Name: ______HR: ______

Matter and Energy Ch 1 – Study Guide

1.  Matter is anything that has mass and volume

2.  An atom is the basic unit of matter.

3.  Weight is the downward pull on an object due to gravity

4.  Mass is a measure of how much matter an object contains

5.  What is the volume of a box that is 5 cm by 10 cm by 2 cm? 100 cm³

5.  Volume is the amount of space that mater in an object occupies

6.  2 ways to find volume are

1. Water Displacement

2. Length x width x height

7.  A pure substance has how many components? one type of component

8.  A compound is a substance that consists of two or more different types of atoms bonded together.

9.  An element is a substance that contains only a single type of atom

10. An example of a compound is examples will vary: carbon dioxide, salt

11. A heterogeneous mixture is when a mixture has different properties in different areas of the mixture

12. A homogeneous mixture is when a mixture is evenly spread throughout the mixture and you can’t tell one part of the mixture from the other

13. Give two examples of a heterogeneous mixture: answers will vary – fruit salad etc…

14. Give two examples of a homogeneous mixture: answers will vary – milk etc…

15. Explain how the particles are arranged in each of the following:

16. A molecule is when two or more atoms bond/combine together and an example of a molecule is water H²O

17. What happens to gas molecules as they heat up? Gas molecules move faster at higher temperatures than at lower temperatures.

18. Answer the following two questions on a separate sheet of notebook paper. Be sure to use complete sentences:

a.  In a short paragraph, explain how these terms are related: atom, element, molecule, compound, and matter. Atoms are the smallest basic units of matter. All matter is made up of atoms. Elements are made up of only one type of atom and cannot be broken down. Molecules are made up of two or more atoms that are bonded together. A molecule can be made of atoms that are made of different atoms or atoms that are alike. A compound is a substance that consists of two or more different types of atoms bonded together.

b.  Describe the difference between a solid, liquid, and gas. Be sure to talk about the movement of particles, the shape, and the volume.

Solid: The movement of particles in a solid can vibrate but are fixed in one

Place. The shape and volume of a solid are fixed.

Liquid: The movement of particles in a liquid can slide freely past one

another. Liquids don’t have a fixed shape but have a fixed volume. Liquids

take on the shape of their container.

Gas: The movement of particles in a gas can move freely in any direction.

Gases have no fixed shape or volume. However, they can take the shape

and Volume of a container.