd-31
Nov 24 / 8 / 8.3/odd-17
Nov 31 / 1-8 / Review (Optional)
The final examination will be held 7:45-10:15am December 8, in the regular classroom, ED 114.
In order to enhance and maintain a productive atmosphere for education, personalcommunication devices, such as cellular telephones and pagers, are required to be disabled during class sessions. Students using the ebook may use electronic devices (to access the ebook), but this is the only exception.
Regular attendance is expected. Announcements made in class are assumed to have been communicated to all students. The instructor will not reply to email with requests like, “I missed class yesterday, because I had to drive my friend’s aunt to the airport. Could you tell me what you covered, and whether any of it is important?” Students are expected to check their FAU email regularly. This is how announcements are communicated to students between classes.
I strongly recommend that you take advantage of the services of the Math Learning Center! Their announcement follows.
The Math Learning Center (MLC), located in GS211, is staffed by graduate students (and instructors) in mathematics as well as undergraduate tutors. The MLC provides the following FREE academic support services for FAU students:
1.Drop-in tutoring during all hours of operation
Monday – Thursday: 9am – 6pm
Friday: 9am – 4pm
2.Small group tutoring by appointment
Email OR see the Assistant Director in GS211E
3.eTutoring (remote online tutoring)
Find the schedule at
4.Review sessions
Find announcements at for face to face reviews
Find announcements at for online reviews
Recordings of online reviews are posted here for the semester
5.SAM LAB: Succeed At Methods: See your SAM Specialist!
Additional homework help for Methods of Calculus is available in computer lab GS207 Monday through Friday from 12-4pm
Find the schedule at
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA), students who require reasonable accommodations due to a disabilityto properly execute coursework must register with the Office for Students withDisabilities (OSD) -- in Boca Raton, SU 133 (561-297-3880); in Davie, LA240 (954-236-1222); in Jupiter, SR 110 (561-799-8010); or at the TreasureCoast, CO 117 (772-873-3441) – and follow all OSD procedures.
Honor Code
Students at Florida Atlantic University are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because
it interferes with the university mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the university community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see University Regulation 4.001 at